United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians


The fifty-second session of the Statistical Commission approved the recommendation of the Friends of the Chair Group on economic statistics to establish a new United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians (Network) to facilitate networking, coordination and communication on new innovations, experiments and best practices for the purpose of making progress on priorities to keep economic statistics relevant, requested that its mandate be clearly defined and provide a transparent and collaborative horizontal coordination mechanism for all existing groups, and recognized the need for the network of economic statisticians to coordinate with other statistical committees and groups, as appropriate, for the purpose of measuring the multidimensional relationships between the economy, environment and society of the 2030 Agenda.

Specifically, the work program of the Network will build on the endorsed recommendations of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics for an agile and more responsive system of economic statistics based on four thematic workstreams: (a) networking: collaboration and user consultation; (b) transforming and challenging the system: statistical infrastructure and operations, and data solutions; (c) enabling: institutional arrangements and governance; and (d) experimenting, integrating and documenting: statistical framework and methods.

The task teams of the Network will work agilely in sprints of short duration to complete a series of a set amount of work and deliverables for the thematic workstreams of its work program. The short and intense life cycle of these sprints ensures that momentum is sustained to meet clear objectives.

Year Organized


Terms of Reference

Upcoming Events



Housing Sprint

Much like food and clean drinking water, shelter is a basic human need required for people to live. Having access to adequate homes promotes good physical and mental health which, in turn, enables people to be productive members of society. Housing outcomes are a confluence of economic, demographic, environmental and regulatory factors, shaped by the diversity and sustainability of cities and communities. They transcend personal experiences into market impacts and the economic performance of countries around the world.

The Sprint organized by the United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians, in collaboration with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Canada, Maldives Bureau of Statistics and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will explore the role of developing a comprehensive framework for measuring housing outcomes, provide the opportunity to share on some of the more common housing indicators, data needs and data challenges. Presenters will also showcase some of the more innovative ways of data development (use of artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and administrative data) and data integration techniques.

The Sprint consists of two webinars. The target audience include housing specialists from national statistical offices and other government agencies, domain specific Expert Groups and Committees, and other relevant stakeholders.

Data Strategy Sprint

The Sprint will cover all the essential aspects of developing and maintaining a successful data strategy. The webinar series starts with a primer on why and how to build a strategy for better leveraging data holdings, followed by a roadmap for implementation, taking into account issues to be considered, challenges that need to be overcome and considerations for maintenance work. Concrete national and international examples will illustrate the tactical and operational aspects of the strategy, as well as the key role that collaboration and cooperation play in ensuring success.

International Classifications Sprint

Beyond GDP Sprint 2023

Measurement of Inflation of Owner-occupied Housing Sprint

The Sprint on the Measurement of Inflation of Owner-Occupied Housing Services Costs in the CPI will explore the various approaches to the measurement of Inflation of Owner-occupied Housing as well as the Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Each Approach.

Beyond GDP Sprint 2022

Data Access Sprint

Organizational Sprint

Side Events

Global User Consultation

Reporting to the United Nations Statistical Commission

  • The Network will be reporting to the Statistical Commission annually starting from its fifty-third session in 2022.

Active City Groups

Completed Group

Contact Us

Network Members

  • • Argentina
  • • Australia
  • • Bhutan
  • • Brazil
  • • Canada
  • • Colombia
  • • Costa Rica
  • • Côte d'Ivoire
  • • Fiji
  • • Indonesia
  • • Italy
  • • Lesotho
  • • Maldives
  • • Mexico
  • • Mongolia
  • • Morocco
  • • Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • • New Zealand
  • • Oman
  • • State of Palestine
  • • Poland
  • • Saudi Arabia
  • • South Africa
  • • Tunisia
  • • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • • United Arab Emirates
  • • United States of America
  • • Asian Development Bank
  • • European Commission
  • • International Labour Organization
  • • International Monetary Fund
  • • Islamic Development Bank
  • • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • • United Nations
  • • United Nations Development Programme
  • • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • • World Bank
  • • World Health Organization