UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics

Second Meeting of the UNCEBTS

  • New York, USA
  • 11-13 June 2019


The UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) was created by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2018 to provide coordination and guidance for the development of business and trade statistics. The second meeting of the UNCEBTS, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), is held in New York from 11-13 June 2019. The Meeting is organized according to the Committee ʼ five workstreams: globalization and digitalization; well-being and sustainability; exhaustive business registers; business dynamics, business demography and entrepreneurship; and capacity building (no one left behind) on statistical business registers.

Meeting documents

Papers and Presentations for the Meeting

Session 1 Setting the scene

Session 2 Globalization and Digitalization

Session 3 Well-being and Sustainability

Session 4 Business Dynamics, Demography and Entrepreneurship

Session 5 Exhaustive Business Registers

Session 6 Capacity Building (no one left behind)

Session 7 Communication and Coordination

Meetings of the UNCEBTS

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