• sdmx

SDMX Global Conference 2015:
SDMX In Action
Jointly hosted by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and
the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)

  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • 28 – 30 September 2015

  • sdmx.org

The 5th SDMX Global Conference will be held from 28 to 30 September 2015 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok. This year’s conference is hosted jointly by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), with the theme "SDMX In Action"

Topics for this year’s event include:

  • SDMX and global data revolution
  • Applying SDMX to improve statistical business processes
  • Governance of SDMX structures
  • SDMX infrastructure and tools
  • SDMX and global standardisation


United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), United Nations Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand


For more information and to register (download registration form here), please email sdmx2015@un.org


Monday, 28 September 2015: Capacity Building Day

Morning Session (09:25 – 12:30), Conference Room 2

Session 01: Capacity building morning session: Introduction to SDMX
  • Capacity Building - Introduction, Mr. Gyorgy Gyomai, OECD
  • Introduction to SDMX, From the SDMX WGs and other relevant experts
    • Introduction and agenda of the capacity building
    • Getting started with SDMX
    • Introduction to SDMX IT infrastructure, web services and tools
    • Common APIs - The Why, What, and How of SDMX Source
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
  • Introduction to SDMX (continued), From the SDMX WGs and other relevant experts
    • SDMX Registry – What, Why and How
    • SDMX Glossary - The new central reference point for SDMX Terminology
    • Q&A
Lunch (12:30 – 14:00)

Parallel Afternoon Sessions

Track A (14:00 - 17:00), Meeting Room A

Session 02-A: How to model your data using SDMX
  • Design and Modelling using SDMX, SDMX WGs
    • Using the SDMX implementation checklist to manage an SDMX project
    • How to model a statistical domain for data exchange in SDMX
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
    • Specific modelling aspects: Versioning; Confidentiality and Embargo
    • Writing rules in the new SDMX Validation and Transformation Language
    • Q&A


Track B (14:00 - 17:00), Meeting Room F

Session 02-B: How to publish your data in SDMX
  • How to publish your data in SDMX, SDMX WGs
    • How to publish data using Eurostat SDMX-RI for a global DSD
    • Eurostat SDMX Converter
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
    • SDMX Made Simple: The REST & JSON Way
    • Q&A

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Morning Session (09:30 – 12:30), Conference Room 2

Session 03: Welcome notes
  • Session introduction, Mr. Shun-ichi Murata, ESCAP Deputy Executive Secretary
  • Welcome speech (video recording), Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, ESCAP, Executive Secretary
  • SDMX For Development, Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, UNSD, Director
  • Intervention on behalf of the SDMX Sponsors Group, Mr. Werner Bier, ECB, Deputy Director-General Statistics
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
Session 04: SDMX Strategy and Achievements
  • Session Introduction, Chair
  • SDMX in the age of modernization: What should we keep in mind?, Mr. Marko Javorsek, ESCAP, Statistics Division
  • Structured SDMX implementation for countries unfamiliar with the standard and guidelines, Mr. Denis Ward
  • 14 years of SDMX: Achievement highlights, Mr. Gyorgy Gyomai, OECD
  • SDMX Survey 2015 results, Mr. Gyorgy Gyomai, OECD
  • SDMX at Eurostat: achievements and challenges, Mr. Emanuele Baldacci, Eurostat
  • Q&A
Lunch (12:30 – 14:00)

Afternoon Session (14:00 – 18:00), Conference Room 2

Session 05: SDMX implementation - Part 1
  • Session introduction, Chair
  • OECD short term economic statistics, Mr. David Barraclough, OECD
  • DSD for the Eurostat short term statistics, Mr. Jan Planovsky, Eurostat
  • Implementation of the SDMX standard at DANE Colombia, Mr. Fredy Rodríguez Galvis, DANE (Colombia)
  • SDMX implementation - lessons learnt at INEGI Mexico, Mr. Juan Muñoz López, INEGI (Mexico)
  • SDMX Experience and Challenges at KOSTAT Korea, Mr. Park Jinhyun, KOSTAT (Republic of Korea)
  • UNSD - SDMX for Development Indicators, Mr. Abdulla Gozalov, UNSD
  • Using SDMX for exchanging development indicators at Morocco and Egypt statistics agencies, Mr. Abderrahmane Chahbi, HCP (Morocco) and Ms. Naglaa Zain El_Deen, CAPMAS (Egypt)
  • SDMX for International Merchandise Trade Statistics, Mr. Markie Muryawan, UNSD
  • Q & A
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
Session 06: SDMX: What’s next?
  • Panel discussion with SDMX sponsors and national statistical organisations, Mr. Werner Bier, ECB, Deputy Director-General Statistics

