Description: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underscores the importance of robust monitoring frameworks to track progress toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. Underpinning the 2030 Agenda, the global SDG indicator framework plays a critical role in providing the data necessary for evidence-based policymaking, promotes transparency, and fosters accountability across local, national, and global levels. As part of its mandate under General Assembly resolution A/RES/71/313, the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) recently completed the 2025 Comprehensive Review to ensure the framework remains relevant, adaptive, and aligned with evolving global priorities.
Description: This workshop is intended for government officials engaged in coordinating and preparing voluntary national reviews (VNRs) in countries conducting review at the July 2025 High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF). The workshop will facilitate practical exchange of experiences and knowledge among countries, as well as explore specific issues and challenges related to the VNR preparations.
Description: This workshop is intended for government officials engaged in coordinating and preparing voluntary national reviews (VNRs) in countries conducting review at the July 2025 High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF). The workshop will facilitate practical exchange of experiences and knowledge among countries, as well as explore specific issues and challenges related to the VNR preparations.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course offers participants the opportunity to explore and interpret key techniques in data visualizationboth for data exploration and effective data presentation. Learners will analyzeevaluateand apply essential principles of data visualization through dedicated case studiesaddressing the challenges of visualizing complex datasets. The course emphasizes strategies for visualizing multi-dimensional data and introduces practical methods for representing statistical indicators on maps and within dashboards.While the course introduces popular softwareit is not focused on any particular tool. Participants are encouraged to use the software of their choicetailoring the techniques to their specific needs.Designed as an interactive e-learning experiencethe course comprises six moduleseach following a structured progression with mandatory pedagogical activities. These include videosinteractive contentchatslive lectureswebinarsdocument readingsexerciseshomework assignmentspollsand quizzesall aimed at engaging participants in active learning and application of the material.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Description: The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the availability of high-qualitytimely and reliable data to produce the relevant SDG indicators and other statisticsdisaggregated as relevant. To meet this needofficial statistics must modernize and incorporate new data sourcesincluding Big Data. At its 53rd session in 2022the Statistical Commission underscored the importance of mainstreaming the use of big data and data science into the work programmes of national statistical offices and the necessity to include training in big data and data science into the training curricula of national statistical offices. This course is a first response to this injunction by sharing experienceand providing the pedagogical activities required for understanding the process leading to the production and dissemination of official statistics and SDGs with new data sources.The course Big DataInnovative Methods and Applications for Achieving organized by the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific (UNSIAP)with the contribution of the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (SeoulKorea) will be conducted from 21 to 25 October 2024in ChibaJapan.
Description: Save the date to attend the fifteenth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs). The meeting will be held in person from 21 to 23 October 2024 in Oslo, Norway.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ILO
Description: The causes and consequences of informal employment and employment in informal sector and their impact on achieving sustainable development continues to gain attention in national development agendas. The evidence in developing and emerging economies shows that on average the proportions of people in informal employment ranges from close to two thirds in emerging economies to nearly 90% in low-income countries. Thereforeevery national policy targeting povertysocial protectionor decent work needs to recognise the role of the informal economy in national development. Yetthe lack of data and statistics on the informal economy hinders the capacity of countries to better inform decisions and development policies. This regional training course brings together statisticians and labour analysts from Asia-Pacific national statistical systems to discuss technical aspects and share experiences in the production and use of statistics on informality.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat EFTA FSO Switzerland
Description: The objective sof this course are: * To provide participants with a theoretical and methodological background on the development of indicator systems, especially in the context of monitoring SDGs; * To build up a common understanding of terms, definitions, as well as the role and limits of official statistics in the construction and maintenance of indicator systems; * To provide knowledge about the links between policy makers and other users of indicators and the statistical community providing data and indicators; * The course will not address the following topics: ** Construction of individual indicators; ** Construction of data platforms and reporting procedures for SDGs monitoring; ** Use of indicators in statistical models.
Target Audience: Staff members working in the field of monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or of economic, social or environmental statistics or who need to extend their knowledge on how to use indicators and indicator systems
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ESCAP Government of Mongolia
Description: Quality data are vital for enabling governmentsinternational organizationscivil societyprivate sector and the general public to make informed decisions and to ensure the accountability of representative bodies. Effective planningfollow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires the collectionprocessinganalysis and dissemination of an unprecedented amount of data and statistics at localnationalregional and global levels and by multiple stakeholders.
Description: The ESCAP-ASEAN Workshop on Tracking Progress Against the SDGs Tracker aims to convene technical experts from the ASEAN Secretariat and national statistical agencies and institutions of ASEAN Member States involved in the compilation, reporting, and monitoring of activities related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The primary objective is to equip WGSDGI members with the skills to effectively utilize statistical indicators and quality data for tracking SDG implementation progress. Participants will have the opportunity to understand how SDG progress is being tracked, identify their countries’ strengths and gaps in SDG tracking, and explore ESCAP’s methodology and the SDG Tracker tool. This workshop will demonstrate how these tools can support and streamline SDG assessments at the national level. Target participants ASEAN Secretariat and members of the ASEAN Working Group on SDG Indicators (WGSDGI) from the national statistical agencies and institutions involved in the compilation, reporting, and monitoring of activities related to the SDGs.
Description: The webinar will be held on 20th August 2024, 11:00-12:00hr Bangkok Time (UTC+7). ESCAP Statistics Division continues to support member states in strengthening their statistical capacity to produce relevant data to monitor the 2030 agenda. Different countries are at various stages of progress in implementing SDGs and face different challenges while adapting all the time. The most critical aspect of monitoring SDG progress is data. Data is produced by different agencies in a country. As part of implementing SDGs as a global development agenda, countries have adopted different approaches to suit their specific national contexts. Others have created national action plans as a way of implementing SDGs and overall national SDG progress across various goals and targets. This webinar will showcase the process of creating a national action plan for implementing and monitoring SDGs by the National Development Planning Agency of Indonesia (Bappenas). The webinar will give insights on how key users of statistics apply data in national development planning in practice. , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Description: The 2024 United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF) presents a unique opportunity to turn dialogue into actionable commitments, accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This webinar marks the official launch of the UNWDF Commitments Campaign, inviting stakeholders from all sectors to join the movement and commit to transforming data into impact. The following key topics will be covered: Introduce the UNWDF Commitments Campaign and its goals. Showcase examples of current commitments from diverse sectors. Provide guidance and answer questions on how to submit and promote commitments. Speakers:
Within this context, the UN Statistics Division is organizing an expert group meeting on the use of non-traditional data sources and data integration for the SDGs. More specifically, the meeting will :
Review national and global practices on the use of non-traditional data sources and an integration of data sources for SDGs;
Review progress and provide guidance in piloting and implementing the Copenhagen Framework on Citizen Data;
Review and provide input to the draft guideline on the quality framework for non-traditional data sources and integrated data sources;
Seek guidance on a roadmap in supporting countries on the use of non-traditional data sources and data integration.
Organizer(s): UNSD UNICEF Paris21 European Commission
Description: Co-hosted by the State Department of Economic Planning of Kenya, PARIS21, Directorate General of International Partnerships of the European Commission, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), this side event focuses on highlighting the indispensable role of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) in strengthening the evidence-base of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process and the follow-up. The organisers will share best practices from countries and present new analysis and guidance for Governments, who look for ways to boost their capacities for an improved monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for a better data governance. Registration
Description: With only six years remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), accelerating action is paramount if the promise of the SDGs is to be fulfilled. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 offers critical data insights into the current trajectory of SDG implementation. Unfortunately, mounting crises continue to hinder progress on many SDGs, reversing early favorable trends. Registration
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 30 Jul 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Discover the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - monitoring report – 2024 edition” that was published on 18 June and be among the first to learn about the European Union`s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. In this webinar, you will also get an insight into past, present and future perspectives of the global SDG monitoring by the United Nations. The 17 SDGs, which are at the heart of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, provide a comprehensive policy framework worldwide towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities, protecting the environment and tackling climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
Description: Objectives The seminar aims to promote knowledge sharing, capacity building, and networking among UN officers responsible for supporting the development of national statistical systems, aiming to improve the quality, reliability, and relevance of statistics for inclusive decision-making and sustainable development. The event will update participants about the latest global efforts to strengthen and modernize national statistical systems. This includes discussing advancements in data governance, innovative data initiatives, and emerging trends in SDG monitoring. Participants can enhance their skills to support UN partners and national institutions effectively. The seminar also intends to provide a platform for participants to share their experiences and exchange good practices in coordinating development partners and stakeholders. Through interactive sessions and discussions, attendees can learn from each other's successes and challenges. Audience The main participants are Results Monitoring and Data Management Officers from the UN Resident Coordinator’s Offices in the Asia-Pacific region. The event is also open to participants from UN entities based in Bangkok. Presentation Agenda , RCP Data and Statistics Working Group SDG Data and Statistics Clinics SDG Learning Lab
Title in Spanish: Power of Data: Alianzas estratégicas para la generación de datos para el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe
Organizer(s): ECLAC
Description: Evento paralelo de la Séptima reunión del Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible llevada a cabo en Santiago, del 15 al 18 de abril de 2024.
Description: UNSD, under the Data For Now initiative, organized a workshop on using geospatial and statistical data to produce three SDG 11 indicators: 11.2.1 on convenient access to public transport, 11.3.1 on the ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate, and 11.7.1 on access to open public spaces. The national partners have identified these indicators in line with Morocco’s national priorities.
Organizer(s): UNSD Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data World Bank UNDP SDSN TReNDS
Description: This session, jointly organized by the core partners, will share the progress made thus far, as well as the initiative’s future strategic direction. Countries will share concrete work on implementing innovative approaches on their prioritized areas and its link to the national decision-making needs supported through the initiative. This dynamic session will also provide information on how the Data for Now initiative aims to help implement the Power of Data High-Impact initiative, launched at the SDG summit in September 2023, that aims to mobilize political leadership and investment to strengthen data systems and scale progress between now and 2030.
Description: The Data For Now initiative, with technical support from UN-Habitat and contributions from ESCWA, organized a series of training sessions to strengthen technical knowledge and practical capabilities of the relevant members of national statistical system in Jordan to calculate and produce SDG indicators 11.3.1 and 11.7.1. These indicators were chosen by Jordan Department of Statistics (DoS) in close cooperation with all stakeholders line ministries and government departments.
