Description: The 18th IAEG-GS Meeting will be held virtually from 3 to 5 December 2024. The meeting, which is closed and by invitation only, will be attended by gender statistics experts representing international, regional, and national institutions that are part of the IAEG-GS. The Meeting will: (a) review progress in the implementation of the mandate on integrating a gender perspective into the work of the Statistical Commission.; (b) showcase innovative initiatives in gender statistics for improved assessment of the status of women and girls in select countries, regional commissions and international agencies; be appraised of progress made on methodological work on violence against women; (c) advance understanding of the gender dimension, and its measurement challenges, in the fields of care and wellbeing, building on the Pact of the Future, including in the context of Beyond GDP and the Global Digital Compact; learn about the Friends of the Chair (FoC) Group on Social and Demographic Statistics, the work towards a conceptual framework, and its key building blocks; and report on agreed 2024 activities, draw conclusions of this meeting and agree activities for 2025, including the 10GFGS.
Organizer(s): John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health
Description: CRVS team will organise the side event on 19 November 2024 at The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30. The side event is on Inclusion of Gender Diversity in Gender Equality Efforts: Focus on CRVS and legal identity organised by our partners at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health. This side event will establish the critical need for gender inclusivity in gender equality efforts, starting with legal identity through access to civil registration systems. Recording of the meeting can be watched here.
Description: The overall objective of this technical assistance is to improve the technical capacity of staff and management of the Department of Gender Affairs, the Department of Statistics, and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands to collect, analyze, utilize and disseminate sex-disaggregated data in accordance with international standards and best practices.
Organizer(s): Zoom Video Communications, Inc. AI Generated
Description: The WHO/UNICEF JMP, in collaboration with Emory University, presents priority gender-specific indicators for enhanced monitoring of SDG WASH targets identified through a multi-stakeholder expert review. This webinar will briefly introduce the priority indicators, present emerging data on gender inequalities in WASH, and discuss opportunities for integrating gender-specific indicators into national and global monitoring of WASH.
Launch of the Assessment, Analysis & Redesign of Civil Registration & Vital Statistics (CRVS) and the Use of CRVS-Related Evidence to Inform Gender–Sensitive Policies
Description: The event served as a platform for policy advocacy based on findings from key initiatives aimed at improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) and leveraging CRVS-related evidence to inform gender-sensitive policies in Fiji. The report of the Assessment, Analysis & Redesign of Civil Registration & Vital Statistics (CRVS) Processes in Fiji as well as two policy briefs (i) An Intersectional Profile of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Fiji were disseminated to key stakeholders and (ii) Target Groups for Addressing Disparities in On-Time Birth Registration were disseminated to national stakeholders, including the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health & Medical Services, the Fiji Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, the Ministry of Women, Children & Social Protection as well as other national agencies and development partners. The event was attended by the Minister of Justice, Hon. Siromi Turaga. Preparations towards the Third Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific, to be held from 24 to 26 June 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand, were also launched in the presence of the honorable Minister of Justice. The event highlighted significant advancements and set the stage for continued progress in CRVS and gender-sensitive policy-making in Fiji. Report: Assessment, Analysis and Redesign of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Processes in Fiji Policy Brief: Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Fiji Policy Brief: Addressing Disparities in On-Time Birth Registration , HOME - Project: CRVS E2A for Gender Policy Project countries: Bangladesh Fiji Events
Description: The overall objective of this technical assistance is to improve the technical capacity of staff and management of the Department of Gender Affairs, the Department of Statistics, and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands to collect, analyze, utilize and disseminate sex-disaggregated data in accordance with international standards and best practices.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 01 Jul 2024 )
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Description: This regional training introduces crime statistics from a gender perspective to produce reliable indicators to monitor the relevant SDGs (SDGs 5 and 16). The training provides an opportunity for participants to learn about gender concepts and frameworks on SDG indicators relevant to crime and criminal justice statistics including gender-based SDG targetswith the overall aim of strengthening regional capacity in producing high-quality SDG indicator data and overall statisticsto inform policy decisions at national and international levels.
