Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


Statistics in Schools

Title of Initiative: Statistics in Schools
Organization: United States Census Bureau (USCB)
Contact: 301-763-4030 or
Website: Click here
Valid from : 2021/6/1 – 2026/6/1

Purpose: SIS brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels. SIS enhances learning, boosts statistical literacy, and prepares students for a data-driven world.

Target Audience:

  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public

Providing Entity:

  • National Statistical Office
  • Network or collaborative group


  • English


  • E-learning
  • Videos
  • Instructional material
  • Outreach material

Mode of implementation: The Statistics in Schools website functions as the primary source of information about the program and a clearinghouse for educational materials. The materials are organized by education level (pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult), geographical focus area, and content type (video, map). The materials are designed to supplement educators’ curricula using statistics produced by the Census Bureau in a wide range of fields including English, Math, Statistics, History, Geography, and Sociology.

Outcomes: SIS partners with over 140 teachers as part of the SIS Teacher Ambassadors program.  These ambassadors are active pre-K through 12th grade teachers that champion the program in their classrooms, schools, and communities, and in doing so, help to promote statistical literacy and the value of census data.  Many of the ambassadors have used SIS activities and resources to teach students about census data, how data can be used to improve their community and the connection between population and the distribution of resources in the community.  The work of these ambassadors has helped disseminate information about SIS and census data to teachers from another teacher’s perspective.

Challenges:  Statistics in Schools (SIS) is facing a challenge with the change in the current school environment and teachers turning to virtual learning.  We have had to reassess our outreach methods and school materials and think of new ways to meet the needs of teachers and at home learners.  To help parents and caregivers support students with distance learning, the SIS program has developed  toolkits that provide tips, best practices, and instruction on how to use and adapt SIS activities and resources for at-home use.  They provide instruction  for at home learning for all grade levels in subjects like history, math, geography, and English—with the goal of increasing statistical literacy and data-finding skills. SIS is also looking into new ways of performing outreach such as podcasts, videos and virtual field trips to help students learn the value of census statistics.
