United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   44th Session (2014)   Documents

Click the links below to browse documents by agenda item.

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/2013/11

    Report of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on a road map to improve the quality and vailability of crime statistics at the national and international levels

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/2013/22

    Institute for Statistics of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/2013/CRP.1

    Draft programme of work of the United Nations Statistics Division for the biennium 2014-2015

Agenda item 2

Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters

Agenda item 3(a)

Programme review:developing a statistical-spatial framework in national statistical systems

Agenda item 3(b)

Implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics

Agenda item 3(c)

National accounts

Agenda item 3(d)

Environmental-economic accounting

Agenda item 3(e)

Environment statistics

Agenda item 3(f)

International trade statistics

Agenda item 3(g)

Agricultural statistics

Agenda item 3(h)

International Comparison Programme

Agenda item 3(i)

Gender statistics

Agenda item 3(j)

Crime statistics

  • E/CN.3/2013/11

    Report of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on a road map to improve the quality and vailability of crime statistics at the national and international levels

Agenda item 3(k)

Health statistics

Agenda item 3(l)

Coordination of statistical activities in the United Nations system

Agenda item 3(m)

Regional statistical development in Africa

Agenda item 4(a)

Demographic statistics

Agenda item 4(b)

Education statistics

Agenda item 4(c)

Employment statistics

Agenda item 4(d)

Business registers

Agenda item 4(e)

Service statistics

Agenda item 4(f)

Statistics for economies based on natural resources

Agenda item 4(g)

Development indicators

Agenda item 4(h)

Statistics of science and technology

  • E/CN.3/2013/22

    Institute for Statistics of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Agenda item 4(i)

Informal sector statistics

Agenda item 4(j)

Statistical capacity-building

Agenda item 4(k)

Price statistics

Agenda item 4(l)

Integrated economic statistics

Agenda item 4(m)

International economic and social classifications

Agenda item 4(n)

Coordination and integration of statistical programmes

Agenda item 4(o)

Common open standards for the exchange and sharing of data and metadata

Agenda item 4(p)

Follow-up to the policy decisions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council

Agenda item 5

Programme questions (United Nations Statistics Division)

  • E/CN.3/2013/CRP.1

    Draft programme of work of the United Nations Statistics Division for the biennium 2014-2015

Agenda item 6

Provisional agenda and dates for the forty-fifth session of the Commission

Agenda item 7

Report of the Commission on its forty-fourth session

Agenda item 3(a)

Programme review:developing a statistical-spatial framework in national statistical systems

Agenda item 3(b)

Implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics

Agenda item 3(c)

National accounts

Agenda item 3(d)

Environmental-economic accounting

Agenda item 3(e)

Environment statistics

Agenda item 3(i)

Gender statistics

Agenda item 3(l)

Coordination of statistical activities in the United Nations system

Agenda item 3(m)

Regional statistical development in Africa

Agenda item 4(a)

Demographic statistics

Agenda item 4(m)

International economic and social classifications

Upcoming session



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