Organizer(s): UNSD Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data World Bank UNDP SDSN TReNDS
Description: This closed meeting will review the progress of the implementation of activities with Data For Now participating countries, core and implementing partners, and donors involved under the Data For Now initiative. Participants will exchange on successes of the work, challenges faced, and how we can work together to improve the progress on activities. The meeting will also discuss the impact of the work, the sustainability aspect, and the priorities ahead.
Description: The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual, inclusive intergovernmental forum to support follow-up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level. The 11th APFSD will be organized from 20-23 February under the theme: “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions in Asia and the Pacific” at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. Click here for more information Subregional preparatory meetings for the APFSD 2024: - South and South-West Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 10-12 October 2023 - North and Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 01-02 November 2023 - South-East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 06-07 November 2023 - East and North-East Asia, Beijing, China, 20-22 November 2023 - Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 21-22 November 2023
Description: The report launch event was held on Thursday, 15 February 2024, from 11:00 to 12:00 hours (Bangkok time, UTC+7), at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand (FCCT), Bangkok and Online via Zoom. Presentation for the launch Opening remarks Attendance summary Report website Full Report: (English | Japanese) | Highlights Blog: Urgent action needed so no one in Asia and the Pacific is left behind UN NEWS: Asia-Pacific off track on path to SDGs, UN data shows (English | Chinese) .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 50%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Key speakers: Lin Yang, Deputy Executive Secretary for Programme, Office of the Executive Secretary, ESCAP Rachael Beaven, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP Moderator: Mitch Hsieh, Chief of Communications and Knowledge Management, ESCAP Key messages As of 2024, how has the Asia-Pacific region progressed for each of the 17 SDGs? How does sex, age, and income influence the chances of being left behind? Are there examples of evidence-based actions taken to achieve the SDGs?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents an ambitious and comprehensive global development agenda to address the most urgent social, economic, and environmental challenges of our times. The monitoring frameworks play a crucial role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by systematic tracking of the progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets of the Agenda, from local to global.
This side event will delve into key aspects of SDG monitoring:
how to transform the SDG data into actionable information;
reflect on the lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and SDGs in terms of measurement and monitoring and discuss the relevance of the SDG monitoring framework in the broader context of well-being measurements and beyond GDP considerations;
share details about the 2025 Comprehensive Review process, including the guiding principles, specific criteria, submission requirements, and timeline.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Description: Quality data are vital for enabling governmentsinternational organizationscivil societyprivate sector and the general public to make informed decisions and to ensure the accountability of representative bodies. Effective planningfollow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires the collectionprocessinganalysis and dissemination of an unprecedented amount of data and statistics at localnationalregional and global levels and by multiple stakeholders.
Description: The effective follow-up and review of progress made towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is essential for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. One of the critical follow-up and review mechanisms is the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) prepared by Member States to be presented at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, countries have made significant strides in enhancing their monitoring frameworks for the SDGs, leading to improved inclusion of data and progress assessments in VNRs and overall SDG reporting.
Description: UNSD participated in the First Global Workshop for the 2024 Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) organized by the DESA and hosted by ECA with the support of the European Union. The workshop facilitated a practical exchange of experiences and knowledge among countries, as well as explored specific issues and challenges related to the VNR preparations. To this end, it engaged officials from finance ministries, statistical offices, planning and sectoral and other ministries and institutions engaged in the VNR at national level. UNSD led the data session in exploring how statistics and data are critical for reviewing progress towards the SDGs. The session explored challenges in the availability and analysis of statistics in the preparation of their VNR and at the same time, the key opportunity to build on countries’ statistical capacities and understand countries’ progress towards the SDGs. The session encouraged countries in developing a data and statistics roadmap for the VNR process following the Practical Guide for Evidence-based VNRs developed by UNSD, based on the national SDG monitoring framework and exploring additional opportunities to fill data gaps. It also provided lessons learned from countries who have presented their VNR in the previous years. In addition, Colombia and Mauritius presented their country experience followed by UNECA highlighting the regional support mechanism. The workshop attracted participation from thirty-four countries slated to present their VNRs in 2024. The event commenced with opening remarks by H.E. Paula Narváez, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations in New York and President of ECOSOC. Mr. Antonio Pedro, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), also extended welcome remarks.
Description: In this Global Network Webinar, we welcomed Yongyi Min, Heather Page, Daniel Eshetie, and Sokunpanha You from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). They shared data and insights from The Sustainable Development Report 2023: Special Edition and supplementary materials and introduced participants to the UN Data Commons for the SDGs. 2023 is the critical midpoint of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To mark this occasion, DESA released a special edition of its annual flagship Sustainable Development Goals Report. Using the latest available data and estimates, this publication provides a comprehensive midpoint assessment of the 2030 Agenda, highlighting not only impacts of multiple crises affecting people's lives and livelihoods, but also areas of progress where acceleration is needed. This report is prepared by DESA, in collaboration with the entire UN Statistical System, consisting of more than 50 international and regional agencies, based on data from over 200 countries and territories. Serving as a companion to the report, The Sustainable Development Goals Progress Chart 2023 presents an overview of global progress with respect to the targets outlined in the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, employing a visual framework of stoplight colours to measure progress towards each target using trend data between the baseline year of 2015 and the most recent year. And enabling access to even more granular SDG data and the visualization and analyses of those data, UNSD recently launched UN Data Commons for the SDGs, a platform integrating authoritative SDG data and information from across the UN System into a public repository with advanced search functionality and a modern, user-friendly interface.
Description: UNSD took part in a regional workshop on core SDG indicators organized by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat at the Central Statistical Office of Trinidad and Tobago in Port-of-Spain. The main objective of the workshop was to provide capacity building and support to CARICOM Member States to fill in data gaps in key areas – especially those that relate to the monitoring of the SDGs. Thirty statisticians from the national statistical offices of CARICOM members attended in person, and another ten?plus participants joined online. At the workshop, UNSD presented on the current state of data availability from CARICOM countries in the UN global SDG indicators database and shared information on resources and initiatives available from UNSD to enhance SDG data availability in the CARICOM region and globally. UNSD also contributed to sessions on data disaggregation; data-driven National Voluntary Reviews; the use of nontraditional data sources, including geospatial and citizen generated data; and Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) for SDG reporting. On the final day, participants were able to use the tools and knowledge gained from the workshop to define data priorities and to develop national work plans to improve the production and dissemination of SDG indicators in each country. Post-workshop, the CARICOM Secretariat plans to conduct follow-up in-country missions with the primary aim of improving the range, quality, and dissemination of SDG indicators with a focus on social, gender, environmental, and information and communication technology (ICT) statistics.
Description: The fourteenth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) will be held in person from 23 to 25 October 2023 at the CPH Conference-DGI Byen in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Description: The 14th meeting of the Inter-agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) took place from 23-25 October 2023, at CPH Conference-DGI Byen in Copenhagen. Close to 110 participants, including representatives from Member States, international and regional organizations and entities, civil society organizations, and academia, attend the meeting. A members’ meeting was held on 23 October and a plenary session with all participants on 24-25 October. The main topics discussed at the meeting included: 1) Updates on work of the IAEG-SDGs working groups on SDMX and Geospatial Information, and the Task Team on Sustainable Tourism 2) Review of SDG indicator data availability and update on tier classification; 3) Refinements of the global SDG framework; 4) Discussion on 2025 Comprehensive Review; 5) Sharing best practices on implementation, monitoring and reporting on SDGs and lessons learned; 6) Data disaggregation and inclusive data; 7) Data partnership and capacity development for SDGs; 8) Data innovations and initiatives for SDGs and 9) IAEG-SDGs Workplan and next steps. In addition, the work of the High-Level Group on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda, the UN World Data Forum, and data related events at the HLPF and SDG Summit were also presented. The recordings of the meeting, background documents, and all presentations are available on the meeting website.
Description: The Inter-agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) held a virtual meeting on 4 October 2023. This was the last virtual meeting prior to the upcoming 14th annual meeting of IAEG-SDGs to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 23-25 October 2023. It was attended by 19 Member States of the working group, FAO and UNSD. Key discussions during the meeting included: Logistics for the 14th IAEG-SDG Meeting: Statistics Denmark provided updates on logistics for the upcoming annual meeting that is planned to take place in Copenhagen. Proxy Discussion for Indicator 2.4.1: FAO presented proxy indicator proposals for Indicator 2.4.1, which has been underreported at the global level To address this data collection challenges, a proxy indicator based on eight sub-indicators with existing national-level data was proposed. A small group of country experts, in collaboration with FAO, reviewed and refined the sub-indicators based on the original proposal to come up with a workable solution that is expected to be adopted at 14th meeting of IAEG-SDGs. Metadata Update: UNSD provided an update on inputs received from members regarding indicator 7.b.1/12.a.1 metadata requests provided by the custodian agency–IRENA in the previous meeting and highlighting the criteria for reviewing and approving metadata updates for the larger member group. 14th IAEG-SDG Meeting in Denmark: UNSD presented draft agendas for the closed member meeting and provisional plenary sessions. The meeting agendas include a review of IAEG-SDGS working group and task team work plans, data availability review, metadata review, 2025 comprehensive review, and discussions on specific indicators. In addition, the meeting will also share experiences and good practices in the areas of implementation, monitoring and reporting on the SDGs, data disaggregation and inclusive data, data innovations and initiatives for SDGs, and data partnership and capacity development for SDGs. Members of IAEG-SDGs contributed their insights and inputs to the discussed topics and the agendas for the member meeting and plenary sessions in Copenhagen. Details of the event are available on the event website here.
Organizer(s): UN DESA UNFPA UNDP WHO Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data World Bank
Description: At the SDG Action Weekend on 17 September 2023, UNDESA and partners (UNFPA, UNDP, WHO, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD), the World Bank) launched the High Impact Initiative on the Power of Data at the United Nations Headquarters. The event garnered numerous commitments and called on world leaders to invest in better data for driving progress and sustainable development. Speakers included Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General of the UN; USG Li from UNDESA, and Principals from UNFPA, UNDP, the World Bank, GPSDD; Ashley Judd, Actor and UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador; Dr. Mo Ibrahim, founder and chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation; ministers from Colombia, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya; officials from all over the world; senior figures from NVIDIA and Microsoft; NGOs; and youth advocates. At the event, the following key issues were discussed: the urgent need and opportunity to fund data systems; the role of data in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; the role of data in driving economic decision making and tackling inequalities; and the role of data in transforming decision making. Commitments made at the event include 15 countries launched cutting-edge National Data Partnerships; The UK made funding commitment of investing over USD 7.5 million to help scale up global support for national data partnerships; and 30 data for development and civil society organizations signed a letter of support for the High Impact Initiative.
