Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


Purpose of the initiative:

The purpose of this initiative is promote awareness and build census data literacy among Brazilian librarians to enhance their services and promote the use of census data in library programming.

Target Audience:

  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The “My capital” project was born to generate statistical knowledge about the main Brazilian cities in a fun and attractive way for children.

Target Audience:

  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
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Purpose of the initiative:

The main goal of the webseries IBGE Explica (IBGE Explains it!) is to spread the knowledge about the concepts used and the data revealed by IBGE’s surveys and geoscientific products , in a way that is both fun and instructional.

Target Audience:

  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • Analysts/ advisers
  • Business/ Private sector
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

La RELIEE es una red colaborativa de profesores e investigadores latinoamericanos en educación estadística. Nace en julio de 2013 en la XXVII Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa (RELME), en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y tiene el propósito de promover la investigación, aprender de los  demás e impulsar un movimiento en favor de que la Estadística forme parte de la cultura misma de nuestras naciones. Los objetivos que persigue son: Interactuar como grupos y personas en relación a los trabajos que reaizamos en torno a la Educación Estadística. Participar como integrantes de una red de colaboración y aprendizaje, a través de distintas comunidades de práctica. Potenciar la comunicación y vinculación de los miembros a través de proyectos de investigación, docencia o difusión de la red.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

La Educación Estadística se ha establecido como una disciplina científica que tiene como objetivo estudiar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Estadística en los distintos niveles educativos, sus problemáticas y complejidades. El aumento exponencial de trabajos publicados en revistas y en congresos, muestra la preocupación de la comunidad científica por el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la Estadística. Asimismo, hoy más que nunca, es innegable la importancia de la Estadística en diversos órdenes de la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la vida social, política, económica y, por supuesto, su rol es indiscutible en el actual contexto pandémico de la COVID-19. Esto se convierte en uno de los principales fundamentos para promover la discusión en torno a distintos tópicos asociados a la enseñanza de la disciplina con el objetivo de fomentar el pensamiento crítico de los ciudadanos. En Argentina, aunque hay instituciones de nivel superior que brindan formación estadística a nivel profesional, es poco frecuente que las instituciones, grupos y/o asociaciones científicas se especialicen en la investigación en Educación Estadística. En este sentido, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral ha sido pionera, ya que desde hace 20 años, el Grupo de Investigación en Educación Estadística -GIEE- desarrolla diversas investigaciones. Algunas de éstas se han centrado en temáticas tales como: Actitudes hacia la Estadística de profesores de Matemática, Razonamientos estocásticos asociados a la inferencia estadística informal, Elementos de significado asociados a las distribuciones de probabilidad, Cultura Estadística de estudiantes universitarios, Educación estadística Crítica en la formación de profesionales, entre otros. Todo este marco de referencia nos impulsó a desarrollar las Jornadas Argentinas de Educación Estadística, con el firme propósito de reunir a grupos de distintas Universidades Nacionales, de instituciones educativas de nivel superior no universitario, secundario y primario y, a destacados investigadores internacionales, quienes desarrollan experiencias didáctico-pedagógicas e investigaciones. Dado que nuestro grupo GIEE participa activamente en la Red Latinoamericana de Investigación en Educación Estadística (RELIEE), única red en Latinoamérica que nuclea a investigadores en el área, también se realizan las Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Investigación en Educación Estadística, las cuales están centradas en la discusión de temáticas específicas. El objetivo general que persigue este encuentro es promover y facilitar el intercambio científico, tecnológico y de innovación en Educación Estadística entre distintos actores del sistema educativo y brindar un espacio de formación continua basado en resultados de investigaciones. Asimismo, como objetivos específicos nos proponemos: - Generar y potenciar redes de intercambio y de discusión sobre las principales problemáticas y resultados de investigaciones en Educación Estadística que se desarrollan en Latinoamérica. - Socializar experiencias de enseñanza y de aprendizaje en distintos niveles educativos centradas en la Educación Estadística. - Constituir un espacio de diálogo, debate, reflexión y comunicación sobre el estado actual y el desarrollo de la investigación en Didáctica de la Estadística y de la Probabilidad, así como también de la Educación Estocástica. -Promover la participación de la comunidad docente y de la sociedad en su conjunto, de tal manera de difundir las problemáticas que circundan a la Estadística social y su influencia en la toma de decisiones.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The Education corner is a section on Eurostat website. It provides a wide range of tools and resources to explain statistics in a simple way.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
  • It mainly targets secondary students and teachers but also all those with basic or little statistical knowledge
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Purpose of the initiative:

Rubric on the BNSI website (in Bulgarian language) providing different materials (publications, videos, dictioneries,infographics on various topics in Statistics (theory, applications and practice)

