UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics
Second Meeting of the UNCEBTS
- New York, USA
- 11-13 June 2019
The UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) was created by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2018 to provide coordination and guidance for the development of business and trade statistics. The second meeting of the UNCEBTS, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), is held in New York from 11-13 June 2019. The Meeting is organized according to the Committee ʼ five workstreams: globalization and digitalization; well-being and sustainability; exhaustive business registers; business dynamics, business demography and entrepreneurship; and capacity building (no one left behind) on statistical business registers.
Meeting documents
Papers and Presentations for the Meeting
Session 1 Setting the scene
- This session will report back on the discussion that took place at the United Nations Statistics Commission in March 2019 and will discuss the main drivers for the work of the Committee from initia-tives at global level such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, views from academia and national statistical offices.
- Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics - Update of System of Economic Statistics, Ivo Havinga, UNSD
- From average to variability and distribution-based indicators in business statistics - what policy makers can learn from official statistics about structural trends in the business economy? Alessandro Faramondi and Stefano Menghinello, Italian National Institute for Statistics
Session 2 Globalization and Digitalization
(Task team lead: Daniela Ravindra, Statistics Canada)
The objectives of this session are to: review the terms of reference and the progress of work of the task team; review the work carried out in the area by countries and international organizations; and provide guidance to the work of the task team based on the presentations and discussion during the session. - Terms of Reference of the Task Team on Globalization and Digitalization
- Task Team Progress Report, Daniela Ravindra, Statistics Canada
- The SNA Research Agenda, Herman Smith, UNSD
- Briefing on BOPCOM Research Agenda, Alicia Hierro, IMF
- Digitalisation & Globalisation, LCU, and New Forms of Work - Carsten Olsson, Merja Rantala, Riccardo Gatto - Eurostat
- Developing the UK's Large Case Unit, Andrew Allen, ONS UK
- Digital Supply-Use Tables and Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade, OECD
- Digitalisation in the CPI: Canadian case studies, Daniela Ravindra, Statistics Canada
- Efforts made by INEGI for calculating the Gross Value Added of E-commerce in Mexico, Gerardo Durand, INEGI Mexico
- An Overview of the Research Program on Globalization at Statistics Netherlands, Hank Hermans, Statistics Netherlands
- Meeting of the UNECE Group of Experts on National Accounts, 9 - 12 April 2019
- Use of business statistics � business statistics indicators for the 21st century, OECD
Background materials:
Session 3 Well-being and Sustainability
(Task team lead: Alison Pritchard, ONS UK)
The objectives of this session are to: review the terms of reference and the progress of work of the task team; review the work carried out in the area by countries and international organizations; and provide guidance to the work of the task team based on the presentations and discussion during the session. - Terms of Reference of the Task Team on Well-being and Sustainability
- Task Team Progress Report, Alison Pritchard, ONS UK
- SDGs and Business Statistics, Alison Pritchard, ONS UK
- Overview of Decent Work Indicator Framework, Manpreet Singh, ILO
- Introduction to EU-SILC, Carsten Olsson, Eurostat
- Linking of social and business data, S�ren Schi�nning Andersen, Statistics Denmark
- Strategic direction for the SNA update related to Well-being and sustainability, Michael Smedes, UNSD
- System of Environmental-Economic Accounting, Alessandra Alfieri, UNSD
- Pilot survey on enterprises� SDG activities, S�ren Schi�nning Andersen, Statistics Denmark
- The evolution of official statistics on Nonprofit Institutions in Italy, ISTAT
- Census of Nonprofit Institutions - Questionnaire, ISTAT
Background materials:
Session 4 Business Dynamics, Demography and Entrepreneurship
(Task team lead: Arturo Blancas, INEGI Mexico)
The objectives of this session are to: review the terms of reference and the progress of work of the task team; review the work carried out in the area by countries and international organizations; and provide guidance to the work of the task team based on the presentations and discussion during the session. - Terms of Reference of the Task Team on Business Dynamics, Demography and Entrepreneurship
- Task Team Progress Report, Arturo Blancas, INEGI Mexico
- ITU's Work on ICT Household Statistics, International Telecommunication Union
- UNCTAD Data Relevant to UNCEBTS, Scarlett Fondeur Gil, UNCTAD
- Task Group on ICT for SDGs, Deniz Susar, DESA/Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government
- Challenges and Opportunities for measuring Entrepreneurs - New definition in the Resolution on Work Relationships adopted by the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2018), Manpreet Singh, ILO
- Entrepreneurship, Business Demography, Business Dynamics, Mariarosa Lunati, OECD
- Eurostat/OECD Manuals on Business Demography (2007) and Innovation (Oslo Manual 2018), Carsten Olsson, Eurostat
- Use of Geospatial Information for Statistics on Business Dynamics, Demography and Entrepreneurship in Mexico, Gerardo Durand, INEGI Mexico
- Business Dynamics, Business Demography and Entrepreneurship, Juan Daniel Oviedo Arango, DANE Colombia
- Compilation of Statistics on Business Dynamics, Business Demography, and Entrepreneurship in Georgia, Gogita Todradze, GEOSTAT
Session 5 Exhaustive Business Registers
(Task team lead: Hank Hermans, CBS Netherlands)
The objectives of this session are to: review the terms of reference and the progress of work of the task team; review the work carried out in the area by countries and international organizations; and provide guidance to the work of the task team based on the presentations and discussion during the session. - Terms of Reference of the Task Team on Exhaustive Business Registers
- Task Team Progress Report, Hank Hermans, Statistics Netherlands
- Towards a more flexible ABS Business Register, Luisa Ryan, ABS
- Integration of European Data into the French Statistical Business Register, Pierrette Schul, INSEE France
- Scale-ups in the Nordics, Cecilia Hertzman, Statistics Sweden
- Linking statistical registers to derive new statistics, Hank Hermans, Statistics Netherlands
- Measurement of the Informal Economy, Alicia Hierro, IMF
- Toward Building SBR and Challenges in Egypt, Ibtesam Salah El-nayad, CAPMAS
- Achieving full coverage of small enterprises in the UK, Andrew Allen, ONS UK
- Scale-ups in the Nordics - Statistical Portrait 2008 - 2016
Background materials:
Session 6 Capacity Building (no one left behind)
(Task team lead: Saleh Alkafri, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics)
The objectives of this session are to: review the terms of reference and the progress of work of the task team; review the work carried out in the area by countries and international organizations; and provide guidance to the work of the task team based on the presentations and discussion during the session. - Terms of Reference of the Task Team on Capacity Building
- Task Team Progress Report, Saleh Alkafri, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
- Statistical Business Register Program of the African Development Bank, Stephen Bahemuka
- Statistical Business Registers for Asia and the Pacific, Mahinthan Joseph Mariasingham, Asian Development Bank
- Country Progress Report on the Business Registers: The Experience of Uganda, Peter Opio, Uganda Bureau of Statistics
- Eighth Meeting of the Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians - Working Group on Statistical Business Register and Business Statistics, Saleh Alkafri, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Session 7 Communication and Coordination
- The objective of this session is to discuss a communication strategy of the UNCEBTS and a coordination strategy within the UNCEBTS and with other groups such as the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA).
- Coverage of Priorities, Interconnection between Workstreams and Communication Strategy, Stefano Menghinello, ISTAT
- Coordination of the activities of the Task Teams on global assessments, UNSD