Description: On 15 September, join FAO Liaison Office in Geneva and FAO Office of Chief Statistician (OCS) for the launch of "Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators 2023" report.The high-level event will take place in a hybrid format at the Palais des Nations (Building H 208) on 15 September at 15:00. At the mid-point of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the clock is ticking on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The new report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), titled Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators, offers a critical look at how far we have progressed to date on the SDG indicators, and highlights the main achievements and challenges faced by countries. With the participation of the FAO Chief Economist, Máximo Torero, the high-level event will present the main findings of the report, as well as policy recommendations to harness the power of data to achieve Zero Hunger and accelerate food systems transformation. Ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit, the event which will bring together FAO Members, UN bodies and partners, is an essential contribution to the ongoing efforts to renew commitment to invest in better data and statistics to inform evidence-based policies for people and the planet. The report will be published in six languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) at the following link: Related links Register here for in-person participation* Register here for online participation * Detailed instructions for access to the Palais des Nations will be sent after Indico registration. Documents Agenda Contact
Description: Hosted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the Voluntary National Review (VNR) lab will discuss and share experiences, at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on how non-traditional data, particularly CGD is utilized to support SDG monitoring and the VNRs for evidence-based reporting and will present country experiences from Asia and the Pacific and beyond. It will explore initiatives to improve reporting frameworks and harness the power of citizens to capture and share more data on the SDGs for the VNRs. Interventions will be made by civil society, government, and national statistical office representatives.
Description: Context The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the blueprint for member States to progress towards inclusivity and sustainability. At the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda, countries are urged to better assess the progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Monitoring SDG implementation at the national level is challenging. Data availability and coordination across the entire statistical system, technical capacity, and access to IT infrastructure are key barriers for member States to measure their progress towards achieving the SDGs. In this regard, under the China-ESCAP Cooperation Programme (CECP), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the government of China initiated a project to strengthen the capacity of national governments to follow up and review implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Specifically, the National SDG Tracker tool was introduced to help countries measure current and expected SDG progress achievement by 2030. Results of this assessment are also expected to complement the countries’ Voluntary National Review (VNR) narratives. The regional workshop was an opportunity for countries who implemented the National SDG Tracker to share their results and experiences on applying the SDG progress assessment methodology, emphasizing South-South cooperation, and exchange lessons learned from the use of SDG data. View / Download photos from the Workshop Concept note Objective and expected outcomes The regional workshop gathered statisticians, national planning experts, SDG coordinators and relevant stakeholders to: promote evidence-based assessment of SDG implementation in countries of the Asia-Pacific region; enable other countries of the region to use National SDG Tracker tool to measure current and expected SDG achievement; assess and understand the underlying challenges of monitoring SDG progress. These were expected to strengthen capacity for follow up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The regional workshop took place in person at Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 17-20 July 2023. It was conducted in English only. , National SDG Tracker Homepage Regional Workshop (July 2023) Countries: Indonesia (May 2024) Sri Lanka (May 2024)
Description: The thirty-first meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Thursday 13 July 2023 at 7:30 - 9:00am (EDT).
Description: Background: In June 2021, the United Nations Development Coordination Office (DCO) hosted a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Data deep-dive for Resident Coordinators (RCs), Resident Coordinators’ Offices (RCOs) and United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) with the aim of identifying challenges and opportunities to support the national statistical system (NSS). The deep-dive report found that “UNCTs have to develop capacity to engage politically with governments on data, developing advocacy and partnerships to create a system which has political support, is underpinned by good law and regulation, produces high quality and independent data that is freely shared across government, and is used to inform decisions.” The report also noted that UNCTs should “… take advantage of Regional Collaborative Platforms support to strengthen national capabilities”. The RCP statistics working group was set up to address these issues. This group has organised a series of virtual SDG statistics clinics which started in late 2021 Participants: Day 1 and 2 focused on UN only participants from both the RCOs and UNCTs, and Days 3-5 included the SDG national focal points. Objective of the event: Internally focused regional data management officers retreat which will look at the role of a data management officer in terms of monitoring and reporting of UNCT results; and Externally focussed SDG data learning lab event aimed at enhancing the capacity of staff of UNCTs, including RCOs, so that they are enabled to effectively support the strengthening of the capacity of national statistical systems to meet the demand emanating from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This will build on the SDG statistics clinics by providing an in-person opportunity to go into these issues in more depth and to build the knowledge sharing between data officers. Modality: The learning labs provided practical hands-on experience on a range of issues related to strengthening national statistical capacity to measure and achieve the SDGs. There was a strong focus on collaborative learning to allow for exchanges of experiences and to help each other close SDG data gaps at the country level. The agenda was designed to allow time during coffee breaks and lunches for delegates to interact with each other or to hold specific bilateral meetings. , RCP Data and Statistics Working Group SDG Data and Statistics Clinics SDG Learning Lab
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course is an advanced course in data visualizationconceived as an extension to SIAP’s facilitated course “Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators” conducted in 2021 and 2022 oralternativelyto the self-paced course “Principles of Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators” available on SIAP’s e-learning platform. This new course focuses on methods to produce high-quality graphics for monitoring and publishing official statistics and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators. It also highlights advanced topics such as network visualizationhigh dimension data visualizationvisualizing uncertainty and address some important issues when communicating with graphics. In particularstorytelling and the construction of visual narratives for any type of audienceor inclusive data visualizationis emphasized and discussed.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP UN Women SPC
Description: Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)gender equality is not only a standalone goal but also one of the crosscutting universal values that underpins the SDGsand a necessary precondition for achieving the goals of the 2030 development agenda. Good qualitytimelycomparableand disaggregated gender data provide the evidence needed to measure progress towards achieving the gender-related SDG goals and targets. The 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report produced by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) shows that while there has been notable improvements in overall data vailability in Asia and the Pacific since the first benchmark report in 2017there are still significant data gaps. Notablyat the subregional levelthe report highlights a lack of sufficient data for Goal 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) and thus presents an incomplete picture of anticipated progress towards this goal for the Pacific. Strengthening capacities to produce and use gender statistics is central to closing the gender data gap.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 19 May 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Join us on 25 May to discover the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - monitoring report – 2023 edition” that will be published on 24 May. Be among the first to learn about the European Union`s progress towards Sustainable Development goals and the recovery after COVID-19 pandemic. You will then have the possibility to see how EU policies and external action support the SDG implementation in third countries. The 17 SDGs, which are at the heart of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, provide a comprehensive policy framework worldwide towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
Description: FAO, in collaboration with UNSD, hosted a webinar on Thursday 4 May 2023 to gather feedback on the newly released SDG Shiny app and proposed approach, and discuss possible extensions and future developments. FAO has recently launched the FAO SDG Progress Assessment App: a web-based tool designed to automatize the assessment of progress made at the national, regional, and global level towards the achievement of the SDGs. The developed tool allows measuring the current status and trend of SDG Indicators and Targets based on the FAO progress assessment methodology. FAO, in collaboration with UNSD, hosted a webinar on Thursday 4 May 2023 to gather feedback on the developed application and proposed approach, and discuss possible extensions and future developments, as well as opportunities for collaboration across UN system entities.About the speakers: Aida Khalil is a Statistician with the Office of the Chief Statistician of FAO. In this role, she conducts research and methodological work in the field of data disaggregation and progress assessment of SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. Her areas of expertise include household and agricultural surveys design and implementation, and small area estimation. Stefano di Candia is a Statistician with the Office of the Chief Statistician of FAO, where he contributes to the work on data disaggregation and progress assessment of SDG indicators. His areas of expertise include survey data analysis, R programming, and small area estimation. Access the video recording here. Related links FAO SDG Progress Assessment App Measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals at indicator, target and goal level Contact Chief Statistician ( Aida Khalil (
Description: The Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) held its first membersonly virtual meeting of the year on Wednesday, 22 March 2023. A total of 19 member countries attended with Ms. Cara Williams of Canada chairing the meeting. Members first heard a presentation from UNCTAD to further discuss their proposal to update the metadata for SDG indicator 17.5.1. Members were then briefed by presenters from both Open Data Watch and the World Bank on the three proposed measures for indicator 17.18.1. UNSD then presented a draft of the IAEG-SDGs work plan for 2023- 2024 based on the outcomes and decisions of the 54th UN Statistical Commission (UNSC54)—which include preparing for the 2025 Comprehensive Review, commencing a stock-taking exercise on data availability at the national level, and developing a process for proxy indicators—and asked members to express their interest in contributing to different areas of work. Members were also reminded by UNSD about the upcoming member rotation for June 2023.
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise a Training Course on ‘SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) Indicators’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 14-15 March 2023 through an online video conferencing platform. Mrs. Roslawati Yahya, Director of Manpower and Social Statistics Division, Mrs. Fuziah Md Amin, Director of Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division, and Mrs. Fariza Kambut, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division at the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), will conduct the course and cover the following topics: SDG Statistical Framework in Malaysia and Moving Forward to SDG 2030 Overview of SDG 7 Indicators (Concepts, Definitions, Methodology, and Data Sources) Availability of Malaysia’s SDG 7 Indicators The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: FAO, in collaboration with the Data Strategy, hosted a webinar on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 on the use of Earth Observation data for the production of official agricultural statistics and SDG...
Organizer(s): UNSD Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Sustainable Development Solutions Network World Bank
Description: This side event, jointly organized by GPSDD, SDSN TReNDS, WB and UNSD, aims to bring together representatives from countries, international agencies, donors, civil society and private sector to 1. Take stock of the work done so far on innovative partnerships and solutions as part of the initiative. 2. Hear from countries on the challenges faced and their plans for sustainability in implementing innovative approaches. 3. Discuss upcoming plans, including expansion to involve more countries and partners.
