This third meeting of the Beyond GDP 2023 Sprint series will look at progress made in the development of the standards to measure enterprises non-financial performance (Environment, Social and Governance- ESG). It will explore options to leverage existing data from other frameworks to fill in data gaps. The session should also be seen as an opportunity to discuss data users' need, existing tools and research progress on the subject.

22 June 2023 | 7:00 am - 9:30 am (New York Time)

7:00 am - 7:10 am
Session 1| Opening, welcome, and scene-setting

7:10 am - 7:30 am
Session 2| International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) development of ESG standards and implementation

Chair: Sonia Raizenne

This session overviews the progress made to date on the development of ESG standards and the work plan for enterprises to implement sustainability reporting.

  • Quick overview of the ESG landscape followed by ISSB standard development progress and implementation plan
  • Presenter: Richard Barker, Board Member, International Sustainability Standards Board (15 minutes)
  • Presentation: Sustainability information tailored to audience needs
  • Discussion (5 minutes)

7:30 am - 7:50 am
Session 3| Aligning well-being concepts and metrics with ESG

Chair: Sonia Raizenne

This session overviews the well-being framework and metrics at the macro and micro-level and how we can leverage this information and align with ESG concepts.

  • Concepts of well-being and ESG links and aligning well-being metrics at the macro- and micro-level
  • Presenter: Vincent Siegerink, Economist/Policy Analyst, Centre for Well-being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity OECD (15 minutes)
  • Presentation: Linking ESG and Well-Being
  • Discussion (5 minutes)

7:50 am - 8:35 am
Session 4| Including sustainability information in financial reporting - the views of the accounting community and results of wellbeing study

Chair: Sonia Raizenne

This session provides an overview of the accounting community perspectives on these new non-financial measures and the tools that could support this transition from conventional financial reporting to the inclusion of sustainability information. An overview of the results from the world's largest study of employee wellbeing involving 23 million jobseekers in 3 countries (USA, the UK, and Canada) will also be provided. The findings indicate that wellbeing at work makes companies significantly more attractive to jobseekers. The integration of wellbeing measurements into ESG metrics will help us evaluate social impact.

8:35 am - 9:20 am
Session 5| Sustainability reporting - challenges to expect and perspectives of national statistical offices (5 minutes)

Chair: Richard Heys

This session highlights the urgent need for the adoption of international ESG standards and standard audit mechanisms, to improve public trust and avoid greenwashing. An adjusted GDP for social and environmental impact needs to be discussed to improve resources allocation. Also, the role of national statistical offices in addressing ESG data gaps is assessed, together with an overview of some experimental tools that have been developed to support the transition to non-financial performance reporting.

9:20 am - 9:30 am
Session 6 | Summary by Sonia Raizenn (10 minutes)

9:30 am

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