This meeting is a retrospective of the previous six meetings, returning to key topics and considering the key issues tackled and how we can fit these together.

Thursday, 5 Octember 2023 | 7:00 am - 9:30 am (New York Time) | Virtual Meeting

7:00 am - 7:10 am
Session 1| Opening, welcome remarks, and scene-setting
  • Introductions and Welcomes (10 minutes)
  • Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division

7:10 am - 7:50 am
Session 2| The Challenge we face face - how to use new Beyond GDP metrics
  • Chair: Richard Heys, UK ONS

This session overviews the challenges we face in a strategic perspective

7:50 am - 8:35 am
Session 3| A General recap of the Sprints and wider development activity
  • Chair: Ivo Havinga (UNNES)

This session provides a summary of the outputs from the sprint sessions

8:35 am - 9:20 am
Session 4| Key Lessons Learnt from the Sprint
  • Chair: Ivo Havinga (UNNES)

This session provides a facilitated panel discussion to present a reflection on what we have learnt from the sprint sessions in this series, and what should be undertaken next in the light of the wider work being undertaken.

  • Panellists (30 minutes):
  • ▪ Ivo Havinga - UNNES
  • ▪ Rutger Hoekstra - Leiden University
  • ▪ Tim Miller - UN DESA
  • ▪ Sonia Raizenne, Director - Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Economic Statistics Field, Statistics Canada
  • ▪ Economic Statistics Field, Statistics Canada
  • ▪ Eleanor Rees - UK ONS
  • Discussion (15 minutes)

9:20 am - 9:30 am
Session 5| Reflections on the Sprint (10 minutes)
  • Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division

9:30 am

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