Cocktail/Reception (18:00 – 20:00), Venue: Reception Hall

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Morning Session (09:30 – 12:30), Conference Room 2

Session 07: SDMX implementation - Part 2
  • Session Introduction, Chair
  • SDMX implementation strategy at ISTAT Italy, Mr. Francesco Rizzo, ISTAT (Italy)
  • International data sharing and macro-economic data exchange, Mr. Daniel Suranyi, Eurostat
  • The IMF Data Standards Initiatives: Moving Towards the SDMX Data Sharing Vision, Mr. Andreas Hake, IMF
  • Creating SDMX files for SDDS Plus at Bundesbank Germany, Ms. Julia Greb and Mr. Carsten Müller, Deutsche Bundesbank (Germany)
  • Creating SDMX files for SDDS Plus at Banco de España, Mr. Antonio Casado, Banco de España
  • Creating SDMX files for SDDS Plus at INE Spain, Ms. María Santana Álvarez, INE (Spain)
  • Coffee Break (15 minutes)
  • SDMX and the ECB dissemination strategy, Mr. Alessandro Bonara, ECB
  • Using BIS Data Bank at Banque de France, Mr. Renaud Lacroix, Banque de France
  • SDMX implementation at the World Bank, Mr. Siddhesh Kaushik, World Bank
  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): Aviation SDMX, Mr. Sainarayan Ananthanarayan, ICAO
  • Q&A
Lunch (12:30 – 14:00)

Afternoon Session (14:00 – 17:00), Conference Room 2

Session 08: SDMX into the future
  • Session Introduction, Chair
  • Coordination and governance of SDMX artefacts, Mr. David Barraclough, OECD and Mr. Andreas Hake, IMF
  • SDMX: An enabler for the digital communication of statistics, Mr. Per Nymand-Andersen, ECB
  • SDMX and global standardisation, Mr. Marco Pellegrino, Eurostat
  • VTL: a new international standard for enhancing data validation and processing, Mr. Vincenzo Del Vecchio, Bank of Italy and Mr. Marco Pellegrino, Eurostat
  • Coffee Break (20 minutes)
  • SDMX supporting other standards (a national perspective), Mr. Francesco Rizzo, ISTAT (Italy)
  • The evolution of the SDMX infrastructure and services, Mr. Alvaro Diez Soto, Eurostat
  • Q&A
  • Concluding remarks, Mr. Werner Bier, ECB, Deputy Director-General Statistics

Meeting documents and final presentations

7th SDMX Expert Group Meeting 2014

The discussions of the seventh SDMX Expert Group Meeting, hosted by Statistics Korea in Seoul from 27 to 30 October 2014 focused on a number of areas, including:

  • exchange of statistical data and metadata actually taking place or being implemented between organisations;
  • work being carried out by the SDMX Technical and Statistical Working Groups;
  • software developments which take advantage of SDMX standards;
  • progress of SDMX standards, guidelines and tools, especially the content-oriented guidelines and the user guide. The role of the SDMX global registry, including use case examples;
  • the role of SDMX in standards-based modernisation of official statistics and related work being carried out by the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services (HLG).

The summary report is available here.

4th SDMX Global Conference 2013

The fourth SDMX Global Conference took place in September 2013 in Paris, France.

The summary report is available here.

Resource Guide

Information to assist participants in the preparation for their trip to attend the conference. The guide contains important information about:

Other Information

  • The SDMX Global Conference starts on Monday, 28 September 2015 at 9:25 am
  • Participants should arrive in advance to allow for registration, United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) opens at 8:00 am. Registration Counter is located on the ground floor.
  • UNCC Floor plans can be viewed here.
  • Free wifi is available throughout the conference centre. Connect to the network named “UN-WIFI”. The Internet Café also provides some PCs with internet connection for the use of participants free of charge. Please also turn your phones off or to silent mode.