Description: Voluntary National Reviews (VNR), led and prepared by Member States and presented at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), are a critical review mechanism for the 2030 Agenda and should be supported by high quality data and statistics to ensure that the review is evidence-based. This side event of the 54th session of the Statistical Commission provided country experiences, best practices and challenges in developing evidence-based VNRs. The event explored best tools, data sources and other methodologies/techniques for SDG monitoring and deepening the data analysis in VNRs. Canada, Rwanda and Chile shared their national experiences and UNSD also presented the Practical Guide for Evidencebased VNRs using a data roadmap approach. The event focused on the following topics: progress assessments, innovative data collection and analysis and challenges and limitations encountered when collecting and using data for the preparation of the VNR. Countries also explored their plans to innovate data collection and analysis for SDG monitoring and VNRs in the future. The virtual event was attended by over 150 participants and presentations are available on the event webpage. The event was also streamed live and can be viewed on Youtube.
Description: As part of the 54th session of the UN Statistical Commission, in this side event, the IAEG-SDGs would like to start the initial discussion on the review process. The IAEG-SDGs will brief countries, international agencies and stakeholders on the principles, criteria, and timeline of the 2025 Comprehensive Review. The event will also provide a platform for custodian agencies, Member States and civil society organisations to share experiences from the last comprehensive review and to outline their plans and strategies for developing successful proposals for this round.
Description: Objective To delve into the development of indicator frameworks for inclusive and sustainable policies. The workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of ESCAP’s framework for policy and data integration and focus on key aspects of statistical indicators development. Moreover, the workshop will offer an opportunity for participating countries to share practical experiences. Expected Outputs Increased capacity of relevant national officials in assuring policy inclusiveness and developing a comprehensive indicator framework. All participants are expected to be engaged in the discussions and contribute towards the workshop outputs with demonstrating their national experiences. Background In 2021, ESCAP launched a project on "integrating policy and data to leave no one behind in selected countries in Asia and the Pacific," with support from the Republic of Korea. The project aims to assist countries in reviewing and developing comprehensive policy monitoring indicator frameworks that are well integrated with the four dimensions of development to leave no one behind. The workshop, jointly organized by the Republic of Korea National Statistics Office (KOSTAT) and ESCAP, is designed to (a) expand on the importance of policy and data integration through user-producer dialogue; (b) guide the process of developing national indicators, describing the characteristics of well-defined indicators; (c) introducing the tool ‘Every Policy is Connected (EPIC)’; and (d) provide participating countries with an opportunity to share their experiences. The following countries from and Asia-Pacific region are invited: Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Mongolia, Palau, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam. , EPiC tool: Overview Resources Workshops
Description: UNSD conducted a workshop on automated data exchange for the SDG Custodian Agencies. Using the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) standard to automate data exchange has proven to substantially reduce the reporting burden for both the sender and receiver of statistical data. With some of the largest reporters of the SDG indicators including IMF, ILO, UNEP, having fully implemented SDMX exchange, there is a strong interest among the custodian agencies to move to SDMX exchange for their respective indicators. Responding to the demand, UNSD conducted the first round of SDMX training for the custodian agencies between 25 January and 2 February 2023. Over 4 online sessions, training in the basics of data modeling, the SDMX Information Model, commonly used SDMX tools, and specifics of SDG data exchange, was delivered to over 30 participants from about 15 Custodian Agencies. Positive feedback was received, and the training is expected to lead to a reduction of effort on the part of UNSD and the reporters as well as improvement of data quality and timeliness. Additional virtual workshops will be scheduled later in the year.
Description: In this Global Network Webinar, Yongyi Min and Heather Page from the SDG Monitoring Section of the United Nations Statistics Division presented on preparing evidence-based Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Data are being widely recognized as strategic assets in accelerating the implementation of the SDGs. Data and statistics are therefore a vital element of Voluntary National Reviews and SDG reporting to accurately demonstrate SDG commitment and progress. VNRs, presented by countries at the High-Level Political Forum in July, are meant to support governments in reviewing implementation of the Global Goals through the opportunity to share experiences among Member States. Several resources have been developed to support Member States in different aspects of the VNRs and UNSD has developed a Guide to serve as a complementary resource for Member States on how to use data and statistics to support evidence-based VNRs. The Practical Guide to Evidence-based Voluntary National Reviews takes a roadmap approach and good practice examples to suggest key stages in the national VNR process that can enhance the use of data. The publication provides recommendations for what should be reported, how to compile and present statistics, and what information to include in these reviews. In this webinar, Yongyi and Heather presented the Guide and data roadmap as well as additional resources for developing evidence-based VNRs.
Description: The Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) programme—led by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in partnership with the UN Statistics Division and leading countries, and with the support of ILO and others—aims to provide a common framework to measure the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment, both at national and subnational levels. UNWTO is organizing a 3-day gathering consisting of: - a Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to exchange good practices among the pioneering pilot countries and clarify issues with leading experts worldwide, and - the Third Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to pick up on the development of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) which is more necessary than ever as tourism recovers from its worst crisis in history because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Machine Learning for Official Statistics
and SDG Indicators
21 Nov 2022 – 15 Jan 2023
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 31 Oct 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ADB
Description: The course is designed for personnel working in the field of statisticswhose main responsibilities include data analysis of SDG indicators and related statistics with a specific target on data scientists from NSOs with an experience in both statistical modelling (regression analysispredictionclassification...) and with programming or algorithmic skills. Although no programming will be required to follow and succeed in the coursethe pedagogical materials include R codein the form of reproducible markdown notebooksas well as some Python resources and code.
Expert Seminar on The Role of Official Statistics in Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Black Sea Region in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
Description: The UN Statistics Division is organizing an expert group meeting on ways to harnessing data generated by citizens to make an impact on public policy including the SDG monitoring.
Description: The thirteenth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) will be held in person from 7 to 9 November 2022 at the UN Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. This will be the first in-person meeting of the IAEG-SDGs since October 2019 in Addis Ababa.
Organizer(s): SESRIC DOSM Malaysia Economic Cooperation Organization
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise an Online Training Course on ‘SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) Indicators’ in collaboration with the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 1-3 November 2022. Ms. Syafawati Abdul Refai and Ms. Nur Atikah Binti Abdul Aziz, statisticians at the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), and Ms. Syuhada Asri, Director at the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), will conduct the course and cover the following topics: Increase Access to Financial Services and Markets 9.3.1 – Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added 9.3.2 – Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit Develop Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructures 9.1.1 – Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road 9.1.2 – Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport Facilitate Sustainable Infrastructure Development for Developing Countries 9.a.1 – Total official international support Universal Access to Information and Communications Technology 9.c.1 – Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology Enhance Research and Upgrade Industrial Technologies 9.5.1 – Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization 9.2.1 – Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP and per capita 9.2.2 – Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: FAO's SDG report 2022 “Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators” will be launched in FAO's six official languages on Monday 19 September. Stay tuned and and check out the latest status...
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat FSO Switzerland
Description: To provide participants with a theoretical and methodological background on the development of indicator systems, especially in the context of monitoring SDGs; To build up a common understanding of terms, definitions, as well as the role and limits of official statistics in the construction and maintenance of indicator systems; To provide knowledge about the links between policy makers and other users of indicators and the statistical community providing data and indicators. The course will not address the following topics: Construction of individual indicators; Construction of data platforms and reporting procedures for SDGs monitoring; Use of indicators in statistical models.
Target Audience: Staff members working in the field of monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or of economic, social or environmental statistics or who need to extend their knowledge on how to use indicators and indicator systems.
Description: The world is facing cascading and intersecting crises: the COVID-19 pandemic, violent conflicts, and the climate crisis. How are they affecting efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The Development Data and Outreach Branch of UN Statistics Division will present The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022, which provides a global overview of progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The webinar will also present additional assets to guide audiences to dive deeper into the SDG data, trends and real-life stories behind the numbers to help further understand SDG progress globally: • The Sustainable Development Goals Progress Chart 2022 presents a snapshot of global and regional progress of selected targets under the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. • Bringing Data to Life: SDG human impact stories from across the globe is a flip book that collects and showcases the faces and stories behind the data found in global figures on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). • The SDG Extended Report provides additional information regarding the SDGs based on storyline inputs from UN international agencies who are custodians of the SDG indicators.
