Organizer(s): UNSD BC3 INE Spain Gobierno Vasco Spain Ministry of External Affairs, EU and Cooperation Spain Instituto Vasco de Estadística Spain Excelencia María de Maeztu Spain
Description: As the world grapples with numerous global challenges, including environmental issues, climate change, health crises, food insecurity, economic recovery, and human displacement, the need for knowledge integration has never been more critical. Amid a data landscape with fast-increasing volumes of data, information remains compartmentalised to pre-defined scales and fields, rarely building its way up to collective knowledge. The statistical community, the data science community, the geospatial community and the modelling community are tasked with delivering this integrated knowledge, to shed light on the ongoing “wicked problems”—intertwined, multistakeholder and with potential solutions dependent on subjective, competing interests. The purpose of the conference is to address and share knowledge on these emerging issues that require the timely and flexible production of integrated scientific, statistical and geospatial information. This involves collaboration with strategic partners from the public and private sectors, as well as from academic and research institutes, and needs a paradigm shift that will favour open synthesis to contribute and reuse knowledge and apply it toward decision making. The conference will consist of a ministerial opening, high-level panels, technical sessions as well as a several workshops. The overall theme of the conference is “Informing Climate Change and Sustainable Development policies with integrated data”.
Description: This conference on External Statistics brings together users and compilers of external statistics. It is organised jointly by the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC) of the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Banco de España (BdE). The event aims to foster regular discussions and sharing of experiences within the central banking community as well as with other interested stakeholders and users to identify the main analytical needs, prioritise data collections and address upcoming challenges in external statistics. To this end, the agenda will include keynote speeches from influential policymakers and academics, round table discussions and thematic sessions, with inputs both from analysts and compilers. Following its first edition held in 2020 (Lisbon, Portugal), this conference will focus on the recent factors that have been reshaping the landscape for external statistics: in particular, the consequences of the pandemic and its aftermath, digitalisation, geo-political tensions and growing attention to environmental issues. The event will also be an opportunity to shed light on important statistical developments affecting the measurement of the external sector, namely improvements in compilation methods, the use of multiple information sources, the growing importance of micro data and the ongoing review of international statistical standards, particularly the update of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM7).
Description: The 2023 Global Meeting of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) took place on 21 and 22 November 2023 at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, Spain. The content of the event was structured around these key themes: * Importance of Governance: Exploring the critical role of effective governance in steering sustainable tourism development towards success and long-lasting impact and the role of observatories in this context. * Importance of participatory approaches: Showcasing the significance of involving local communities and stakeholders in shaping sustainable tourism practices and policies through the work of the Observatories. * The net positive approach: Focusing on practical experiences in assessing the environmental impacts of tourism activities through cases studies and tools for measuring and mitigating the ecological footprint of tourism and will looking into measurement aspects in the areas of waste, wastewater and water management and climate action.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 25 Jan 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat INE Spain
Description: Los próximos días 30 y 31 de octubre el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) y el Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía del CSIC (IEGD-CSIC) organizan la 4ª edición de estas jornadas, con la colaboración del Centro de Estudios Demográficos (CED), la Asociación de Demográfica Histórica, el Grupo de Geografía de la Población de la Asociación Española de Geografía y la Red Retos Demográficos, Red temática de investigación en demografía y estudios de la población RED2022-134952-T. Estas Jornadas, que dan continuidad a las celebradas en 2015, 2018 y 2022, se han consolidado como en un instrumento muy útil para el intercambio entre productores y usuarios de la estadística oficial y han contado con una participación e interés creciente por parte del mundo académico. En esta ocasión las Jornadas tienen un elemento especial. Se realizan coincidiendo con la presidencia española de la Unión Europea y por ello se dedicará una primera sesión, que ocupará toda la mañana del día 30, a celebrar una European Data Users Conference, a analizar la situación de las estadísticas sociales y demográficas en el ámbito de la Unión Europea. Además, en esta edición se va a poder debatir sobre el futuro de las estadísticas públicas en España una vez culminado el proceso de publicación de los Censos de Población y viviendas 2021, basados por primera vez en datos administrativos y con muchas novedades metodológicas.
Description: The 4th Meeting of the Expert Group on Measuring Tourism Sustainability (MST) is scheduled to take place in Marbella, Spain, in September 2023. The Expert Group on MST constitutes a diverse and inclusive assembly, established by UNWTO in collaboration with prominent nations, the International Labour Organization, and the United Nations Statistics Division. Its primary purpose is to provide guidance for the formulation of a Statistical Framework for Assessing Tourism's Sustainability. The framework aims to support a more harmonized and integrated measurement of the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment, at both the national and sub-national levels.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The aim of the course is to: * give an overview of the functioning of ESS, including ESS procedures and concepts; * create understanding of the requirements originating from the EU cooperation; * introduce in the relations of the European statistical world with EU institutions, the legal basis of the ESS, the decision-making process, the cooperation among the different stakeholders, etc.; * prepare participants and enable them to tackle the day-to-day challenges of the ESS system for the purpose of strengthening efforts and thereby increasing their involvement; * train the participants in negotiating with colleagues from other European countries, including negotiation and presentation skills, effective oral communication and active participation in an ESS meeting.