Description: Concept note Unpacking gender dimensions within climate-related concerns, policies and programmes is important to enhance social, economic, and environmental outcomes. In particular, exploring the gender and climate change nexus is key to reducing the differentiated impacts of disasters and climate change on women and men, promoting the empowerment and opportunities of women and men in all their diversities, enhancing their access to environmental decision-making, and ensuring a just transition. Data plays a critical role in uncovering gender-climate change nexus issues, informing actions, and supporting the monitoring of policy implementation and outcomes. The statistical community at various levels has been advancing statistical guidance and tools in the areas of gender, climate change, and the intertwining between the two. They include, for instance, the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators, the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting and Climate change, the Disaster-related Statistics Framework, the Asia-Pacific Gender-Environment Indicators and the Model Questionnaire on Gender and Environment. Understanding particular circumstances, needs, and priorities of countries is essential for policy-relevant applications of these tools and guidance in addressing national gender-climate change concerns. To this end, ESCAP and UN Women are partnering to support the Government of Indonesia in the production and use of selected priority statistics and indicators that may help understand the gender-climate change nexus and inform related policies based on national needs. In particular, this support will include: (1) A facilitated national multistakeholder consultation to identify key information needs and priority areas for measurement; (2) Technical support for the production of selected indicators of national policy interest using available data; and (3) Assistance for the preparation of a short data brief for policy advocacy/use and way forward. Within the context of pursuing step (1) above, UN Women and ESCAP are looking to organize a national consultation with key stakeholders in Indonesia. In particular, the national consultation, scheduled to take place on July 30th and July 31st, will bring together representatives from BPS-Statistics Indonesia and representatives from key Ministries or Civil Society Organizations engaging in climate-related work. Concept note and Agenda , National consultation: Harnessing the Power of Data to Inform a Gender-Climate Change Nexus: Fiji Indonesia Philippines
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 24 Apr 2024 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: In a survey experiment conducted in El Salvador, we explore whether alternative survey methods can alleviate the underreporting of women's and young men'slabor market outcomes, thus enhancing the measurement of gender- and age-based gaps. We compare two alternative methods—a List of Activities survey module (LOA) and enforced self-responses (ESR)—with a traditional household survey, which relies on proxy responses without an LOA module. Our findings reveal significant differences. The inclusion of the LOA module leads to higher reported work and employment rates for the average respondent compared to the standard household survey. Notably, the reported work gap between men and women decreases when using the LOA module. Furthermore, employing ESR reduces the age gap for male respondents' employment and work rates. Our research underscores the impact of peer examples of informal employment and social norms regarding domestic obligations on these outcomes. This study offers valuable insights into the potential of alternative survey methodologies to provide more accurate representations of labor market dynamics and address gender and age disparities in employment.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The objective is to enable participants: * To have an understanding of the range of techniques which make up a cognitive interview; * To have increased their own ability to do cognitive interviewing; * To have insight into selecting and recruiting respondents; * To have insight into analysing cognitive interview data and creating better survey questions; * To have awareness of a broad range of uses for cognitive interviewing; * To have awareness of the contribution of cognitive interviewing in comparison to other testing methods; * To understand how cognitive interviewing can improve questionnaires on gender topics and thus the associated social statistics.
Target Audience: The course is targeted at NSI methodologists and social scientists whose work involves conducting surveys
Description: For this Global Network Webinar, we were pleased to welcome Francesca Perucci, Jahanara Saeed, and Deirdre Appel from Open Data Watch who presented on Advancing National Data Systems with the Gender Data Compass. As a compass helps travelers orient themselves, the Gender Data Compass (GDC) is a guide for national statistical offices (NSOs), other government agencies, development practitioners, and donors seeking to build robust, inclusive, and effective gender data systems. It has five cardinal points: gender data availability, gender data openness, institutional foundations, technical and statistical capacity, and financing. The results of the first round of Gender Data Compass reveal a stark reality: many countries face significant challenges in producing the necessary gender indicators for informed policymaking and monitoring progress towards equitable and sustainable development. Despite these challenges, the Gender Data Compass offers a roadmap of recommendations and solutions to overcome them. Specifically, this webinar presented the Gender Data Compass and offered ways in which countries can use this research to improve and strengthen their own gender data systems. For more information on the Gender Data Compass please visit:
Half-way through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and despite improvements, critical gender data gaps still exist across the SDGs in terms of geographic coverage, timeliness and the level of disaggregation required. Intensified efforts need to be made to fill those gaps. The Agenda 2030 asks that follow-up and review processes at all levels should be open, inclusive, participatory and transparent for all people and support the reporting by all relevant stakeholders. Therefore, the successful as well as gender-sensitive implementation and monitoring of the Agenda needs the engagement of citizens, with particular attention to the voices of the poorest and most vulnerable – more often, women and girls.
