Statistical Literacy Initatives Inventory


International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) International Poster Competition

Title of Initiative: International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) International Poster Competition
Organization: International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP)
Website: Click here

Purpose: ISLP is a project of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI). The ISLP International Poster Competition is one of ISLP's initiatives, run by IASE supported by the International Association of Official Statistics. It is a biennial worldwide competition which aims to increase awareness of, and participation in, statistics among students and teachers, and to promote statistical literacy throughout the world. The competition invites school children and university undergraduates from around the world to design a poster that tells a data story in a poster, presenting context, exploration, analysis and commentary.

Target Audience:

  • Civil society organizations (incl NGOs)
  • Media
  • School children/ teachers
  • Universities (students/teachers)
  • General public

Providing Entity:

  • International agency
  • Network or collaborative group
  • International Statistical Literacy Project, International Association for Statistical Education, International Statistical Institute


  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Finnish, Italian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Portuguese.


  • Websites
  • Documents
  • Instructional material
  • Outreach material
  • Posters

Mode of implementation: The poster competition is open to school students in two age divisions (age 12-15, and age 15-18), and, from 2019, a university undergraduate division. There is a National competition within each country involved, with national winners/finalists then submitted to the International competition to determine the overall winners. The international entrants are displayed at each ISI World Statistics Congress, and the winners announced there. The national competitions are organised by ISLP country coordinators. There are approximately 134 country coordinators across approximately 73 countries. The competition is open to teams of 2 to 3 students. Registration of teams is done via a teacher or instructor. Guidelines for making a poster and notes for teachers are provided. Posters submitted to the internal competition are done so electronically. The international jury is chosen by the ISLP Advisory board and consists of members from five continents. A broad theme is provided and the posters should reflect or illustrate usage analysis, interpretation and communication of statistics or statistical information.

Outcomes: The International Poster Competition was set up in 2010, and has rapidly grown in participation and awareness since the first event in 2011. It is an outstanding success story. Typically more than 12,000 school students across more than 23 countries participate. The poster entries to each international competition are available on the ISLP website. The competition and the country coordinator structure have also greatly contributed to the growth of the ISLP Newsletter with contributions from many countries worldwide. See

Challenges: Ongoing challenges include finding funding for the prizes. Statistics finland has provided wonderful administrative and organising support. A variety of sponsors have been found over the years. It now appears that JMP is continuing as the main sponsor. Arrangements for display at ISI WSC’s have also required different organization/intervention each time to fit with the host’s arrangements, but this has always been resolved well. Encouraging and facilitating participation by less developed countries, especially in Africa, was an early challenge, but this has greatly improved.
