Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


E-learning course "Understanding data and statistics better – for more effective SDG decision making"

Title of Initiative: E-learning course "Understanding data and statistics better – for more effective SDG decision making"
Organization: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Website: Click here

Purpose: The e-course was developed by UNITAR, UNSD and UNECA with the aim to offer a double opportunity: i) to help improve the understanding of how better data can help design more effective public policies and ii) to brush up on your core data skills. The course covers aspects related to the interpretation, analysis, and presentation of data of direct relevance to the SDGs and more broadly national and sectoral policies aimed at ensuring sustainable and inclusive development. It introduces these topics using concrete examples of data use and public policy context from around the world. The course reviews both traditional and non-traditional data sources and discusses their uses, as well as the opportunities and challenges presented by the latter. The course contains 5 modules structured around key competences: awareness about data use and basic data skills, data assessment and interpretation, effective communication with data, identifying relevant data sources, and using data for policy design and M&E. It uses a combination of story-telling, examples, videos and hands-on exercises to tailor to a variety of learners. Case studies used come from different world regions and different SDG areas. The course includes summative assessments (or tests) for each module and ex-ante and post-ante assessment to enable course organizers to evaluate increase in knowledge skills as a result of the course completion. Certificates of completion are provided to those who have met the minimum requirements.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs)
  • Media
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • Policy makers/Government/Civil service
  • Analysts/ advisers
  • Business/ Private sector
  • General public

Providing Entity:

  • International agency


  • English


  • E-learning

Mode of implementation: The initiative is an e-learning course containing 5 modules, and assessments accessible for free by registering on UNITAR's event management system.

Outcomes: The course was launched in 2020. Close to 600 people have already enrolled in the course but no course evaluation has yet taken place to discuss outcomes. The partnership around it has also led to a collaboration on future micro-learning products to support statistical literacy.

Challenges: A more targeted campaign is planned to reach out to the main target audience - policy-makers - and future updates are considered to include new case studies and fine-tune content after the delivery of the 1st edition.