Description: In this webinar, Ginette Azcona and Antra Bhatt of UN Women will share data and insights from the Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The SDG Gender Snapshot 2023 Report. The presentation will cover key insights from UN Women and UNDESA’s Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The SDG Gender Snapshot 2023 Report which provides a comprehensive analysis of gender equality progress across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s report shows that halfway to the end point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is failing to achieve gender equality, making it an increasingly distant goal. If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty by 2030, and close to one in four will experience moderate or severe food insecurity. Growing vulnerability brought on by human-induced climate change is likely to worsen this outlook, as many as 236 million more women and girls will be food-insecure under a worst-case climate scenario. The presentation will discuss these key findings as well as present data and insights on all 17 SDGs and also focus on the need for an integrated, holistic approach to advancing gender equality, involving multistakeholder collaboration and sustained financial backing including through costing of SDG 5.
Organizer(s): FAO International Food Policy Research Institute
Description: The Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS) event is the soft launch of a streamlined tool for measuring women’s empowerment, which is suitable for use by national statistical...
Description: The need for statistics on gender-in-trade is becoming pressing as governments strive to develop gender-responsive trade policies. The Regional Workshop will focus on the importance of collecting and utilising gender-in-trade statistics to support better policymaking across the African continent. In addition, the Regional Workshop also discusses the findings obtained from six pilot countries – Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Senegal, Cameroon, and Zimbabwe – that participated in undertaking exercises in micro-linking trade and non-trade data within their countries and identify ways forward for improved data collection in gender-in-trade statistics. The objectives of this regional workshop is to: * Encourage knowledge sharing amongst statistics officers on best methods and practices to support the collation of data and statistics on gender and trade and to understand how to undertake micro-linking of non-trade and trade data. * Drawing on the findings from the African pilot case studies, discuss the long-term goal of collecting sex-disaggregated trade data and identify gaps and proposed solutions for ensuring that national statistics collection includes gender-responsive indicators across the continent. * Improve understanding of regularising and implementing long-term data collection on informal cross-border trade (ICBT) to inform evidence-based policymaking that meet the needs of informal and small-scale traders. This workshop is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), with contributions from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Financial support for this project was provided by United Nations Development Account.
Description: Legal identity for all to achieve gender equality - An inter-regional dialogue Thursday, 31 August, 2023 14.00-16.00hs SAST/CET Watch the event at (no registration required) In countries where gender inequalities are most prevalent, lack of legal identity further marginalizes women and hampers progress toward gender equality. Ensuring legal identity for all, underpinned by access to birth, marriage and death registration across the life course, is a crucial layer of protection against social exclusion. Civil registration is also a crucial data source for sex-disaggregated vital statistics. The objective of this session is to share country experiences on the establishment and maintenance of population registers and identity management from birth to death and efforts to ensure interoperability in accordance with international standards and in compliance with a human rights approach, including the right to privacy. (SDGs: SDG 3, SDG 5, SDG 16).
Description: Strengthened marriage registration as a tool for gender equality and women’s empowerment Thursday, 31 August, 2023 7.00hs-8.30hs SAST/CET Watch the event at (no registration required) The objectives of this session are to provide a brief overview of the global landscape on marriage and divorce registration and to review recent experiences, innovations and lessons in marriage registration system strengthening from Uganda, Indonesia and Guatemala. Marriage and divorce shape the lives of individuals, families and society at-large and play a particularly significant role in the ability of women and girls to claim their fundamental rights and access relevant services. Yet, despite the recognition of official marriage registration and divorce registration within international human rights conventions for more than 58 years, in practice they are often neglected. This side event will begin with an overview of the state of marriage and divorce registration in terms of international standards, common practices, available data and published statistics.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with Statistics South Africa, is organizing the 9th United Nations Global Forum on Gender Statistics in Johannesburg, South Africa. The event will take place on 29-31 August 2023. The Forum will bring together producers and users of gender statistics from national and international statistical offices, other government agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society, and the donor community. On this occasion, the forum will focus ways to improve data and evidence on the growing challenges and opportunities offered by the care economy and its impact on gender equality. Panelists and audience will also strategize on how to make the best out of existing data, including by mainstreaming a gender lens into existing data processes. Additionally, the Forum will provide an opportunity to take stock and learn of good practices in gender statistics and data management from the African region.
