Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): IMF ESCAP SIAP
Description: CPIs measure changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that households acquire (use or pay for) for the purpose of consumption. In many countriesthey were originally introduced to provide a measure of the changes in the living costs faced by workersso that wage increases could be related to changing levels of prices. Howeverover the yearsCPIs have widened their scope and now are widely used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflationas a tool by governments and central banks for monetary policy and for monitoring price stabilityand as deflators in the national accounts. With the globalization of trade and production and the liberalization of the marketsnational governmentscentral banksand international organizations place great importance on the quality and accuracy of national CPIsand their international comparability.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 09 Sep 2024 )
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Description: The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the availability of high-qualitytimely and reliable data to produce the relevant SDG indicators and other statisticsdisaggregated as relevant. To meet this needofficial statistics must modernize and incorporate new data sourcesincluding Big Data. At its 53rd session in 2022the Statistical Commission underscored the importance of mainstreaming the use of big data and data science into the work programmes of national statistical offices and the necessity to include training in big data and data science into the training curricula of national statistical offices. This course is a first response to this injunction by sharing experienceand providing the pedagogical activities required for understanding the process leading to the production and dissemination of official statistics and SDGs with new data sources.The course Big DataInnovative Methods and Applications for Achieving organized by the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific (UNSIAP)with the contribution of the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (SeoulKorea) will be conducted from 21 to 25 October 2024in ChibaJapan.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 09 Sep 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ILO
Description: The causes and consequences of informal employment and employment in informal sector and their impact on achieving sustainable development continues to gain attention in national development agendas. The evidence in developing and emerging economies shows that on average the proportions of people in informal employment ranges from close to two thirds in emerging economies to nearly 90% in low-income countries. Thereforeevery national policy targeting povertysocial protectionor decent work needs to recognise the role of the informal economy in national development. Yetthe lack of data and statistics on the informal economy hinders the capacity of countries to better inform decisions and development policies. This regional training course brings together statisticians and labour analysts from Asia-Pacific national statistical systems to discuss technical aspects and share experiences in the production and use of statistics on informality.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Jul 2024 )
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Description: This regional training introduces crime statistics from a gender perspective to produce reliable indicators to monitor the relevant SDGs (SDGs 5 and 16). The training provides an opportunity for participants to learn about gender concepts and frameworks on SDG indicators relevant to crime and criminal justice statistics including gender-based SDG targetswith the overall aim of strengthening regional capacity in producing high-quality SDG indicator data and overall statisticsto inform policy decisions at national and international levels.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Apr 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP UNSD
Description: Statistical Business Registers (SBRs) are often described as the backbone of economic statisticsas they provide the core infrastructure to support the collection of economic data and the production of economic statistics. They provide a coherent set of units and classifications to collect and compile data across all domainsand a consistent set of rules to maintain this set of units over time. SBRs are considered as the backbone for producing economic statistics that meet the increasing demand for better integratedcoherent and comparable statistics across countries and statistical domains. Inclusive and exhaustive SBRs are becoming an increasingly more important element of the statistical infrastructure for maintaining the relevanceresponsiveness and quality of economic statistics in order to measure the structure and dynamics of economic activity.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Apr 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP IMF
Description: The Statistics Department (STA) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)is implementing the “Environment and Climate Change Statistics Capacity Development Program”supported by the State Economic Cooperation (SECO). The program is oriented towards assisting beneficiary countries in the development and dissemination of indicators most relevant to their policy needs. Accordinglytechnical assistance will focus on developing one or two indicators that reflect the most urgent data needs of the targeted countries; and encompass the use of internationally agreed methodology or testing methodology underdevelopment. The program will build capacity in the project countries to compile select indicators through the organization of workshopstrainingsand targeted hands-on technical assistance.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ILO
Description: The causes and consequences of informal employment and employment in informal sector and their impact on achieving sustainable development continues to gain attention in national development agendas. The evidence in developing and emerging economies shows that on average more than half of the employment in non-agricultural sectors are informal and this rate can reach as high as 80% in some countries. Thereforeevery national policy targeting povertysocial protectionor decent work needs to recognise the role of the informal economy in national development. Yetthe lack of data and statistics on the informal economy hinders the capacity of countries to better inform decisions and development policies. This regional training course brings together statisticians and labour analysts from Asia-Pacific national statistical systems to discuss technical aspects and share experiences in the production and use of statistics on informality
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP IMF STA
Description: CPIs measure changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that households acquire (use or pay for) for the purpose of consumption. In many countriesthey were originally introduced to provide a measure of the changes in the living costs faced by workersso that wage increases could be related to changing levels of prices. Howeverover the yearsCPIs have widened their scope and now are widely used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflationas a tool by governments and central banks for monetary policy and for monitoring price stabilityand as deflators in the national accounts. With the globalization of trade and production and the liberalization of the marketsnational governmentscentral banksand international organizations place great importance on the quality and accuracy of national CPIsand their international comparability.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Paris21
Description: With the increased and evolving demand for data from national development plansAgenda 2030 for sustainable development goalsthe current and post crisis affecting the Worldincluding COVID-19 and climate change; National statistical offices (NSOs) continue to be at the forefront of developing and coordinating national statistical systems (NSS) as well as engaging with the larger data ecosystem. National statistical systems (NSS) in low and middle-income countries need to innovate and adapt quickly not only in terms of data productionbut also in more effectively re-usinganalysingdisseminating and communicating other existing sources of development data. The development of strong leadership and management skills at both senior- and mid - levels is key to ensure NSOs are positioned to drive change and operate in modern and dynamic data ecosystems. In this contextenhancing leadership skills of leaders of NSO through targeted trainings is an important strategy to position the NSO/NSS to respond to emerging data needsstrengthen institutional reputationand build trust among citizens.