Description: About the event The National SDG Tracker is a tool for countries to track progress on the SDGs. It allows countries to add their data, enter national target values, and visualize progress in a few simple steps. The clinic provided the opportunity to learn from experience of some countries adopting the tool. It also provided an opportunity for all countries to exchange views on challenges and concerns regarding national SDG progress measurement and how the tool can support them. Key areas which will be covered during the clinic include: Engagement with key national stakeholders in the process Approaches to selection of indicators to assess “national” progress Importance of setting nationally relevant target values Country’s access & ownership rights to the tool , Committee on Statistics, 8th Session Side events during the CST8 week
Description: Background: Statistical systems around Asia and the Pacific region play a key role in providing evidence for effective implementation of the 2030 agenda. In particular, in preparation of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and national monitoring of the SDGs. Increasing demand for SDG data has challenged statistical systems to fill in data gaps and has strained already shrinking resources for statistical development. This side events aimed to provide the latest findings of three studies conducted by UN Environment Programme, UNICEF and ESCAP (on entire SDG indicator framework) looking into the extent to which child and environment related indicators have been used in VNRs presented by Asia-Pacific countries and main sources of data on SDG indicators. The side event expected to support countries in harnessing the knowledge and experiences from the VNRs as vehicle to strengthen implementation, monitoring and reporting progress of SDGs and related targets, in particular for environment and child related topics. Scope The side event was co-organized by UNEP, UNICEF and ESCAP and opened to all statistical systems, national SDG implementing focal points, and development partners. Key questions to be discussed in the side event: What are effective institutional structures to ensure that the environment and child-related indicators are sufficiently discussed in the VNRs? How to improve environmental reporting in VNRs, in view of only 29% of environment-related targets using data and indicators in VNRs by Asia-Pacific in 2016-2021? To what extent child-related indicators have been used in VNRs by Asia-Pacific? And 4. Are the data gaps and major sources of environment and child-related SDG indicators, and top priorities for investment and capacity building for statistical development in Asia-Pacific region? , Committee on Statistics, 8th Session Side events during the CST8 week
Description: Background These two expert dialogues will provide an opportunity for heads of NSOs to help to shape global and regional data governance work. It is an opportunity for Chief Statisticians in Asia and the Pacific to explore the two emerging issues which the Committee will be considering: Measuring Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product [ESCAP/CST/2022/5: 中文 | English | Français | Русский] and Data Governance in a Changing World [ESCAP/CST/2022/6: 中文 | English | Français | Русский]. The overarching theme of the expert dialogues is Data Governance and hence beyond GDP progress measures will feature and be discussed within this theme. It is expected the dialogues will identify opportunities for regional action to strengthen data governance, including the increased production and use of complementary progress measures. The expert dialogues will also provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences and challenges around data governance as well as to engage with a range of regional and global data governance initiatives. About the Expert Dialogue 2 The second expert group will provide an opportunity for countries to hear more about different regional and global data governance and broader measures progress initiatives as well as a way for those managing these initiatives to hear more about country experiences. This expert dialogue will use a world café format to provide a way to link country experiences to global and regional initiatives. The use of an informal cafe setting will allow participants to explore a number of data governance issues by discussing them in small table groups. Each table will have a host who will be a representative of one of the regional or global initiatives on data governance. The process will start with each table host giving a one to two minute lightning talk on the regional or global initiative they are representing. The process then begins with the first of three or more twenty-minute rounds of conversation for small groups seated around a table. At the end of the twenty minutes, each group moves to the next table. The “table host” will stay for the next round, they will welcome the next group and briefly fill them in on what happened in the previous round. The conversation will then continue with the new group building on the earlier discussion. This process will be repeated for four cycles of twenty minutes to allow participants to join four different discussion tables. Table hosts will also have an ESCAP resource person who will stay at the table throughout the event. The table host may choose to move round but will need to return to their table towards the end so they can sum up the key messages. , Committee on Statistics, 8th Session Expert Dialogue 1 Expert Dialogue 2 Expert Dialogue 3 (PARIS21)
Description: Background These two expert dialogues will provide an opportunity for heads of NSOs to help to shape global and regional data governance work. It is an opportunity for Chief Statisticians in Asia and the Pacific to explore the two emerging issues which the Committee will be considering: Measuring Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product [ESCAP/CST/2022/5: 中文 | English | Français | Русский] and Data Governance in a Changing World [ESCAP/CST/2022/6: 中文 | English | Français | Русский]. The overarching theme of the expert dialogues is Data Governance and hence beyond GDP progress measures will feature and be discussed within this theme. It is expected the dialogues will identify opportunities for regional action to strengthen data governance, including the increased production and use of complementary progress measures. The expert dialogues will also provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences and challenges around data governance as well as to engage with a range of regional and global data governance initiatives. About the Expert Dialogue 1 The first expert dialogue will provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences on data governance issues. The use of a “world café” format will allow participants to explore a number of data governance issues by discussing them in small table groups. There will be five tables in the room [5 subregions; one table will have 2 bureau hosts] and each table will have a Bureau member and an ESCAP staff who together will be the “table host”. Each table will have a data governance topic to discuss in more detail. The ESCAP staff can help with the preparation and with the smooth running of the dialogues. The ESCAP staff will remain at the table throughout the discussion whereas the bureau member may choose to move around to take part in the discussions, however, they will need to return to their table near the end so they can summarise the key points. , Committee on Statistics, 8th Session Expert Dialogue 1 Expert Dialogue 2 Expert Dialogue 3 (PARIS21)
Description: The objective of this fifth meeting was to reflect among the countries, the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations in the region and the technical secretariat of the Group on strategic issues in statistical monitoring of the SDGs in the region.
Description: About the expert dialogue The ESCAP expert dialogue aims to discuss possible ways forward towards establishing a closer data collaboration between governments and civil society in the region. We invite you to join our webinar in which we will present some of the ongoing citizen-generated data (CGD) work of UN ESCAP, UNSD, and of the LNOB civil society coalitions in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Viet Nam. We will also receive inputs from a government and a national statistics office on their perspectives of CGD. Relevant resources and publications Bangladesh: India: Nepal: Vietnam: General guidance material on CGD: Agenda for this session Moderator: Peter Koblowsky, Senior Partnership Manager, International Civil Society Centre Welcome remarks: Rachael Beaven, Director, Statistics Division, UN ESCAP Haoyi Chen, Coordinator, IS Working Group on Household Surveys, United Nations Statistics Division Peter Koblowsky, Senior Partnership Manager, International Civil Society Centre CGD implementation experiences in Asia and the Pacific:Joint presentation of the LNOB coalitions in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Viet Nam: Vân Anh Trần, Program Director, Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD) Shantosh Thapa, Youth Engagement Coordinator, VSO Nepal NSO’s perspective on working with CGD: Ram Hari Gaihre, Director, Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal Government’s perspective on the use of CGD: Nguyen Thanh Nga, Focal Point for SDG report and VNR, Department of Science, Education, Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Viet Nam Discussion and opinion poll with audience: your perspective on working with CGD Conclusion and wrap-up
Description: Data and statistics are the backbone of meaningful and evidence-based follow-up and review of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite facing unprecedented disruptions in statistical operations and a spike in demand for data for policy making during the COVID-pandemic, many countries have stepped up to the challenges in supporting building back better and fulfilling the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda. To do so, they have forged new collaborations and leveraged alternative data solutions while increasing efforts to protect data.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 13 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: Timelyreliable and comparable health statistics are fundamental to monitoring the health status of the population and for developingimplementing and evaluating health policies and practices that address health and health care. With the adoption of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmentthe need for high-quality data for the over 50 health and health-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators has increased. The objective of this e-Learning course is to address capacity gaps in health statistics by providing a general understanding of the basic conceptmethods and framework required to compile and monitor the health and health-related SDG indicators.
Description: FAO, Digital Earth Africa and the UN Statistics Division are organizing a capacity-building workshop on the methodology for calculating SDG indicators 2.4.1 and 15.4.2 through the integration of statistical and geospatial information.
Description: The IAEG-SDGs hosted a virtual meeting, “Data, COVID-19 and the SDGs,” on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 8:00 am EDT. The meeting was open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and other stakeholders. Please go to the “Documents” tab for the presentations and the recording.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 19 May 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Discover the 'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - monitoring report - 2022 edition' that was published in May 2022 and learn about the European Union's progress towards Sustainable Development Goals and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. You will have the possibility to see where each EU Member State stands in comparison with the EU average. The 17 SDGs, which are at the heart of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, provide a policy framework worldwide towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
Description: The Data For Now initiative aims to build capacity of national statistical systems to produce better and more timely data to inform policies and monitor progress towards achieving the SDGs and measuring the impact of COVID-19, prioritizing the goals identified by the countries, by leveraging data innovations and better integration of geospatial and statistical operations. In doing so, it follows Data For Now Guiding Principle, where priorities are identified and set by countries which are then guided by various data principles, work approach principles and outcome-oriented principles. In this context, the Data For Now initiative hosted a series of inspiration workshops to expand support to countries through projects funded by Norway, with other donors joining soon. The workshops provided an overview of the initiative, and showcased examples of how some countries are working on some of the core ideas of the initiative, such as prioritization based on country's needs, use of innovative data sources, methods and tools and partnerships, and improvement of the IT infrastructure to facilitate integration of innovation approaches. This third and final in the series of inspiration workshops aims to: * Highlight the importance of IT architecture to support innovative data production using existing and innovative sources and methods; * Identify and classify different ways data flows in the system before final statistics are produced; * Highlight some data infrastructure architectures based on different data flow using sample tools in different contexts and countries; * Understand and identify diverse set of tools and technologies available in creating/updating data infrastructure in various stages of its architecture; * Share country perspective on implementation (including internal capacity building for sustainability) and legal frameworks/policies that support/restricts collaboration for innovative data source and technologies.
Organizer(s): UNSD World Bank Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Description: The Data For Now initiative hosted a series of inspirational workshops to expand support to countries through projects funded by the Italian Government and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The workshops provided an overview of the initiative. They showcased examples of how innovation, partnerships, and the use of innovative data sources, methods, and tools are crucial to informing decision-makers, as well as the enhancement of IT architecture as a cross-cutting area to facilitate the integration of innovative approaches.
Description: , Key speakers: Opening remarks: Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP Regional overview and findings: Arman Bidarbakht Nia, Chef, Statistical Data Management Unit, Statistics Division, ESCAP Subregion-specific breakout rooms: Heads of the five ESCAP Subregional Offices (East and North-East Asia, North and Central Asia, South-East Asia, South and South-West Asia, the Pacific)
Description: This session corresponds to Panel 2 of the agenda of the fifth meeting of the Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries on Sustainable Development, which was held in person in San José, from March 7 to 9, 2022, under the chairmanship of Costa Rica.
Organizer(s): UNSD Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Sustainable Development Solutions Network World Bank
Description: This side event, jointly organized by GPSDD, SDSN TReNDS, WB, and UNSD, aims to provide an update on the D4N initiative and highlight recent country experiences of innovative partnerships and solutions built as part of D4N. More concretely, the event will: 1. Provide an update of work and showcase innovative results and learning from countries. 2. Highlight some of the noteworthy partnerships formed as part of the initiative 3. Present upcoming plans, including expansion to involve more countries and partners as well as efforts to make materials more widely available
Description: As part of the 53rd session of the UN Statistical Commission, a side event on “The use of non-traditional data and quality assurance in SDG monitoring” will be hosted by the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) on Tuesday, 8 February at 8am NYC EST.
Description: The countries across Africa and Asia involved in the UNSD-FCDO project have made significant progress in their efforts to monitor the SDGs in recent years, increasing the availability of disaggregated data, despite the continued challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This event showcased some of the achievements of the countries, including the development of data platforms, the compilation of metadata, and user engagement. The session also highlighted some of the resources that UNSD is making available to other countries beyond the project, to support their own work on SDG monitoring.
Organizer(s): UNSD Ghana Statistical Services WHO International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Description: More than six years in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and despite improvements, big data gaps still exist in all areas of the SDGs in terms of geographic coverage, timeliness and the level of disaggregation required. Intensified efforts need to be made to fill those gaps. The Agenda asks that follow-up and review processes at all levels should be open, inclusive, participatory and transparent for all people and support the reporting by all relevant stakeholders. Therefore, the successful implementation and monitoring of the agenda needs the engagement of citizens, with particular attention to the voices of the poorest and most vulnerable.
