United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   46th Session (2015)   Documents

Documents for the forty-sixth session of the Statistical Commission

E/2015/24 and E/CN.3/2015/40

Report on the 46th session

List of delegations
Provisional agenda and annotations
Note by the Secretariat on the provisional programme of work and timetable for the session
Report of the Friends of the Chair on Broader Measures of Progress
Report of the Secretary-General on emerging issues: The data revolution
Report of the Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics
Report of the Secretary-General on transformative agenda for official statistics
E/CN.3/2015/6 and Informal addendum
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme and on preparation for the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme
Report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes
Report of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on crime statistics
Report of Statistics Norway and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on statistics on refugees and internally displaced persons
E/CN.3/2015/10 and Addendum
Report of the World Bank on improving household surveys in the post-2015 development era: issues and recommendations towards a shared agenda
Report of the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts
Report of the Friends of the Chair on the Measurement of International Trade and Economic Globalization
Report of the Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting
Report of the Friends of the Chair on the evaluation of the 2011 round of the International Comparison Programme
Report of the World Bank on the International Comparison Programme
Report of the Global Steering Committee and the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Report of Cabo verde on governance, peace and security statistis
Report of the Friends of the Chair on the implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean on statistical activities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent achievements and next challenges
Report of the World Health Organization on health statistics
Report of the Secretary-General on gender statistis
Report of the Secretary-General on the civil registration and vital statistics
Report of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers
Report of the Voorburg Group on Service Statistics
Report of the Interagency Task Force on Finance Statistics
Report of the Secretary-General on environment statistics
Report of the Ulaanbaatar Group on Statistics for Economies Based on National Resources
E/CN.3/2015/28 (Re-issued)
Report of the Secretary-General on the World Statistics Day
Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities
Report of the Secretary-General on the coordination of statistial programmes in the United Nations system
Report of the United Nations Development Programme on the statistics of human development
Report of the Expert Group on International Statistical Classifications
Report of the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange sponsors on SDMX
Report of the Secretary-General on statistical capacity-building
Report of the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century and the World Bank on statistical development
Report of the Secretary-General on development indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals
Report of the Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information
Note by the Secretary-General on policy decisions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council that are relevant to the work of the Statistical Commission
Note by the Secretariat on the draft multi-year programme of work of the Statistical Commission 2015-2018
Note by the Secretariat containing the draft provisional agenda for the forty-seventh session of the Commission
Draft programme of work of the United Nations Statistics Division for the biennium 2016-2017
Agenda Item 3 (a) (i) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Broader measures of progress
Results of the global questionnaire of the Friends of the Chair on broader measures of progress: Part I: Survey of existing practices to go beyond GDP to mesure progress
Agenda Item 3 (a) (i) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Broader measures of progress
Results of the global questionnaire of the Friends of the Chair on broader measures of progress: Part II: Availability of indicators for Sustainable Development Goals and associated targets
Agenda Item 3 (a) (i) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Broader measures of progress
Informal Note on Expert Group Meeting on the Indicator Framework for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, UNHQ, New York, 25-26 February 2015
Agenda Item 3 (a) (i) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Broader measures of progress
Informal Note on Friday Seminar on Towards a Nationally Owned Monitoring System for the SDGs, UNHQ, New York, 27 February 2015
Agenda Item 3 (a) (ii) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Emerging issue: the data revolution
Informal Note on High Level Forum on Partnership for Capacity in the context of the Data Revolution, UNHQ, New York, 2 March 2015
Agenda Item 3 (a) (iii) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Big data
Results of the UNSD/UNECE Survey on organizational context and individual projects of Big Data
Agenda Item 3 (a) (iv) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Transformative agenda for official statistics
Proceedings of the Global Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics: Outcomes and Summaries of Sessions
Agenda Item 3 (a) (iv) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Transformative agenda for official statistics
Information on the activities of the Conference of European Statisticians in the area of statistical modernisation
Agenda Item 3 (b) - Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Transformative agenda for official statistics
Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses: the 2020 Round - Revision 3
Agenda Item 3 (c) - Crime statistics
International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS)
Agenda Item 3 (h) - Environmental-economic accounting
Global Assessment of Environmental-Economic Accounting and Supporting Statistics 2014
Agenda Item 3 (h) - Environmental-economic accounting
Summary of the response to the Global Consultation on SEEA: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Agenda Item 3 (l) - Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics: Implementation guidelines
Agenda Items 3 (l) - Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and 4 (j) - Coordination of statistical programmes
CCSA Survey on the Implementation of the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities
Agenda Item 3 (a):
Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda
Agenda Item 3 (a) (i):
Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Broader measures of progress
Agenda Item 3 (a) (ii) :
Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Emerging issue: the data revolution
Agenda Item 3 (a) (iii):
Data in support of the post-2015 development agenda: Big data
Agenda Item 3 (b):
Population and housing censuses
Agenda Item 3 (c):
Crime statistics
Agenda Item 3 (d):
Refugee statistics
Agenda Item 3 (e):
Household surveys
Agenda Item 3 (f):
National accounts
Agenda Item 3 (g):
International trade and economic globalization statistics
Agenda Item 3 (h):
Environmental-economic accounting
Agenda Item 3 (i):
International Comparison Programme
Agenda Item 3 (j):
Agriculture and rural statistics
Agenda Item 3 (k):
Governance, peace and security statistics
Agenda Item 3 (l) :
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Agenda Item 3 (m):
Regional statistical development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Agenda Item 4 (a) :
Health statistics
Agenda Item 4 (b) :
Gender statistics
Agenda Item 4 (c):
Civil registration and vital statistics
Agenda Item 4 (d) :
Business registers
Agenda Item 4 (i):
World Statistics Day
Agenda Item 4 (l):
International statistical classifications
Background information on the Statistical Commission and practical information on its functioning
Rules of Procedure of the Functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council
Human Rights Indicators - A guide to Measurement and Implementation

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