Description: In the Asia-Pacific region, climate change is one of the most pressing policy issues given its wide-ranging impacts on well-being. High quality, consistent data on the environment-economy nexus is needed to inform effective pathways for addressing climate change and related issues. National statistical offices (NSOs) of countries in the region have responded to this need by compiling various environmental accounts in compliance with the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) , including taking steps towards compiling energy and air emission accounts which are among the most relevant accounts for informing climate change. However, there is a need to strengthen the capacities of NSOs to produce and disseminate SEEA accounts, in particular energy, air emission and carbon accounts, to better meet the needs of users for high quality integrated data on climate change and the economy. The workshop, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), with the support of the Office of the Director-General for Policy Planning on Statistical Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Government of Japan, aims to further build capacities in the region for the compilation of SEEA accounts relevant to climate change. The workshop will take place at the headquarters of the UNSIAP in Chiba, Japan.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 26 Nov 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Statistics Bureau of Japan
Description: The aim of the co-hosted seminar is to contribute towards modernization and capacity building of official statistics in Asia and the Pacific through enhancing utilization of ICT.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 26 Nov 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ESCAP UNSD Statistics Bureau of Japan
Description: The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "Future of Economic Statistics". The seminar will draw on the experience of participants in identifying present level of production and use of official economic statistics in countries in the region and further expectation in terms of production of new economic and related indicators.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 26 Nov 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: The Network meeting facilitates information sharing and promotes coordination among national statistical training institutions, regional and international statistical training providers, and donor agencies that provide funding for statistical trainings in the region.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 26 Nov 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: Around fifty chief statisticians and their representatives from countries and international organizations participated in two managerial meetings Governing Council of UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, and Network of Statistical Training Institutions in Chiba, Japan on 9th and 10th December 2019. The Council acknowledged the significant progress made by the Institute in the year 2019. The council reviewed the recommendations contained in the Independent evaluation report carried out for the period 2015-2019 of its activities. It broadly accepted its recommendations. They discussed the future of statistical training in the region in the context of monitoring Sustainable Development Goals delivered by the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific and its collaborating national statistical training institutes in the region. They endorsed the strategic plan of the Institute for the next five years. Work Programme and Financial plan of the Institute for the year 2020 was also approved by the Council.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: At the third meeting of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training in Tokyo, from December 4 to 6, the subgroup members finalized the training materials that will form the Asia-Pacific curriculum, and discussed next steps for implementation of statistical training across the region.The members of the subgroup will meet one last time in February 2020 to pilot-test the materials and receive a Training of Trainers prior to the full-fledged roll-out of the trainings across the region.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Oct 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ILO
Description: This regional course aims to better equip national and international stakeholders in the new SDGs statistical monitoring system. It is designed to enhance institutional capacity to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to decent work. It emphasises the importance of processing Labour Force Surveys (LFS) microdata to produce and disseminate SDGs indicators.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Oct 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Paris21
Description: Paris21, in partnership with the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, will hold its 3rd Statistical Leadership Training for Heads of NSOs in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at strengthening the leadership and management skills of new heads of national statistical offices in the region. The training serves as venue for cross-learning and sharing of experiences and challenges in leading and managing a statistical office in particular, and the national statistical system in general. This year’s statistical leadership training will include a one-day innovation seminar aimed at learning the theory and practice of innovation management in NSOs. It will provide insights into selected innovation models and their relevance for NSSs and the role of leadership in this context.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Oct 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: The training programme provides the opportunity for participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks, with hands-on sessions, of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), with the overall aim to strengthen capacity to produce a set of statistics and indicators to inform environment-related policy decisions at the national and international levels.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 09 May 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Japan
Description: This course is jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen the capacity of entities belonging to national statistical systems, by providing statistical staff with training that aims at increasing their knowledge and improving their skills to produce data, to apply statistical methods in order to produce official statistics as well as indicators and to interpret and to use these for monitoring progress in achieving the SDGs.
Second Statistical Analysis of Disaggregated SDG Indicators for Inclusive Development Policies
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 09 May 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP UNSD IMF Japan
Description: The workshop provided an opportunity to participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks for the quality of statistics through hands-on sessions, with the overall aim of enhancing the capacity to produce a set of statistics including indicators, to track and monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 09 May 2019 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Japan
Description: This course was jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen the innovative capabilities of national statistical systems to explore new data sources such as geo-spatial information, big data, and alternative administrative data, and apply alternative/non-traditional methods for SDG statistics. The program will also develop ability to use the non-traditional supplementary data for disaggregation of SDG statistics.