

Events and Workshops

Upcoming Event

High-Level International Seminar on Cross-Border Digital Trade

Bali, Indonesia 18 October 2024

The international high-level seminar aims to help policymakers, statisticians, academics, and others understand the increasing trend of cross-border digital trade. The discussion will focus on policy issues, opportunities, and challenges related to digital trade. It will also address the participation of SMEs and individuals/households in utilizing digitalization to boost economic growth and explore innovative methodologies for collecting cross-border digital trade statistics. It targets a diverse audience of approximately 100 in-person participants, including central bank representatives, government officials, statistics compilers, academics, and private sector members.

Upcoming Event

International Workshop on Cross-Border Digital Trade

Bali, Indonesia 15 - 17 October 2024

The international workshop will cover topics described in the recently released Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade, which establishes a framework for compiling cross-border digital trade statistics and addresses the pressing need for accurate measurement in this rapidly evolving domain. Participants will learn about the conceptual framework for statistics on cross-border digital trade and discover sources and methods for compiling digital trade statistics. This event is essential for statistical compilers, policymakers, and data users seeking to ensure that the adoption of digitalization in international trade is well captured and understood.


E-Learning Course on Statistics of International Trade in Services

Virtual 16 September - 25 October 2024

Main goals of the course are to enhance the capacity of trade statisticians to apply the most recent internationally agreed recommendations as contained in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010); to define best possible data sources; to set up or enforce collection systems; and to strengthen statistical production processes. Furthermore, the course would raise awareness of SITS and its concepts, enhance statisticians’ capacity, and help them to better understand the MSITS 2010.

Central American Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)

San Salvador, El Salvador 23 - 25 October 2023

Main objectives of the Workshop include advancing the implementation of IMTS 2010 recommendations, including issues of scope and coverage, bilateral asymmetries, quality and data comparability, data dissemination, analyses and uses, among others. Participants will discuss analyses of topics of interest on the compilation of international merchandise trade statistics; ways of strengthening the generation of the statistics, including the El Salvadorian International Merchandise Trade System and other experiences in this regard. Furthermore, the Workshop will discuss emerging issues on trade statistics, including the revision of the trade manuals.


International Trade Statistics Yearbook

The International Trade Statistics Yearbook: Volume I – Trade by Country and Volume II – Trade by Product provide an overview of the latest trends of trade in goods and services showing country and product profiles of international trade, respectively. Beginning with 2017 edition, part 1 of the yearbook was completely redesigned to consider new additions of graphs, tables and analytical text for global, regional and selected trade or economic groupings (release note).

International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions 2010 (IMTS2010)

International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions 2010 (IMTS2010) is intended to provide recommendations that are globally applicable and operational. The conceptual framework of IMTS 2010 reflects both the multipurpose nature of these statistics and concern for availability of the adequate data sources and data-compilation procedures. IMTS 2010 follows an integrated approach to economic statistics, including the use, as applicable,of common concepts, definitions, classifications and data-compilation strategies.

IMTS2010 Compilers Manual

The IMTS2010 Compilers Manual contains detailed explanation of certain recommendations and provides practical guidance for compilers by describing good or best practices applicable under different circumstances. The Manual promotes the adherence to good practices and recommends specific solutions to compilation issues related to international merchandise trade statistics.

Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010)

The Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010) addresses the needs of a variety of producers and users of such statistics. While it is primarily a guide for statistical compilers, it is also a useful tool for governments and international organizations that use statistical information in connection with international negotiations on trade in services. Furthermore, it can aid enterprises and others that need to monitor developments in international services markets.

Compilers Guide for the Manual on International Trade in Services 2010

The Compilers Guide serves the purpose of harmonizing and improving the ways in which statisticians at the national level collect, compile and disseminate trade in services statistics. The Guide provides the international statistical community with guidelines, best practices, case studies, and practical advice on the compilation of the trade in services statistics.