Organizer(s): Russian Association of Statistics Petrostat Russia St. Petersburg State Economic University Russia
Description: We invite you to take part in the next international conference on statistical measurement and applied statistics. In 2015, the leaders of the Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 global goals and 169 economic, social and environmental challenges that humanity must address in order to achieve sustainable development. The statistical community plays a huge role in this process. The purpose of the conference is to study, exchange and disseminate experience and knowledge in the field of theoretical foundations and practice of measuring sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: The course provides an opportunity for participants to explore and comprehend the techniques of data visualization for data exploration as well as for data presentation. Participants will discoverevaluate and apply the rules of data visualization on devoted cases studies and also tackle the problem of visualizing complex data. The course proposesstrategies for visualizing in multi-dimensions as well as presenting the practical methods for representing statistical indicators on maps or within dashboards.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) jointly organized the International Workshop on the Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals virtually from 12 to 13 January 2022. The workshop will bring together about 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific regions, including some Small Islands Developing Countries (SIDS), along with experts from UN-ESCAP, UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO, UNDP, UN Women, Africa Union, ADB, and CBM Global.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 05 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: The webinar will introduce the key features of the Counted and Visible Toolkit for Asia and the Pacific. It will showcase resources produced by UN Women to enhance the production of disaggregated gender statistics and will be an opportunity to advocate for the Toolkit’s use and application towards enhancing gender-responsive statistical work in NSOs and NSSs.
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 29 Nov 2021 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: Insights from the World Development Report 2021 The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region finds itself at an important crossroads of its digital transformation journey. Most countries are more connected than ever before, with broadband access advancing and data traffic rising exponentially. However, harnessing the development potential of these growing volumes of data requires bridging critical gaps in the legal and regulatory frameworks for data creation, use and reuse. According to the World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives, this ecosystem comprises data infrastructure policy, the legal and regulatory framework for data, and the related economic policy framework, as well as the data institutions supporting implementation. Effectively leveraging data to boost development requires forging a new social contract that seeks to deliver the potential value of data equitably while fostering trust by safeguarding against data misuse. In this regional webinar, the World Development Report team will present insights from the World Development Report 2021 and its relevance to the MENA region. A green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge on the region’s potential to leverage its data effectively for better policymaking, private sector growth, and more efficient and transparent service delivery. The webinar seeks to support regional key stakeholders in forging their own new social contracts that help realize the potential value of data while rooted in the principles of trust and equity. This regional workshop is designed to raise awareness of WDR 2021 policy messages and promote dialogue with regional policymakers, as a means of identifying possible downstream engagements for World Bank teams and could be delivered in local languages as needed. The workshop will be accompanied by the release of a region-specific briefing note that brings together all the geographically relevant findings and messages of the WDR 2021 translated into local languages.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat EFTA FSO Switzerland
Description: Objectives: * To provide participants with a theoretical and methodological background on the development of indicator systems, especially in the context of monitoring SDGs; * To build up a common understanding of terms, definitions, as well as the role and limits of official statistics in the construction and maintenance of indicator systems; * To provide knowledge about the links between policy makers and other users of indicators and the statistical community providing data and indicators. The course will not address the following topics: * Construction of individual indicators Construction of data platform and reporting procedures for SDGs monitoring; * Use of indicators in statistical models.
Target Audience: Staff members working in the field of monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or of economic, social or environmental statistics who are or who will be involved in indicator systems or who need to extend their knowledge on how to use indicators and indicator systems. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: Effective governance is a key condition for the sustainable development of tourism destinations. Its efficiency largely depends on inter-relationships between relevant actors in the sector, who through participatory processes are connected in the making of policies and decisions. For an evidence-based or evidence-informed decision-making process, the collection of data, deriving, inter alia, from sustainable tourism indicators, their transformation into subsequent information and knowledge, is crucial and shall help to improve tourism sustainability and competitiveness in a destination. However, the process of informing policy decisions is highly complex. It depends on various factors, ranging from the capacity to understand what the newly generated information means for the destination, to political, cultural, financial and other considerations that are influencing such. For the establishment of Observatories in general and for INSTO Observatories in particular, the participatory process is considered fundamental. The Rules for the Operation and Management of the UNWTO INSTO Observatories clearly outline the need to engage all relevant stakeholders through a participatory approach and involve them in the processes and decisions ensuring coherent action regarding, inter alia, the monitored issue areas as well as the selection of indicators and methodologies. However, there are multiple challenges and significant differences in this governance aspect. This year´s INSTO Meeting is focussed on the topic of governance and participatory approaches. Selected experts and INSTO Members will share their experiences, insights and methodologies in this context.
Description: During this Global Network Webinar, Matthias Reister, Chief of Development Data Section in UNSD, presented and demonstrated the newly launched Global SDG Indicators Data Platform. In September 2021, the new Global SDG Indicators Data Platform was launched. The platform includes a new and user-friendly interface of the Global Sustainable Development Goal Indicators Database, where SDG indicator data can be easily searched and downloaded. The platform also provides access to the SDG Country Profiles, where trends for individual countries across the SDG goals are being shown. In addition, the entirely new SDG Analytics allows the interactive analysis of data availability, to review global and regional trends for individual indicators, and to compare trends for countries and areas and for different indicators. During the webinar, the new interface of the Global SDG Database and other features, including SDG Country Profiles, SDG Analytics, and various Advanced Access options, were presented and demonstrated. In addition, the speaker shared examples and experiences on how to better leverage this platform for different analytics purposes. Following the presentation, participants expressed their interest in this platform and asked questions about country data access, data availability across countries, and data disaggregation analysis
Title in Spanish: Cuarta reunión del Grupo de Coordinación Estadística para la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe
Organizer(s): ECLAC
Description: Esta cuarta reunión tuvo como objetivo intercambiar información respecto de las actividades en desarrollo en el ámbito del Grupo de Coordinación, así como brindar un espacio para conocer algunas de las actividades de los países y el sistema de Naciones Unidas.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Description: The course is designed for personnel working in the field of statisticswhose main responsibilities include data analysis of SDG indicators and related statistics with a specific target on data scientists from NSOs with an experience in both statistical modelling (regression analysispredictionclassification...) and with programming or algorithmic skills. Although no programming will be required to follow and succeed in the coursethe pedagogical materials include R codein the form of reproducible markdown notebooksas well as some Python resources and code.
Description: The twelfth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) will be held virtually from 2 to 4 November 2021. This annual meeting is open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and stakeholders. Participants are requested to register to attend the meeting at the link included below. The deadline to register is Wednesday, 27 October 2021.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): JICA ESCAP SIAP
Description: To strengthen capacity of entities belonging to national statistical systems by providing training to statistical staff that increases their knowledge and develops their skills to produce dataapply statistical methods to produce official statistics and indicators and interpret and use these for monitoring progress in achieving the SDGs
Title in Arabic: الحوكمة ضمن الرصد والإبلاغ عن مؤشرات أهداف التنمية المستدامة
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: بعد ما يربو عن عشرين عاما من الجهود التي بُذلت من أجل تبني المجتمع الإحصائي الرسمي لمؤشرات الحوكمة واعتبارها إحدى المجالات التي يجب العمل عليها إحصائيا، وتحديدا منذ مؤتمر الإحصاء وحقوق الإنسان الذي تم عقده في مونتريو عام 2000، قامت الأمم المتحدة بتبني الهدف 16 حول السلام والعدل والمؤسسات القوية ضمن أجندة التنمية المستدامة 2030 التي تغطي مجموعة واسعة من الأهداف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية. وأشارت دراسة استقصائية للأمم المتحدة إلى أن الحماية من الجريمة والعنف، ووجود حكومات نزيهة ومستجيبة تحتل الصدارة بين أولى أولويات التنمية. حيث أصبح التعاطي مع السلام والعدالة والحوكمة الفعالة باعتبارها ليست مُدخلات أو عوامل تساعد في تحقيق التنمية وإنما كنتائج تنموية في حد ذاته وتسعى أهداف التنمية المستدامة إلى الحد بشكل كبير من جميع أشكال العنف، والعمل مع الحكومات والمجتمعات المحلية لإيجاد حلول دائمة للصراع وانعدام الأمن. ويُعد تعزيز سيادة القانون وتعزيز حقوق الإنسان أمراً أساسياً في هذه العملية، ويشمل كذلك تعزيز مشاركة البلدان النامية في مؤسسات الحكم العالمية.
Description: The multi-stakeholder nature of the SDG monitoring process has further emphasized the need for National Statistical Offices to communicate more with the different users of their data in order to understand user needs and deliver products that meet them. The UNSD-FCDO project on SDG monitoring worked with the National Statistical Offices of 20 project countries to develop their capacity to widely disseminate their SDG data in an accessible and engaging manner, including through online national data platforms, in order to inform and engage with a wide range of users. This session will showcase some of the many achievements of the countries with regard to user engagement, metadata standardization and the development of data visualization platforms. It will also highlight how they have continued to implement national SDG monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a strong, ongoing commitment to providing data and metadata on the SDGs in spite of the significant challenges.
Organizer(s): Qatar Computing Research Institute MIT United States Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Germany
Description: Billions of people use social media platforms. An important aspect that social media provides is the real time access to digital trace data. This offers complementary strengths to existing, expensive and typically slow paced data from surveys (e.g. migration statistics or disaster impact assessment). In particular the need for near real-time data analysis that does not rely on face-to-face interactions has been made clear by the current pandemic. UN Global Pulse will speak at the event about the innovative use…
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: The IAEG-SDGs will host a virtual meeting, "Measuring and communicating SDG progress around the world," on Wednesday, 22 September 2021 at 8:00 am EDT. The meeting is open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and other stakeholders.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 11 Aug 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat EFTA FSO Switzerland
Description: Objectives: * To provide participants with a theoretical and methodological background on the development of indicator systems, especially in the context of monitoring SDGs; * To build up a common understanding of terms, definitions, as well as the role and limits of official statistics in the construction and maintenance of indicator systems; * To provide knowledge about the links between policy makers and other users of indicators and the statistical community providing data and indicators. The course will not address the following topics: * Construction of individual indicators Construction of data platform and reporting procedures for SDGs monitoring; * Use of indicators in statistical models.