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • Analysts/ advisers
  • Business/ Private sector
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) developed the statistical educational portal Stedy as part of the Eurostat project Support for Statistical Literacy actions in the area of a competition, gamification and e-learning. It is part of the DIGICOM (Digital communication, User analytics and Innovative products) project, which was aimed at modernizing the communication and dissemination of European statistics within the ESS Vision 2020. In order to promote statistical literacy, CBS and 12 European statistical offices participated in Work Package 4 (WP 4 – Communication and promotion). STEDy is not an ordinary portal which is only based on theory, it also provides practical examples, interactive visualizations and tasks in which users can immediately check their understanding and application of statistics.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) developed ''Back 2 Basics Statistics''. The goal of the project is to popularize statistics and simplify the frequently used, but sometimes insufficiently understandable statistical terms to the general public. ''Back 2 Basics Statistics'' is based on theory, but also provides examples from everyday life. ''Back 2 Basics Statistics'' are make as videos that are published on YouTube and as booklets that are distributed to teachers and students, but also to all interested parties.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

Teacher training through a collaborative context, with emphasis on Statistical Education.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
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Purpose of the initiative:

LeME (Statistical Multimedia Literacy)Tranforma will be implemented at the Centro de Convívio Meninos do Mar (CCMar) which is located in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. CCMar is a school dedicated to the professional training of young people between 14 and 17 years old, who are in a situation of social, economic and environmental vulnerability, coming from underprivileged communities. Project Objectives: Contribute to the pre-professional training of young people served at CCMar, including complementary actions to develop research skills and critical data analysis, through statistical literacy. Train and certify young people in social, economic and environmental vulnerability from the 10 pre-professional courses at CCMar. Sending young people to the job market for a new professional occupation.

Target Audience:

  • Young people in social, economic and environmental vulnerability.
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Purpose of the initiative:

To enable children in the Initial Years of Elementary School to experience themselves as researchers by participating in Statistical Learning Projects - PAE (PORICÚNULA, 2022), carrying out the stages of the investigative cycle based on a topic of interest. The project advocates a playful and motivating education, considering, in addition to cognitive aspects in the teaching and learning of statistics, affective aspects – playfulness and motivation.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
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Purpose of the initiative:

The LeME has developed by the academic team from the Innovation Center of Statistics Education [ICE] of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics [IMEF] of the Federal University of Rio Grande [FURG]. Your objective is to promote social transformation through active, playful and interdisciplinary pedagogical practices that promote the Statistical Literacy of children and young people, so that they can read autonomously and critically, process the statistical information that is in the society, mainly by the media . The program LeME as a Statistical Multimedia Literacy, is an imaginary boat (it can be considered as a classroom) that can dock at any Pier/Port (school, event, community), in Brazil or anywhere in the world, is used to promote human right of statistical literacy within the society in where we live. The name LeME makes an analogy to the device controlling boats. This nautical terminology is given due to it originated from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, located on the southern coast of Brazil. This project has carried out expeditions (workshops, courses) with young people or children embark as a crew (establishing an analogy to the people who ensure the operation of a boat, due to the intended protagonism of the learner), become researchers and conduct with the guidance of commandant (teachers), research on topics of their own interest or of their communities, create research tools, collect data, using Statistics and discuss the results. Yours activities can be developed with different duration times. Predominantly, the duration of a LeME is 20 hours, however it can be simplified, or extended, depending on the availability. Since 2012 LeME was created, it has been developed in collaboration with CCMar, where it started the activities and got developed. Even though the actions of CCMar have benefited companies, different schools and communities in the southern coastal region of Brazil, and the Federal University of Rio Grande [FURG] got the improvement through its actions. In addition, LeME has already been implemented in other Brazilian states, and for the same reason in other countries, as well as Colombia and Mexico.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

There is a lot of data available on the internet. These are often underused or restricted to a small group of people or institutions that have the resources to organize, analyze and base their decisions on them. We advocate that this type of resource should be accessible to the general population, in order to develop civic engagement through data. It is in this sense that the project was created. Our goal is to make visualization and teaching tools available so that more people can access information hidden in data sheets. Thus, we develop data visualization tools, assist in the interpretation and understanding of results, thus contributing to decision making. Our first initiative was to participate in the event “Mobilization of the pro-health of the black population of Rio de Janeiro”. It took place in 2021 in partnership with the Technical Committee on Health of the Black Population (CTSPN) of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which maintains a dialogue with the Legislative Power of the city of Rio de Janeiro, having as its agenda the fight for health care at all stages of the life cycle of the black population of Rio de Janeiro. On this opportunity, we present a DashBoard with data on SARS/COVID-19 in women on childbearing age, living in the city of Rio de Janeiro. These results are available on the website ( ). In addition, we created a report card that is available on the Criola website ( ), a civil society organization with 29 years of experience in the defense and promoting the rights of black women and building a society based on the values of justice, equity and solidarity. Building arguments based on data requires a high level of prior knowledge that, for cultural, social and economic reasons, is not accessible to all people. Changes in this reality require deep social transformations in order to meet the basic needs of the most vulnerable populations. On the other hand, even the segments theoretically able to build arguments based on data, not infrequently face difficulties in accessing, organizing, processing, analyzing and interpreting. These difficulties can be remedied by expanding statistical literacy. In this sense, a virtual environment was created, with content on statistics, computing and scientific method. The purpose of the website is to create and collect content that can be useful to help understand statistical concepts, use data analysis tools and develop computational thinking. Public information is a duty of the State and a right of the population, being an indispensable element for the full exercise of citizenship, with the project we intend to promote civic engagement through evidence-based arguments.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • Policy makers/Government/Civil service
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The ATELIE Program aims to periodically build pedagogical materials, with the help of technologies, and make them available videos through the digital platform Youtube and physical in the Research Laboratory, in addition to carrying out live through the Instagram application, which has contributed to the dissemination of its products and services, with the purpose of promoting to Basic Education teachers, possibilities for the teaching of Statistics and Probability.

