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Description: The aim of the course is to: * give an overview of the functioning of ESS, including ESS procedures and concepts; * create understanding of the requirements originating from the EU cooperation * introduce in the relations of the European statistical world with EU institutions, the legal basis of the ESS, the decision-making process, the cooperation among the different stakeholders, etc.; * prepare participants and enable them to tackle the day-to-day challenges of the ESS system for the purpose of strengthening efforts and thereby increasing their involvement; * train the participants in negotiating with colleagues from other European countries, including negotiation and presentation skills, effective oral communication and active participation in an ESS meeting..
Target Audience: Staff members wishing to understand the framework and functioning of the European Statistical System (ESS) as well as staff who participate or will be participating in the meetings of committees, working groups and task forces.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
Additional Urls:
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Description: The fourteenth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) will be held in person from 23 to 25 October 2023 at the CPH Conference-DGI Byen in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The 14th meeting of the Inter-agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) took place from 23-25 October 2023, at CPH Conference-DGI Byen in Copenhagen. Close to 110 participants, including representatives from Member States, international and regional organizations and entities, civil society organizations, and academia, attend the meeting. A members’ meeting was held on 23 October and a plenary session with all participants on 24-25 October. The main topics discussed at the meeting included: 1) Updates on work of the IAEG-SDGs working groups on SDMX and Geospatial Information, and the Task Team on Sustainable Tourism 2) Review of SDG indicator data availability and update on tier classification; 3) Refinements of the global SDG framework; 4) Discussion on 2025 Comprehensive Review; 5) Sharing best practices on implementation, monitoring and reporting on SDGs and lessons learned; 6) Data disaggregation and inclusive data; 7) Data partnership and capacity development for SDGs; 8) Data innovations and initiatives for SDGs and 9) IAEG-SDGs Workplan and next steps. In addition, the work of the High-Level Group on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda, the UN World Data Forum, and data related events at the HLPF and SDG Summit were also presented. The recordings of the meeting, background documents, and all presentations are available on the meeting website.
Event URL: Event Page
United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Citizen Contributions to Data: A Conceptual Framework
28 Sep 2023 – 29 Sep 2023
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: UNSD (Data extracted on: 01 Apr 2024 )
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Description: The UN Statistics Division is organizing an expert group meeting with a specific focus on the development of a Conceptual Framework on Citizen Contributions to Data. More specifically, the meeting will: <ul><li> Review and discuss a draft Conceptual Framework on Citizen Contributions to Data</li><li> Discuss ways and steps to operationalize the Conceptual Framework</li><li> Discuss ways to overcome key challenges in engaging with citizens in data processes such as data quality, building trust and keeping the engagement sustainable</li></ul>
United Nations Workshop on Leveraging the Power of Citizen Data for Impact
27 Sep 2023 – 27 Sep 2023
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: UNSD (Data extracted on: 01 Apr 2024 )
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Description: The UN Statistics Division is organizing a one-day workshop on citizen-generated data. The workshop aims to familiarize participants with various global frameworks that govern official statistics; and facilitate an exchange of experiences and peer-learning on leveraging CGD for public policy, including challenges faced and lessons learnt on how to overcome the challenges. Some of the topics that will be covered include, but not limited to: <ul><li> Data collection and validation</li><li> The use of CGD for public policy</li><li> Quality assurance</li><li> Ethical considerations and rights-based approach to data</li></ul>
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Description: The aim of the course is to: provide an overview of the functioning of ESS, including ESS procedures and concepts; create understanding of the requirements originating from the EU cooperation introduce in the relations of the European Statistical System with other EU institutions or fora, the legal basis of the ESS, the decision-making process, the cooperation among the different stakeholders, etc.; prepare participants and enable them to tackle the day-to-day challenges of the ESS system for the purpose of strengthening efforts and thereby increasing their involvement; Train the participants in negotiating with colleagues from other European countries, including negotiation and presentation skills, effective oral communication and active participation in an ESS meeting;
Target Audience: Staff members wishing to understand the framework and functioning of the European Statistical System (ESS) as well as staff who participate or will be participating in the meetings of committees, European Union working groups and task forces.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
Media Relations in Statistical Agencies – Advanced course
10 Oct 2019 – 11 Oct 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Expertise France
Description: The course will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the principles of communicating statistics and the work of NSIs to the media. Participants will be made familiar with concepts and methods, technologies, strategies and best practices in the fields of media communication in a time of rapid changes in way media works.
Target Audience: Press office and Communication staff. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Thirty-fourth Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities
12 Sep 2019 – 13 Sep 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: UNSD (Data extracted on: 13 Jan 2020 )
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Description: The Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) promotes interagency coordination and cooperation on statistical programmes and consistency in statistical practices and development. As a forum of committed members it fosters good practices in statistical activities of international organisations, in accordance with the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities, and within the constraints of their own governance arrangements and resource envelopes. The members of the CCSA are committed to contribute actively to the development of a coordinated global statistical system producing and disseminating high-quality statistics, e.g. by facilitating the development and well functioning of regional and national statistical systems.
Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the United Nations System
11 Sep 2019 – 11 Sep 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: UNSD (Data extracted on: 13 Jan 2020 )
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Description: The Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the United Nations System promotes coherent and integrated system-wide United Nations actions to support statistics at the national, regional and international levels, following the principles governing international statistical activities, adopted by the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities in 2005, and the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, adopted by the General Assembly in 2015. Taking into account the comparative advantages of each member, the Committee encourages coordinated efforts by United Nations agencies and programmes in strengthening national statistical capacity through the definition of common approaches and joint interventions. The Committee supports in particular the modernization of national statistical systems and the reinforcement of their capacity to respond to new data demands for underpinning evidence-based policymaking, including the monitoring of global, regional and national development goals. Recognizing that national needs and priorities should guide the United Nations system’s efforts to support national statistical systems, the Committee supports the development and full implementation of international statistical standards in member States for the production of high-quality and internationally comparable data. The Committee promotes the coordination of the statistical programmes of the United Nations system entities with the aim of “delivering as one”, by fostering synergies, avoiding duplication and overlap, and facilitating data exchange. It promotes the adoption of common quality criteria to drive the statistical production of all agencies of the United Nations system and supports the sharing of knowledge and good practices. It also defines common United Nations positions on statistical matters, to be reported at the Statistical Commission or at other coordination bodies, such as the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities.
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Description: The aim of the course is to: (a) give an overview of the ESS, including ESS procedures and concepts; (b) create understanding of the requirements originating from the EU cooperation (relations with EU institutions, decision-making process, cooperation among stakeholders, etc.); (c) prepare participants and enable them to tackle the day-to-day challenges of the ESS system for the purpose of strengthening efforts and thereby increasing their involvement; (d) provide practical insight and the possibility for practicing negotiation skills in an ESS context.
Target Audience: Staff members wishing to understand the framework and functioning of the European Statistical System (ESS) as well as staff who participate or will be participating in committees, ESS working groups, task forces and council working party meetings. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Media Relations in Statistical Offices - Introductory Course
10 Apr 2019 – 12 Apr 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Expertise France
Description: The course will provides participants with a better understanding of the principles of communicating Official Statistics and the work of NSIs to the media. Participants will be made familiar with concepts and methods, technologies, strategies and best practices in the fields of media communication in a European context. Eurostat requirements to communication will be clarified.
Target Audience: Press office and Communication staff. Other statisticians with a significant involvement in writing for the media. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu