Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Dec 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The main objectives of the course are: * Introducing the participants to the Python language and ecosystem; * Make the participants able to read and write basic Python programs for common data processing tasks (data analysis, exploration and visualization).
Target Audience: Official statisticians (including managers) involved in Big Data and Data Science activities having no specific knowledge on this subject; Official statisticians (including managers) who, without being directly involved in Big Data and Data Science activities, need basic knowledge on the use of the Python language.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Dec 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The main objective of the courses is to enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge related to the treatment of unit non-response and item non-response. In particular, participants will gain knowledge on weighting techniques in order to deal with unit non-response and imputation techniques in order to deal with item non-response. For unit-nonresponse, participants will also learn about up to date monitoring of data collection and application of adaptive survey designs.
Target Audience: All NSIs staff dealing with data collection facing non-response, either unit non-response where entire units intended to be collected are missing or item non-response where some items of otherwise responding units are missing.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): IMF ESCAP SIAP
Description: CPIs measure changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that households acquire (use or pay for) for the purpose of consumption. In many countriesthey were originally introduced to provide a measure of the changes in the living costs faced by workersso that wage increases could be related to changing levels of prices. Howeverover the yearsCPIs have widened their scope and now are widely used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflationas a tool by governments and central banks for monetary policy and for monitoring price stabilityand as deflators in the national accounts. With the globalization of trade and production and the liberalization of the marketsnational governmentscentral banksand international organizations place great importance on the quality and accuracy of national CPIsand their international comparability.
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of Excel in Data Management and Analysis in socio-economic fields. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in design data capture, data entry, management, analysis and interpretation.
Target Audience: Targeted participants for this course include but not limited to: Statisticians, Officials working in policy making, Project planning, monitoring and evaluation in various capacities in the Government and Private sector.
Organizer(s): ESCAP UNICEF UNFPA Vital Strategies Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Description: The Second meeting of the South-East Asia Civil Registration Professionals Network will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 14-16 January 2025. The meeting is organized to support and encourage progress towards meeting commitments by governments in Asia and the Pacific to the shared vision as contained in the Ministerial Declaration to “Get Every One in the Picture”. The meeting will facilitate discussions on key CRVS achievements in South-East Asia which will be highlighted at the Third Ministerial Conference on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific (24-26 June 2025) and at the South-East Asia sub-regional forum to be held on 23 June 2025. The discussions will also include a focus on digitalization of registration systems, inclusivity and resilience in civil registration and vital statistics systems as well as the 2025 review of progress in implementing the Regional Action Framework for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific. The Government of Cambodia will host visits to relevant registration facilities and health centres. The first meeting of the SEA Civil Registrars Network was held in Manila, Philippines on 7-9 February 2023.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, targets compilers with a certain degree of experience in the compilation and/or analysis of balance of payments and/or IIP. It aims at providing a deep understanding of the concepts, data sources and compilation techniques for balance of payments and IIP statistics and their application for addressing complex methodological issues. The course does not cover the basic balance of payments and IIP concepts. The intermediate level of the course presupposes participants’ familiarity with the basic concepts.The course consists of a series of lectures and workshops analyzing country cases with a strong data component and to allow peer learning and sharing of experiences. Recognizing the challenges in compiling data in emerging areas of user interest, the course emphasizes specific topics, such as estimating informal cross border activities and the treatment of special purpose entities. The course examines themes and challenges emerging from developments in global economy, and participants have the opportunity to discuss how these impact compilation work. Specific exercises are geared to integrating data compilation with Fund surveillance and policy advice; and to demonstrate the analytical uses of ESS.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, covers both the conceptual and practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics focusing on other financial corporations (OFCs) as set out in the 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The main aim of this course is to foster a deeper understanding of the OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structures and how their financial data can be leveraged for compiling the broadest set of monetary statistics to understand liquidity and financing extended to the nonfinancial sectors and nonresidents by the financial corporations. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, of which the role of MFS in the balance sheet approach (BSA) for analyzing macro-financial vulnerabilities and how MFS fits into the IMF’s financial programming. The course integrates discussions on cutting-edge issues like Fintech, digital money and climate finance all related to MFS. Through a combination of lectures, countries’ presentations and case studies, the course familiarizes participants with practical aspects of compiling other financial corporations sector and the financial corporations survey. Emphasis is also placed on peer learning through sharing of country experiences among the participants.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Dec 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Objectives: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; * To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks, and Ministries of Finance in EU Member States and candidate countries, particularly those working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and preparing for or supporting the implementation of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, acquaints participants with the fundamentals of compiling and using FSIs in support of macroprudential analysis. The course covers methodological and technical issues in the construction of FSIs, as discussed in the 2019 Financial Soundness Indicators Compilation Guide (2019 FSI Guide) . The course takes an interactive approach using hands-on exercises in discussing the main topics as follows: Preparation of the sectoral financial statements and compilation of FSIs for deposit takers, other financial corporations (OFCs), and nonfinancial corporations (NFCs). Regulatory framework for deposit takers. Accounting principles and data consolidation for the compilation of FSIs for deposit takers. Metadata reporting. Overview of FSIs for Household sector and Real Estate markets.
Target Audience: Officials at central banks and supervisory agencies of the financial sector involved in the collection, compilation, and analysis of financial soundness indicators (FSIs).
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of Excel in Data Management and Analysis in socio-economic fields. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in design data capture, data entry, management, analysis and interpretation.
Target Audience: Targeted participants for this course include but not limited to: Statisticians, Officials working in policy making, Project planning, monitoring and evaluation in various capacities in the Government and Private sector.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, acquaints participants with the fundamentals of compiling and using FSIs in support of macroprudential analysis. The course covers methodological and technical issues in the construction of FSIs, as discussed in the 2019 Financial Soundness Indicators Compilation Guide (2019 FSI Guide). The course takes an interactive approach using hands-on exercises in discussing the main topics as follows: * Preparation of the sectoral financial statements and compilation of FSIs for deposit takers, other financial corporations (OFCs), and nonfinancial corporations (NFCs). * Regulatory framework for deposit takers. * Accounting principles and data consolidation for the compilation of FSIs for deposit takers. * Metadata reporting. * Overview of FSIs for Household sector and Real Estate markets.
Target Audience: Officials at central banks and supervisory agencies of the financial sector involved in the collection, compilation, and analysis of financial soundness indicators (FSIs).
Description: This course, conducted by the Statistics Department, presents a user-friendly tool developed by the department to automatically combine monetary, government, and international investment position data reported to the Statistics Department to create a distribution of claims and liabilities on a from-whom-to-whom basis—an extremely useful tool for macro-financial analysis. Once the matrix is generated, country officials should be able to use the Balance Sheet Approach (BSA) analysis to focus on overall balance sheet linkages and identify specific exposures and vulnerabilities, such as excessive reliance on external funding, leverage buildup in the corporate sector, and overreliance on the banking sector for sovereign debt placement.
Target Audience: Officials at central banks, ministries of finance and other agencies in charge of compiling monetary and financial statistics, government finance/debt statistics, and external sector statistics; and/or overseeing macro-financial analysis.