As the challenges facing the world grow increasingly complex, policymakers are demanding better data, faster to inform critical decisions. A well-formed data strategy can help governments make the most of their data assets and deliver value for their citizens and for stakeholders around the globe.

Do you want to know more about the purpose and promise of a data strategy? Have you heard all the buzzwords - data governance, stewardship, etc. and wonder how all these pieces fit together? Are you thinking about how to get started on a data strategy?

This webinar will provide an introduction to developing a data strategy, including the contextual user need impetus for this work. The sessions will explore theoretical links between user needs, data governance, and data stewardship and will illustrate how to put theory into practice, by establishing solid data governance. The webinar will also delve into how data, throughout the various life cycle processes, can be better managed and leveraged when a solid data strategy is in place.

4 June 2024 | 7:00 am - 10:00 am, New York time

Session 1| Welcome and Opening remarks

7:00 am - 7:15 am
  • Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division
  • Aishath Shahuda, Co-Chair of the United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians and Deputy Chief Statistician Maldives Bureau of Statistics

7:15 am - 7:20 am
  • Chair: Tom Dufour, Director General Strategic Data Management, Statistics Canada

Session 2| The Fundamentals of Data Strategy

7:20 am - 7:45 am
Fundamentals of a Data Strategy: why do we need one and what is it comprised of ?

This presentation aims to help those working in the areas of data stewardship, data governance and data strategy, by exploring the importance of developing a data strategy and its fundamental components. The presentation will draw on the experience of Stats New Zealand to illustrate why data strategies are needed and what they are comprised of.

  • Presentation: Fundamentals of a Data Strategy
  • Presenter: Rachael Milicich, Deputy Government Statistician/Deputy Chief Executive Insights and Statistics, Statistics New Zealand

7:45 am - 8:10 am
Poll and Primer

Participants will be polled on the need for a Data Strategy (DS), do they have a DS, the challenges to develop DS, the benefits of a DS, the actors and stakeholders responsible for developing a DS, etc. The Chair will summarize the results. (Poll questions)

Presentation of the proposed outline for the Primer, an introductory document outlining the requirements and approach for building a successful data strategy.

  • Presenter: Daniela Ravindra, Consultant, Statistics Canada

A discussion of the poll results and presentation will follow.

8:10 am - 8:40 am
The Role of National Statistical Offices in the Development of Data Strategies - the Canadian Experience

The presentation provides and overview of the development of a data strategy roadmap and subsequently renewed data strategy for the Government of Canada. Statistics Canada was one of the three lead organization that developed the original roadmap and recently renewed strategy.

8:40 am - 8:55 am

Session- 3| Country Practices - Using Data Strategy to Manage Statistical Information

8:55 am - 9:15 am
Presentation by Malaysia

The presentation will share insights into the initiatives of the Department of Statistics Malaysia in data governance, data stewardship and data strategy, and shed light on the challenges encountered while implementing effective data management practices within a national statistical organization.

9:15 am - 9:35 am
Presentation by the United Arab Emirates

The presentation explores the practices implemented by the UAE to develop a comprehensive Data Strategy. This strategy includes principles and standards that define core guidelines for data classification, exchange, and quality, ensuring that UAE data is reliable, interoperable, and fit-for-purpose. The UAE Data Maturity Framework provides a common basis for managing data, facilitating interoperability and exchange among entities.

9:35 am - 9:50 am

9:50 am - 11:00 am
Concluding remarks

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