Description: The Statistical Commission, at its 51st session, “requested that a gender perspective be adopted and integrated into all the agenda items of the Commission, as is, for example, the current practice in the Statistical Conference of the Americas” (Decision 51/115, b). To respond to this mandate, the IAEG-GS has identified initial priority topics where a gender lens should be integrated. They are: (i) business and trade statistics, and (ii) environment and related climate change statistics. The IAEG established an Advisory Group to undertake this work. UNSD organized the first meeting of this Advisory Group to discuss work priorities for the Group with selected national statistical offices, represented by gender statisticians and experts working on business and trade statistics and climate change statistics, and with regional and international experts. It was decided that two guiding notes will be prepared, highlighting the importance of mainstreaming gender equality in the above topics as well as key principles to follow for producing related statistics that are gender sensitive. In this context, the Advisory Group will compile, in coordination with relevant groups of the Statistical Commission, national examples of past or ongoing related initiatives that will accompany the guiding notes. In addition, the Advisory Group will continue to collaborate with the Expert Group on Environment Statistics and the Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics, as feasible, by providing feedback to their outputs when requested, by cross-participation in respective meetings and by exchanging relevant material and country practices.
Description: The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems will be launched during an event that will highlight the relevance of the report’s findings for policy and decision makers, development actors, the...
Description: Organised by the ISI Committee Women in Statistics (CW-ISI). Former ISI Director Ada van Krimpen is going to be the distinguished Invited Speaker of the webinar. She will discuss the proportion of women among ISI members and their role in governance. We then discuss which factors play a role in boosting the careers of female statisticians.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: UNSD moderated the side event, which was organized by UN Women in collaboration with UNSD, FAO and UNHCR. Ms. Antra Bhatt, Statistics Specialist, Research and Data Section, UN Women, presented UN Women and UNSD’s joint publication Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2022 Report, emphasizing the data and indicators available and needed for monitoring the SDGs from a gender perspective as well as data gaps. The event also featured presentations by Aina Helen Saetre, Statistician, UNHCR and Sara Viviani, Statistician, FAO on the importance of disaggregating key statistics by sex and age using global datasets on gender and migration and food security, followed by a moderated Q&A. Between 60-65 participants attended the side event and discussion focused on identifying why there are continual gender data gaps in the SDGs, how to address these issues and encourage more monitoring by countries. In addition, while the data for achieving gender equality is not currently on track to be achieved by 2030, panelists noted that a positive in this area is an increase in partnerships and collaboration to increase the availability of gender data, which will hopefully lead to advances in achieving this Goal.
Description: The 16th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS) was organized by the Statistics Division, virtually, on 12-14 December 2022. The meeting was attended by over 100 participants, including gender statisticians and experts in the areas of environment and trade statistics from national, regional and international statistical entities. The IAEG-GS (a) discussed on-going activities related to mainstreaming a gender perspective into climate change statistics, and into trade statistics, and developed a plan of work for an established IAEG-GS Advisory Group to carry out this mandate and ultimately report back to the Statistical Commission on mainstreaming a gender perspective into the work of the Commission; (b) discussed and provided feedback on preliminary results from the 2022 Global Survey on National Gender Statistics Programmes; (c) took stoke of national initiatives on closing data gaps for monitoring gender equality as well as of activities by the Regional Commissions and international agencies to strengthen gender statistics, in such areas as violence against women (including among elderly women and women with disabilities); and (e) discussed future work priorities for the IAEG-GS, as well as preparations for the 9th Global Forum on Gender Statistics that will be hosted by Statistics South Africa in 2023.