Target Audience: Staff members working in the field of monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or of economic, social or environmental statistics who are or who will be involved in indicator systems or who need to extend their knowledge on how to use indicators and indicator systems. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Description: The Second Workshop of the Pacific National SDG Tracker Workshop Series focused on the key challenges and activities associated with the countries’ indicator landscape, with the following objectives: Provide a brief overview of the situation in small island developing states with respect to their indicator landscapes Learn from the countries’ challenges, work plans and common activities for addressing and developing the indicator work Develop and consolidate ideas on the way forward, in a manner which enables information sharing >> Agenda , Home - Workshop Series 1st Workshop (Jul 2021) 2nd Workshop (Aug. 2021)
Description: SDG Lab is a secure online platform, built by UNSD, with which both global and national data and metadata can be shared, using SDMX, with the aim of increasing data transparency, and improving international comparability and data availability. Unlike the public-facing data and metadata platforms that almost all UNSD-FCDO project countries have now established, SDG Lab is designed for use by NSOs, allowing them to compare side-by-side the national data and metadata they have prepared with that provided by the SDG custodian agencies using their own sources and methodologies. This webinar will provide guidance and practical demonstrations to project countries on how to upload both metadata and data to SDG Lab, as well as how to use it to both identify and explain potential differences that exist between the global and national sources.
Description: The Inception Workshop for the initial roll out of the National SDG Tracker tool for the Pacific aimed to provide countries considering engaging in the project with the following opportunities: Learn more about the Workshop Series objectives and approach, and seek clarification on issues Enhance their understanding of the national indicator landscape, with some broad guidelines on best practices Hear from other pacific countries on approaches adopted to produce national indicators, and thus monitor sustainable development progress Learn more about the National SDG Tracker tool, and how it monitors national progress against the SDGs Understand more about future work required throughout the workshop series, in particular requirements for workshop 2. Important note: Participation in the Inception Workshop does not commit countries to engaging throughout the workshop series, which will be the countries decision. Agenda Concept Note , Home - Workshop Series 1st Workshop (Jul 2021) 2nd Workshop (Aug. 2021)
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 11 Aug 2021 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank JICA
Description: Data are everywhere. But what is the data revolution doing for the 700 million people who live in extreme poverty? When data are turned into valuable information, they have the potential to improve lives, transform economies, and help end poverty. Now more than ever, the world is facing new demands for data as our principal weapon in the war against COVID-19. The latest edition of the World Development Report, “World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives”, provides a blueprint on how to harness the power of data for development, to ensure no one is left behind. At this seminar, WDR 2021 co-directors Vivian Foster, Chief Economist for Infrastructure and Dean Jolliffe, Lead Economist, and WDR 2021 manager Malarvizhi Veerappan, Senior Data Scientist, presented the main findings of the WDR 2021.
Description: During this Global Network Webinar, colleagues from the SDG Monitoring Section of the United Nations Statistics Division presented the SDG Report 2021 and the SDG Progress Chart 2021: The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021 uses the latest available data and estimates to track the global progress of the 17 goals and reveal the devastating impacts of the crisis on the SDGs. The report also highlights areas that require our urgent and coordinated action. This report has been launched virtually by UN DESA Under-Secretary General Mr. Liu Zhenmin on 6 July, the first day at the High-Level Political Forum. The SDG Progress Chart 2021 presents a snapshot of global and regional progress toward selected targets under the SDGs through a traffic light dashboard. During the webinar, our speakers explained the report working process and highlighted the key findings from the report. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, during which participants show interest in the data sources and data disaggregations for SDG indicators. In addition, data gaps and data collections during the COVID-19 were discussed during the webinar. For more information on the SDG progress, please visit the SDG indicator website.
Description: The VNR lab will provide a platform for countries to share their experiences-both successes and challenges-in planning and preparing an evidence-based and data-driven VNR in the time of COVID-19. Data and statistics are guiding countries' effort in combating the virus, saving lives and recovering better. Over the last year, countries have faced unprecedented disruptions in statistical operations and a spike in demand for data to monitor and mitigate the effects of the global pandemic.
Description: The IAEG-SDGs will host a virtual meeting, "Best practices in SDG monitoring and spotlight on the 2021 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)," on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 at 8:00 am EDT. The meeting is open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and other stakeholders.
Description: This event will explore initiatives to improve reporting frameworks and overall availability and management of data at country level by harnessing the power of the private sector to capture and share more data on progress towards the SDGs. FAO is the designated United Nations custodian agency for 21 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators and a contributing agency for another five – covering almost 10% of the entire SDG global indicator framework. This expanded role reflects the Organisation’s significant involvement in supporting countries’ efforts to monitor SDG targets. One of the key gaps in country monitoring and reporting on progress towards the SDGs is capturing the significant contribution of the private sector. While many private sector organisations – both large and small – are now collecting a significant amount of data related to their environmental, social and governance impact; this data is i) often not in a form easily merged with government data; or ii) not aligned specifically with SDG indicators; or iii) are incomplete or inconsistent so not comparable, and/or iii) not communicated to the relevant national authorities. This means that countries are not able to report comprehensively on progress towards the SDGs nor to meaningfully align the private sector with the countries’ goals and strategies. This event will explore initiatives to improve reporting frameworks and overall availability and management of data at country level by harnessing the power of the private sector to capture and share more data on progress towards the SDGs. Objectives: Raise awareness about ongoing initiatives to align private sector practices and reporting with the SDGs. Contribute to discussions on a harmonized framework for SDG reporting between public and private entities. Better understanding of key barriers to uptake/use of existing indicators/tools. Identify multistakeholder opportunities to collaborate on improving measurement and reporting on SDG progress. Increase accountability from the private sector on SDG alignment. Speakers: Valerie Bizier, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Nora Mardirossian, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment Jessica Vieira, Apeel Vanessa Maire, Unilever Moderated by: Pietro Gennari, FAO Chief Statistician Date and Time: Thursday, 3 June 2021, 2:00pm - 3:30pm CET Virtual event. Interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish. REGISTER RECORDING SUMMARY REPORT
Description: The twenty-second meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 7:00 - 9:00am (EDT).
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course aims to provide insights on how to facilitate the alignment of national plans and indicator frameworks. It provides details on the important role statistical indicators play in monitoring national and sector plans.
Description: Statistics Division of ESCAP organized this Stats Café to stir a dialogue around the following questions: How is your country assessing progress on the SDGs? What methodologies and processes have you adopted? What are the challenges in SDG progress assessment in your country? What has been the impact of your work on SDGs implementation? What tools and methods are available to support national efforts? What are your future plans in utilizing data for monitoring SDGs? , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
e-Learning Course on Official Statistics for SDGs (conducted in the Russian language )
10 May 2021 – 31 May 2021
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): HSE University Russian Federation ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course introduces fundamental knowledge on official statistics. The course will help you understand how to compile and monitor Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators from official statistics. Этот курс ознакомит вас с фундаментальными знаниями официальной статистики. Этот курс поможет вам понятькак составлять и отслеживать показатели Целей Устойчивого Развития (ЦУР) из официальной статистики.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: The workshop on Navigating Policy with Data to Leave No One Behind: Regional Cooperation to Strengthen National Statistical Systems in Asia and the Pacific was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in conjunction with development partners including the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Partnership for Statistics for the 21st Century (PARIS21) and Asian Development Bank. It was be held in online format on 10th, 11th and 20th May 2021, 12:00 – 15:00 hours Bangkok time (UTC+7). The workshop discussed progress with a regional declaration to Navigate Policy with Data to Leave No One Behind[1] adopted by the ESCAP Committee on Statistics in 2018 and endorsed by the Committee’s governing body, the ESCAP Commission in 2019 and introduced three new projects commencing in 2021 to provide technical assistance to support countries with their commitments as outlined in the declaration. Attendance summary Group photo Concept note The key objectives of the workshop were: To introduce and discuss progress with Asia-Pacific regional frameworks for strengthening national statistical systems To assess national priorities and development needs in relation to four prioritised commitments in the regional framework for strengthening national statistical systems known as the Declaration on Navigating Policy with Data to Leave No One Behind To gather information on country needs and potential activities in line with the national commitments of the Declaration To introduce three newly commenced projects aligned with the national commitments in the Declaration [1] ESCAP/CST/2018/7,
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: About the session What are some institutional mechanisms countries can put in place for developing sound and policy-relevant indicators? What characteristics define a “good” statistical indicator? What are key considerations in selecting the most relevant statistical indicators to our policy priorities? How do we understand and develop disaggregation requirements for statistical indicators? , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicatorsand data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicatorsand data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: Briefing on the SDG monitoring work, the emerging SDG indicator framework for the Private Sector and the Plan for improving the governance of FAO statistical activities.
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA ), in collaboration with UN Agencies, custodians of SDG indicators, is organizing a series of webinars on selected SDG indicators that are less produced in the Arab region to create a common understanding among data producers on how to collect, measure and disseminate SDG indicators to increase data production and enhance national data flow to policy makers, other users and custodian agencies. The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow. Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: The main objectives of the regional training are: Enhancing understanding of metadata. Improving statistical capacities to invigorate production and use of comparable SDG indicators. Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of SDG indicators and data flow Sharing and discussing country challenges in measuring SDG indicators
Description: This is a side-event of Twentieth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, organized by INEGI of Mexico.
Description: The IAEG-SDGs will host a virtual meeting, “Leaving no one behind: Data disaggregation for SDGs,” on Thursday, 25 March 2021 at 8:00 am EDT. The meeting is open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and other stakeholders.
Description: Within its recently initiated Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC will organise a webinar on “SDG 6 Indicators” on 18 February 2021 in collaboration with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) with the participation of official statisticians working in National Statistical Offices of the OIC countries. The webinar will be conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches designed in line with the virtual training solutions undertaken by SESRIC in order to better serve the Centre’s training activities and keep participants motivated and engaged during this time of global crisis due to COVID-19. For more information on the SESRIC Statistical Experience Sharing Webinar Series, please visit:
Description: The flagship ESCAP report on "Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2021" was launched on 16 March 2021, 10:00 hrs. (GMT+7) by Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, ESCAP Executive Secretary. The subregion breakout sessions were presented by Head of Subregional Offices: Pacific, East and North-East Asia, South and South-West Asia, South-East Asia, and North and Central Asia. Report website Download Full Report Highlight brochure
Description: The twenty-first meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Monday 15 February 2021 at 7:00 - 9:00am (EDT).
