Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


Action plan for the Brazilian libraries to work as support points for the 2022 Populational Census

Title of Initiative: Action plan for the Brazilian libraries to work as support points for the 2022 Populational Census
Organization: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

Valid from : June 2022 – present days

Purpose: The purpose of this initiative is promote awareness and build census data literacy among Brazilian librarians to enhance their services and promote the use of census data in library programming.

Target Audience:

  • General public

Providing Entity:

  • National Statistical Office


  • Portuguese


  • Documents
  • Instructional material
  • Outreach material

Mode of implementation: The initiative includes organizing webinars with librarians and participating in events to raise awareness about the 2022 Brazilian Census. We also send newsletters to promote census data literacy and actively disseminate information about the census. Additionally, we offer training courses in the utilization of statistical information resources, among other initiatives to strengthen relationship with librarians continuously."

Outcomes: We have received several training requests regarding IBGE information sources from university libraries, school libraries, and government agency libraries. Additionally, we have received many compliments from the training participants.