Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


LeME Kids

Title of Initiative: LeME Kids
Organization: Statistical Multimedia Literacy

Valid from : 16 Nov 2021 – 18 Dec 2021

Purpose: To enable children in the Initial Years of Elementary School to experience themselves as researchers by participating in Statistical Learning Projects - PAE (PORICÚNULA, 2022), carrying out the stages of the investigative cycle based on a topic of interest. The project advocates a playful and motivating education, considering, in addition to cognitive aspects in the teaching and learning of statistics, affective aspects – playfulness and motivation.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs)
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)

Providing Entity:

  • University/ Academia
  • Network or collaborative group


  • Brazilian Portuguese


  • News
  • Pesquisas realizadas pelas crianças e divulgadas na escola por meio de cartazes e registradas em vídeo.

Mode of implementation: The LeME Kids project works in the form of learning workshops in which students develop research projects based on a topic of their interest. It can be performed by any audience anywhere, with varying duration. In this case, the audience was small children from 6 to 12 years old, approximately, who attend the initial years of elementary school in a city in southern Brazil. The workshops lasted 5 days, lasting 3 hours each, took place in a public school during regular classes, but could also be carried out as a complementary or extracurricular activity after school hours.

Outcomes: Professional development of the participating teachers, construction of knowledge by the students. The children's participation in the project provided them with playful and motivating learning in the process of becoming statistical researchers, as shown in the Collective Subject Discourse built with excerpts from interviews from a satisfaction survey that was carried out with students after the end of the activities. . In addition, the teachers involved in the application of the project also felt fulfilled and lived this experience in a playful way, as indicated by an excerpt from the narrative of one of the teachers. Image 1 and image 2

Challenges: The biggest challenge to expand the project's audience is the financial incentive to hire teachers who can disseminate this initiative in various formal and informal education spaces.