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 14 Feb 2021 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: At this online seminar, Florina Pirlea, Statistician and Divyanshi Wadhwa, Junior Data Scientist, World Bank’s Development Data Group, will present the main features of the 2020 Atlas.
Description: This regionalmeetingwas set to discuss the progress of the activityontheArabic Glossaries and SDG Metadata implemented under the umbrella of DA11 projectonSupporting ESCWA Member States in the Adoption and Implementation ofArabic Standards. The project aims to address the unavailability of unified standards for scientificArabic terms which has left a gap with significant hurdles in the collection, comparability, and usefulness of data across the full spectrum of development issues especially those produced from administrative records.Themeetingaimed to provide an overview of progress madeontheArabic glossaries and the SDG metadata, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in applying standards at the national level and make recommendations for adopting and using them to better plan and implement the second phase of this project. List of participants Presentation
Description: One of the critical follow-up and review mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the Voluntary National Review (VNR) prepared by Member States and presented at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). In July 2021, forty-four countries plan to present a VNR at the HLPF, many of whom (35 countries) presenting a review for the second or third time. These VNRs, prepared through a country-led process, facilitate the sharing of experiences - both successes and challenges - among Member States, with a view toward accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
e-Learning Course on Principles of Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators
13 Jan 2021 – 03 Mar 2021
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course introduces data visualization as a tool to produce high-quality graphics for monitoring official statistics and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: This Stats Café brought together experts from the Inclusive Data Charter network, including international and regional organizations and national governments, to discuss experiences in producing and using inclusive and disaggregated statistics to progress the Leave No One Behind commitment. In order to live up to the promise inherent within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to “Leave No One Behind,” we need timely, comprehensive, and disaggregated data to better understand the situation of the poorest and most marginalized. In the Asia-Pacific region, COVID-19 has further heightened the need for accurate data on marginalized communities as the pandemic has exacerbated socio-economic inequities and disrupted data collection efforts. While there have been some advances in methodologies on data disaggregation since the launch of the SDGs in 2015, critical challenges remain, including the lack of political will and prioritization of inclusive data, limited coordination and cooperation between data producers -especially around the utilization of existing data, and the complexities of collecting data on hard-to-reach populations. Attendance Summary Flyer Agenda Welcome remarks: Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP The Inclusive Data Charter: Kate Richards, Outreach Manager – Inclusive Data Charter Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Mainstreaming Gender across Statistical Work in Asia and the Pacific to Meet the Promise of Leaving No One Behind: Sara Duerto Valero, Regional Advisor – Gender Statistics, UN Women KNBS’ Work on Inclusive Data Charter and Collaboration with the Ministry of Labour And Social Protection: Renice Akinyi Bunde, Statistician Governance, Peace and Security Statistics, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Leave No One Behind Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region: Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP Questions and answers: Petra Nahmias, ESCAP , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Description: Why are national SDG data and metadata platforms so important? As part of the series on Building Strong Data Ecosystems for SDGs series, we held a webinar on National SDG Data Platforms on 17 November from 8:00-9:15am New York time. The value of national SDG data platforms was discussed from the perspective of both users and NSOs. Kyrgyzstan and Zimbabwe, who have recently developed their national platforms were presenting their experiences. We explored how those interested in developing a platform can move things forward, highlighting some of the tools available to do this. If you’re from an NSO or RCO in a country that hasn’t yet developed a national data platform for the SDGs, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more and get inspired. If you already have a data platform in place, we’d love to hear about your experiences. You may also get inspired by new ways of developing your platform even further!
Description: This third meeting is presented as a space for reflection among the countries, agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations System that operate in the region and the United Nations Secretariat, around strategic issues of statistical monitoring of the SDGs in the region.
Development and use of indicator systems for evidence-based decision making in the context of SDG monitoring and other areas
16 Nov 2020 – 20 Nov 2020
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 17 Nov 2020 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat EFTA
Description: The objectives of this course are: * to provide participants with a theoretical and methodological background on the development of indicator systems, especially in the context of monitoring SDGs; * to build up a common understanding of terms, definitions, as well as the role and limits of official statistics in the construction and maintenance of indicator systems; * to provide knowledge about the links between policy makers and other users of indicators and the statistical community providing data and indicators.
Target Audience: Staff members working in the field of monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or of economic, social or environmental statistics who are or who will be involved in indicator systems or who need to extend their knowledge on how to use indicators and indicator systems. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: The twentieth meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Monday 12 November 2020 at 7:00am - 9:30am (EDT).
Description: The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organized virtual workshops to discuss benefits and challenges of utilising PHC and CRVS data in monitoring SDGs. Two rounds of identical workshops were delivered on: Round 1: 27-30 October, 07:00-10:00 a.m. (Bangkok time). Round 2: 3-6 November, 11:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m. (Bangkok time). The workshops also provided a platform to further elaborate on utilising PHC and CRVS statistics for disaggregating SDG indicators and discuss the use of geospatial information and tools for generating relevant SDG indicators from CRVS and census data. Ultimately the workshops would help to achieve a common and improved understanding of definitions and method of computation of SDG indicators. The following issues were discussed during the workshops: SDG indicators that can be directly measured or estimated approximately using existing census or CRVS data based on the internationally recommended topics; Challenges related to the use of census and CRVS data for the measurement of indicators and analytical strategies to mitigate or overcome those challenges; Advantages of census and CRVS data for the disaggregation of the SDG indicators and, where applicable, some of the precautions needing to be addressed; Geospatial information and tools for generating and disaggregating SDG indicators using census data.
Description: The eleventh meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), will be held virtually from 3 to 5 November 2020. This meeting will follow a similar format to the quarterly open meetings held by the IAEG-SDGs since June 2020 and is open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and stakeholders. The registration is closed. However, please check the 'Documents' tab for how to follow the meeting events.
Description: The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) are organizing virtual workshops to discuss benefits and challenges of utilising PHC and CRVS data in monitoring SDGs. Two rounds of identical workshops will be delivered on: Round 1: 27-30 October, 07:00-10:00 a.m. (Bangkok time). Round 2: 3-6 November, 11:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m. (Bangkok time). The workshops will also provide a platform to further elaborate on utilising PHC and CRVS statistics for disaggregating SDG indicators and discuss the use of geospatial information and tools for generating relevant SDG indicators from CRVS and census data. Ultimately the workshops will help to achieve a common and improved understanding of definitions and method of computation of SDG indicators. The following issues will be discussed during the workshops: SDG indicators that can be directly measured or estimated approximately using existing census or CRVS data based on the internationally recommended topics; Challenges related to the use of census and CRVS data for the measurement of indicators and analytical strategies to mitigate or overcome those challenges; Advantages of census and CRVS data for the disaggregation of the SDG indicators and, where applicable, some of the precautions needing to be addressed; Geospatial information and tools for generating and disaggregating SDG indicators using census data.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: The nineteenth meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Monday 14 September 2020 at 7:00am - 9:00am (EDT).
Title in Arabic: الحوكمة ضمن الرصد والإبلاغ عن مؤشرات أهداف التنمية المستدامة
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: تسعى أهداف التنمية المستدامة إلى الحد بشكل كبير من جميع أشكال العنف، والعمل مع الحكومات والمجتمعات المحلية لإيجاد حلول دائمة للصراع وإنعدام الأمن. ويُعد تعزيز سيادة القانون وتعزيز حقوق الإنسان أمراً أساسياً في هذه العملية، ويشمل كذلك تعزيز مشاركة البلدان النامية في مؤسسات الحكم العالمية إن الهدف 16 من اهداف التنمية المستدامة هو مجال تنموي جديد نسبيا من ناحية الإستهداف المباشر مقارنة "بالأهداف الإنمائية للالفية" مما يترتب عليه الحاجة إلى خبرة مسبقة عن توفير المعلومات وكيفية التعاطي مع كتابة التقارير المتعلقة بهذا الهدف بشكل خاص. في ظل جائحة كورونا التي تجتاح العالم بأسره، تزداد الحاجة إلى أهمية تعميم المعرفة وتبادل الخبرات والتجربة في مجال تقنيات رصد الهدف 16 وتقديم التقارير الوطنية حول واقع تقدم العمل عليه ومدى الإنجاز في تحقيق غاياته وآليات قياسه بالإعتماد على إطار المؤشرات العالمي الذي إعتمدته الأمم المتحدة وقامت بتطويره العديد من المؤسسات ذات العلاقة بهذا الهدف وفي مقدمتها مفوضية الأمم المتّحدة السامية لحقوق الإنسان "OHCHR" وبرنامج الامم المتحدة الانمائي UNDP، وعلى وجه الخصوص مركز الحكم في أوسلوOGC ومكتب الأمم المتحدة المعني بالمخدرات والجريمة UNODCوغيرها من وكالات الأمم المتحدة.
Description: The eighteenth meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a Virtual meeting scheduled for Thursday 11 JUNE 2020 at 7:00am - 9:00am (EDT).
Description: The COVID-19 crisis continues to devastate lives and economies, setting back progress made toward the Sustainable Development Goals in many countries. Data is once again more important than ever in allowing governments and other stakeholders to assess the extent of the pandemic's impacts. The aim of this webinar, was to refocus attention on the long-term goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and begin a discussion of how the pandemic could affect the achievement of the SDGs. The Statistics Division presented initial findings from the 2020 SDG Report and other recent publications covering impacts of COVID-19. Dr. Nyi Nyi Maung from the Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar shared his country's experience in monitoring the effects of the pandemic on the SDGs. Mr. Joses Tegyeza, from the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda presented Uganda's experience in preparing the 2020 VNR and changes that needed to be made in light of COVID-19. The webinar was organized by the UNSD-DFID Project, which supports the SDG monitoring and COVID-19 data response in 20 countries in Africa and Asia. Here you can find the video recording of the webinar and the combined presentation.
Description: The sixteenth meeting of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is scheduled for Sunday morning, 1 March 2020, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York prior to the 51st Session of the Statistical Commission. The main topics for discussion of the sixteenth meeting of the HLG are: * Preparatory work for the UN World Data Forum 2020; * Coordination of the UN statistical system; * Evaluation of the implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data (CTGAP); * Updates to the 51st session of the Statistical Commission.