• Virtual Meeting
  • 3 November 2021

The fifty-second session of the Statistical Commission approved the recommendation of the Friends of the Chair Group on economic statistics to establish a new United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians (Network) to facilitate networking, coordination and communication on new innovations, experiments and best practices for the purpose of making progress on priorities to keep economic statistics relevant and measuring the multidimensional relationships between the economy, environment and society of the 2030 Agenda. The Network aims to develop an agile and more responsive system of economic statistics based on four thematic workstreams: (a) networking: collaboration and user consultation; (b) transforming and challenging the system: statistical infrastructure and operations, and data solutions; (c) enabling: institutional arrangements and governance; and (d) experimenting, integrating and documenting: statistical framework and methods.

The task teams of the Network will work agilely in sprints of short duration to complete a series of a set amount of work and deliverables for the thematic workstreams of its work program. The short and intense life cycle of these sprints ensures that momentum is sustained to meet clear objectives.

The first meeting of the Organizational Sprint will officially launch the work of the Network, and discuss the terms of reference of the Network and the working methods of the Organizational Sprint. It will also discuss the preparation of the workplan of the Network, and the feasibility of organizing other thematic sprints.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021: 7:00 am - 9:30 am

7:00 am - 7:15 am
Session 1: Introduction, Welcome remarks and Tour de Table
  • Mr. Greg Peterson, Assistant Chief Statistician of Statistics Canada
  • Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division

  • Tour de Table
Session 2: Review of the recommendations of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics and the mandate from the Statistical Commission for the United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians.

Chair: Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, United Nations Statistics Division

  • 2.1 The final report of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics (FOCG) included several recommendations, including the formation of a United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians. These recommendations will be reviewed and progress against them will be reported.

  • Presenter: Mr. Greg Peterson, Statistics Canada
  • Documentation: Final report of the FOCG to 52nd session of the Statistical Commission

  • 2.2 Terms of Reference for the Network
    Based on the FOCG report, a draft Terms of Reference has been prepared to help shape discussion. This will be presented and discussed.

  • Presenter: Ms. Daniela Ravindra, Statistics Canada
  • Documentation: Terms of reference for the Network

  • 2.3 Introduction to the Network task teams
    Thematic TTs were formed which will have their sprints in early 2022.

  • Presenters: Presentation 1 by United Kingdom
          Presentation 2 by the Netherland

9:00 am - 9:20 am
Session 3: Next steps

Chair: Mr. Greg Peterson, Statistics Canada

  • Next meetings of the organizational sprint (dates and proposed topics)
  • Input for the UNSC report
  • Discuss development of a logo/brand for the Network

  • Presenter: Ms. Daniela Ravindra, Statistics Canada

9:20 am - 9:30 am
Session 4: Closing remarks

Active City Groups

Completed Group

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Network Members

  • • Argentina
  • • Australia
  • • Bhutan
  • • Brazil
  • • Canada
  • • Colombia
  • • Costa Rica
  • • Côte d'Ivoire
  • • Fiji
  • • Indonesia
  • • Italy
  • • Lesotho
  • • Maldives
  • • Mexico
  • • Mongolia
  • • Morocco
  • • Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • • New Zealand
  • • Oman
  • • State of Palestine
  • • Poland
  • • Saudi Arabia
  • • South Africa
  • • Tunisia
  • • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • • United Arab Emirates
  • • United States of America
  • • Asian Development Bank
  • • European Commission
  • • International Labour Organization
  • • International Monetary Fund
  • • Islamic Development Bank
  • • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • • United Nations
  • • United Nations Development Programme
  • • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • • United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • • World Bank
  • • World Health Organization