Business Statistics

Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) was established by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 50th session in March 2019 to provide coordination and guidance for the development of business and trade statistics and foster their integration and harmonization. Within the broader context of an integrated business and trade statistics framework, the programme of work of the Committee focus on the following five strategic areas: coordination, methodology and concepts; capacity building; data integration and new data sources; and communication. The Statistical Commission at its 55th session in March 2024 endorsed the amended mandate and governance of the Committee to facilitate stronger integration between and business and trade statistics and stronger coordination across other statistical domains and with the macroeconomic framework.

Bureau of the UNCEBTS

The Bureau was established to assist the Committee with the day-to-day management of its programme of work and the projects under its responsibility. Current members of the Bureau include : ISTAT (chair); Statistics Canada, INEGI, Office des Changes of Morocco, Statistics Netherlands, Statistics Portugal, Eurostat, OECD, WTO and UNSD . The representation in the UNCEBTS and its Bureau is of a strategic level.

Report to the United Nations Statistical Commission

The UNCEBTS regularly reports progress on its programme of work to the United Nations Statistical Commission.

Task Teams

  • Business Dynamics, Demography, and Entrepreneurship
  • Globalization and Digitalization
  • Well-being and Sustainability
  • Statistical Business Register
  • International Trade Statistics