Target Audience:

  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

ALEA - Local Action for Applied Statistics - is a partnership project which aims to develop and provide instruments to support the teaching and learning of Statistics. It was created precisely for the purpose of providing instruments related to teaching, learning and, consequently, understanding and use of Statistics, intended primarily for teachers and students of primary and secondary education, but which may also benefit other audiences. It is, therefore, an instrument for increasing Statistical Literacy in various contexts, which contributes to the Information Society, with all its benefits in training for citizenship.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

Census Academy is the Census Bureau’s new data education and training hub with a heavy focus on digital content. It was created to provide more accessible, cost-efficient, and intelligible educational content to adult learners. A virtual data hub for learning data skills, as well as exploiting the data resources available to the public at the Census Bureau for a mix of users. Courses help comprehension of statistical concepts and enhance skills for data analysis, visualization.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • Media
  • Policy makers/Government/Civil service
  • Analysts/ advisers
  • Business/ Private sector
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The Royal Statistical Society's (RSS's) resources for journalists are aimed towards helping journalists improve their reporting on stories involving science and statistics. The free online courses provide an introduction to the essentials of how science works, and give an overview the basic principles and methods of statistics. They highlight questions to ask, pitfalls to look out for, and suggest how to communicate clearly to best serve audiences.

Target Audience:

  • Media
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

SIS brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels. SIS enhances learning, boosts statistical literacy, and prepares students for a data-driven world.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The e-course was developed by UNITAR, UNSD and UNECA with the aim to offer a double opportunity: i) to help improve the understanding of how better data can help design more effective public policies and ii) to brush up on your core data skills. The course covers aspects related to the interpretation, analysis, and presentation of data of direct relevance to the SDGs and more broadly national and sectoral policies aimed at ensuring sustainable and inclusive development. It introduces these topics using concrete examples of data use and public policy context from around the world. The course reviews both traditional and non-traditional data sources and discusses their uses, as well as the opportunities and challenges presented by the latter. The course contains 5 modules structured around key competences: awareness about data use and basic data skills, data assessment and interpretation, effective communication with data, identifying relevant data sources, and using data for policy design and M&E. It uses a combination of story-telling, examples, videos and hands-on exercises to tailor to a variety of learners. Case studies used come from different world regions and different SDG areas. The course includes summative assessments (or tests) for each module and ex-ante and post-ante assessment to enable course organizers to evaluate increase in knowledge skills as a result of the course completion. Certificates of completion are provided to those who have met the minimum requirements.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • Media
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • Policy makers/Government/Civil service
  • Analysts/ advisers
  • Business/ Private sector
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

ISLP is a project of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI). The ISLP International Poster Competition is one of ISLP's initiatives, run by IASE supported by the International Association of Official Statistics. It is a biennial worldwide competition which aims to increase awareness of, and participation in, statistics among students and teachers, and to promote statistical literacy throughout the world. The competition invites school children and university undergraduates from around the world to design a poster that tells a data story in a poster, presenting context, exploration, analysis and commentary.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs),
  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

Objective is to develop knowledge and interest in official statistics amongst post graduate students of statistics through out the country

Target Audience:

  • Universities (students/teachers)
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Purpose of the initiative:

Profile America's Stats for Stories provides links to timely story ideas highlighting the Census Bureau's newsworthy statistics that relate to current events, observances, holidays, and anniversaries. The story ideas are intended to assist the media in story mining and producing content for their respective audiences.

Target Audience:

  • Media
  • General public
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Purpose of the initiative:

The purpose of this initiative is to disseminate information produced by IBGE to three specific publics: children, teenagers and teachers. The approach to content is educational, thus bringing statistics and geoscientific data in a ludic and simple way. For teachers, there is a special concern with the use of the NSOs production for classrrom work.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
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