
The United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 52nd session, welcomed the creation of a Task Team on International Trade Statistics (TT-ITS) under the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) on a joint research agenda between business and international trade statistics to revise the trade-related standards. It endorsed revising IMTS 2010 and MSITS 2010.

The Task Team comprises of statisticians, contributing to the development and implementation of new standards and methods, data programmes, and capacity building activities. It also promotes coordination, collaboration and integration of work programmes among different groups and international agencies. Ms. Cristina Neves (INE Portugal) and Mr. Houssein Ouljour (Office des Changes Morocco) currently co-lead this Task Team.

Key reports and documents to the UN Statistical Commission

(Items for discussion and decision: Business and trade statistics)

Global consultations regarding the revision of international trade statistics manuals