Target Audience: Staff members wishing to understand the framework and functioning of the European Statistical System (ESS) as well as staff who participate or will be participating in the meetings of committees, working groups and task forces.
Description: The Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) programme—led by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in partnership with the UN Statistics Division and leading countries, and with the support of ILO and others—aims to provide a common framework to measure the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment, both at national and subnational levels. UNWTO is organizing a 3-day gathering consisting of: - a Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to exchange good practices among the pioneering pilot countries and clarify issues with leading experts worldwide, and - the Third Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to pick up on the development of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) which is more necessary than ever as tourism recovers from its worst crisis in history because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Description: The Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) programme—led by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in partnership with the UN Statistics Division and leading countries, and with the support of ILO and others—aims to provide a common framework to measure the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment, both at national and subnational levels. UNWTO is organizing a 3-day gathering consisting of: - a Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to exchange good practices among the pioneering pilot countries and clarify issues with leading experts worldwide, and - the Third Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to pick up on the development of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) which is more necessary than ever as tourism recovers from its worst crisis in history because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Title in Spanish: Indicadores de cambio climático: Avances y desafíos
Organizer(s): ECLAC
Description: El evento se lleva a cabo en el marco de la COP25 y tiene por objetivo promover un diálogo sobre producción y uso de indicadores de cambio climático, enfocándose en ocurrencia, mitigación, impactos, y adaptación, incluido a los desastres.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: The main objectives of the course are: * to provide the participants with basic knowledge of using administrative registers to produce statistics; * to provide skills to build and update statistical registers by using various administrative sources; * to provide best practice in combining statistical surveys and register data; * to provide best practices on moving from survey based system to register based system (experience of the Member States that have completed this process – Nordic countries); * to provide best practices on reducing statistical burden by using statistical registers.
Target Audience: Methodologists and statisticians who are involved in the production of statistics potentially covered by administrative registers, in particular in the domain of social statistics. The course is targeted to any NSIs staff wishing to understand the possible ways of producing official statistics based upon statistical registers. Horizontal knowledge of different statistical areas and production steps in official statistics is welcome. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: This course will provide participants with an understanding of fundamental data mining methodologies and with the ability to formulate and solve problems using them. Particular attention will be paid to practical, efficient and statistically sound techniques, capable of providing not only the requested discoveries, but also estimates of their utilities. These lectures will be complemented with hands-on experience with data mining software, primarily R, to allow development of basic execution skills.
Target Audience: The course is targeted to Methodologists and statisticians who need to update their knowledge about social media data analysis. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: The objective of the course is to present and demonstrate innovative algorithm-based techniques for data analysis, with application to datasets from official statistics as well as from other sources (Big Data, natural language textual data).
Target Audience: NSIs staff with background in statistics/econometrics. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge of BoP approaches. The main focus will be on concepts and definitions of BoP, discussions of the financial accounts and the International Investment Position. The course will explore the European perspective and a view on harmonisation efforts within Europe.
Target Audience: Staff members in the field of National Accounts (NA) and Balance of Payment (BoP) departments in National Statistical Offices and National Banks. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: The goal of the course is to provide to participants with a basic knowledge of modern time series econometrics both for univariate and multivariate time series. The participants would be able to understand most applied econometric papers published in the literature and hence to conduct in an adequate and accurate way their own research.
Target Audience: Statistical production units of NSIs. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Expertise France
Description: Introduce the participants to current European and international requirements and recommendations shaping and defining dissemination in the European Statistical System like the Code of Practice, the UN Fundamental Principles and the new ESS project DIGICOM to modernise communication and dissemination of European statistics. Demonstrate the use of quantitative measures of dissemination i.e. timeliness, punctuality, adherence to release schedules, media citations, various web metrics (sessions, hits bounce rates). Discuss and demonstrate how different types of content can be tailored to specific user groups and special audiences. Visualisation: Introduce best practices on how to present data visualisations on websites: tables, graphs, maps and other innovative ways to convey statistical information to the users like infographics, tree maps, and statistical videos. Etc. Findability and comprehension: Describe the function and importance of metadata when users need to understand and find statistical information on the Internet. Introduce tools and methods for involving users in testing and development of new functionality and products. Discuss the ways of promoting European statistics using printed publications as a marketing tool, using social media, mobile apps, etc. to reach new audiences. Discuss future and present challenges in (mainly electronic) dissemination.
Target Audience: Staff members working in dissemination units or those who are interested in these activities. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: This course wishes to introduce non-statistical NSI staff to the basic concepts and logic of statistical reasoning and gives them introductory-level practical ability to choose, generate, and properly interpret appropriate statistical descriptive and inferential methods.
Target Audience: The course is targeted to any non-statistician NSIs staff, in different kinds of positions, wishing to improve their basic knowledge on descriptive statistics and statistical data analysis. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Devstat
Description: Training participants in producing small area estimates using surveys enhanced with administrative auxiliary data. Participants will also undertake practical exercises based on pseudo-real data. They will achieve a theoretical background on the foundations of small area estimation and training on applying small area estimation methods to real data with the R programming language.
Target Audience: Statisticians (and related professionals) from National Statistical Institutes or Public Institutions and teachers or researchers from universities. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.