Business Statistics

Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) was established by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 50th session in March 2019.

Business statistics provide information on the structure, economic activity, dynamism and performance of businesses taking into account the increasing complexity of business models and fast changing and uncertain economic environment. Digitalization, environmental and social responsibility activities of businesses are considered as a part of the business statistics framework.

Trade statistics refer to the international flows of actors that engage in exchange of goods and services across borders or between residents and non-residents. This domain is also extended to include Multinational Enterprise (MNEs) and Global Value Chains (GVCs). Patterns of trade and product detail can be enriched with the integration of business characteristics, such as the industry, size of enterprise, and multinational status. The measurement of digital trade, trade by mode of supply, well-being and sustainability are also included.

Within the broader context of an integrated economic statistics framework, the objective of the Committee is to strengthen the basic business statistics needed for the overall improvement of economic statistics and for responding to emerging needs. In order to achieve this objective, the programme of work of the Committee focuses on the following five strategic areas: coordination, methodology and concepts; capacity-building; data integration and new data sources; and communication/promotion and statistical response on emerging issues.

Bureau of the UNCEBTS

The Bureau was established to assist the Committee with the day-to-day management of its programme of work and the projects under its responsibility.

Current members of the Bureau include ISTAT (Chair), Statistics Canada, INEGI Mexico, Office des Changes of Morocco, Statistics Netherlands, Statistics Portugal, Eurostat, OECD, WTO and UNSD.

Report to the United Nations Statistical Commission

The UNCEBTS regularly reports progress on its programme of work to the United Nations Statistical Commission.

Task Teams

  • Business Dynamics, Demography, and Entrepreneurship
  • Globalization and Digitalization
  • Well-being and Sustainability
  • Statistical Business Register
  • International Trade Statistics
