Ninth Meeting of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics
  • Virtual Meeting, via UN headquarters, New York
  • 25-28 October 2022

The Ninth Meeting of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics will be held virtually on 25-28 October 2022.

Meeting documents

Papers and Presentations for the Meeting

Opening Session:

Session One: Climate Change Statistics and Indicators

        Towards globally coordinated work on climate change statistics and indicators

        Related inter-governmental, regional and national initiatives on climate change statistics

          National experiences: Country experiences on applying the Global Set

        Methodology development and implementation of the Global Set

Session Two: Environment Statistics Data Collection

        Water Statistics

         Country experience providing water data to the UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire and the OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire

        Waste Statistics

         Country experience collecting waste data

        Other data collection and reporting requirements (data collection instruments)

Session Three: Environment Statistics Toolbox

       FDES and the Basic Set of Environment Statistics

Session Four: Capacity Development in Environment Statistics and Climate Change Statistics

       Capacity development

        Related initiatives
        Activities led by regional institutions