UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics
Special Meeting of UNCEBTS on the Impact of COVID-19 on Business and Trade Statistics
- Online Meeting
- 16-18 June 2020
The current pandemic crisis has put great pressure on the statistical offices to continue operation and produce timely and relevant data. The Special meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics on the impact of COVID-19 on business and trade statistics is organized to discuss the long term impact of COVID-19 and share experience in institutional, data and technology solutions that statistical offices have implemented to respond and adapt to new users' needs and working environment. The meeting will provide an opportunity to share ideas to scale up present initiatives to modernize our national, regional, and global statistical systems now and post COVID-19.
Meeting Documents
Day 1 - 16 June 2020
7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (NY Time)
Opening Remark
- Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director UNSD
- Mr. Stefano Menghinello, Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Business and trade Statistics (UNCEBTS)
- Mr. Ivo Havinga, Assistant Director, Economic Statistics, UNSD
- Objectives and organization of the meeting
Key Note
- Statistical and Policy Perspective on COVID-19
- Mr. Jonathan Athow, Deputy National Statistician and Director General, Economic Statistics at Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom
Session 1: Ensuring continuity in business and trade statistics
- Chair: Mr. Stefano Menghinello (Chair of UNCEBTS and ISTAT)
- Country presentations
Country examples
Open discussion
Conclusions and recommendations
Day 2 - 17 June 2020
7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (NY Time)
Session 2: Data solutions for business and trade statistics
- Chair: Ms. Alison Pritchard (ONS-UK)
- Country presentations
- Open discussion
- Conclusions and recommendations
Country examples
Day 3 - 18 June 2020
7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (NY Time)
Session 3: Pivot Post COVID
Chair: Mr. Ivo Havinga (UNSD)
- Country presentations
- Mr. Juan Daniel Oviedo (DANE, Colombia)
- Presentation on
Pivot Post COVID
- Mr. Saleh Al Kafri (PCBS, State of Palestine)
- Presentation on
Changed Working Practices and Pivots Post COVID-19
- Mr. Sagaren Pillay (Statistics South Africa)
- Presentation on
Business Impact Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
- Open discussion
- Conclusions and recommendations
Session 4: Closing Session
- Closing remarks
- Mr. Stefano Menghinello, Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Business and trade Statistics (UNCEBTS)
Background Documents
- Background IMF Ensuring Continuity in the Production of External Sector Statistics
- Background IMF National Accounts Business Continuity
- Background Mexico INEGI Session 2 Early Monthly Estimation
- Background UK Ensuring Continuity
- Background US Census Bureau COVID-19 Links
- Background US BLS COVID-19 Questions and Answers
- Background US BEA: COVID-19 and Recovery
- Background Mexico INEGI Business Stats Data Solutions
- Background Mexico Presentation on the Survey on the economic effects of COVID-19 pandemic in businesses
- - Survey on the economic effects of COVID-19 pandemic in businesses
- - Survey on the businesses dedicated to funeral services during COVID-19 pandemic
- - Description of activities carried out by INEGI and results during COVID-19 pandemic
Other Resources
- Eurostat: COVID-19 support for statisticians
- ILO: COVID-19 statistics
- IMF: Special Series on COVID-19
- OECD: COVID-19 Discussion Forum
- UN ECE: COVID-19 and official statistics
- UN ESCAP: COVID-19 Updates and resources
- UNSD: UN COVID-19 Data Hub
- UNSD Statistics: COVID-19 response
- UNSD and the World Bank: Global COVID-19 survey of National Statistical Offices