Description: Official statistics with a gender perspective play a fundamental role in raising awareness and disseminating the different expressions of gender inequality in various areas of society; they also constitute a powerful instrument for decision-making based on high-quality, reliable evidence Join us next November 02 at 10:00 a.m. (EDT) to our discussion about the progress, challenges and status of the production, analysis and dissemination of official statistics with a gender perspective at a global and regional level.
Description: The Centre of Excellence for CRVS systems at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNICEF are pleased to announce that the 3rd global CRVS and Gender Conference will be held in New York on October 17-18, 2022. The conference will be a hybrid conference - i.e. encompassing both in-person and virtual participation. This conference will build on the previous two CRVS and gender conferences - the last conference was held in February, 2018. This year’s conference will Assess developments on gender and CRVS since 2020 Conference in Ottawa, including the impact of Covid-19 Highlight the value of CRVS data for tracking gender inequalities Advance practices to strengthen gender-responsive CRVS systems in support of the 2030 agenda, including SDG5 and commitments to "Leave No One Behind" Guide and strengthen gender dimensions of CRVS strengthening efforts and gender sensitive analyses of civil registration data Simultaneous interpretation will be offered between English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
Description: Since 2017, the African Development Bank (AfDB), UN Women, and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have held joint regional conferences on gender statistics. The Africa Gender Statistics Conference is an annual forum for gender statistics producers and users to share best practices and develop common strategies to rationalize, harmonize and improve the measurement and use of gender statistics in Africa. This year, more than 100 African representatives from ministries, national statistical offices (NSOs), and civil society organizations (CSOs) directly involved in the production and use of gender statistics will convene in Nairobi, Kenya for the conference. Delegates will participate in interactive peer-led sessions to share new knowledge, tools, and guidelines, exchange best practices, and inform future action plans for gender statistics in Africa. Under the theme ‘Gender Statistics Imperatives for Africa’, the conference will provide a platform for sector stakeholders to deliberate on the reconstitution of the Africa Group of Gender Statistics (AGGES) for the period 2022-2026 and disseminate and discuss the findings of the evaluation of Phase II of the Africa Programme on Gender Statistics (APGS II) and the Strategic Plan for Phase III of the Programme (APGS III, 2022-2026). Conference details: Date: 26 to 30 September 2022 Location: In-person in Nairobi, Kenya. An online option is also available via Zoom registration here. Structure: The conference includes a mixture of interactive learning sessions and sharing of new knowledge such as recent guidelines, tools, and best practices on gender statistics in Africa. For further information, please contact: AfDB COMESA Paris21 Koffi Marc KouakouStatistician EconomistGender, Women and Civil Themba MunalulaChief Statistician and HeadStatistics Meriem AITOUYAHIAGender & Development Data SpecialistGender Data Network UNECA UN Women (East & Southern Africa) UN Women (West & Central Africa) Gonzaque Andre RosalieGender Isabella SchmidtRegional Gender Statistics SpecialistEast and Southern Michele SerrousiRegional Gender Statistics SpecialistWest and Central
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise an Online Training Course on ‘SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Indicators’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 7-8 June 2022. Ms. Aslı Aşık Yavuz, expert at the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), will conduct the course and cover the following topics: TurkStat’s Experience on Sustainable Development Indicators Introduction to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Indicators SDG 5 Indicators of Türkiye Road Map for Unavailable SDG 5 Indicators Usage of the SDG 5 Indicators in International Reporting Other SDG 5 Reporting Possibilities and Suggestions for Türkiye The course will be conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches designed in line with the virtual training solutions undertaken by SESRIC in order to better serve the Centre’s training activities and keep participants motivated and engaged during this time of global crisis due to COVID-19. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: The Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series on Mainstreaming Gender in Official Statistics: Practical Insights, was held virtually on 7 June 2022, 11:00-12:15 (UTC+7). Attendance summary Flyer About the session This Stats Café attempted to bring experiences from across the region on practical approaches to mainstreaming gender in official statistics. The Stats Café also launched the eLearning course on “Using Gender Data for Analysis, Communications and Policy-making in the context of SDG monitoring and beyond” developed by ESCAP, UN Women and SIAP. Background Gender equality has been increasingly recognized as essential to the process of sustainable development and for the effectiveness of national development policies and plans. Gender statistics and indicators are important tools to promote gender equality and implement a gender mainstreaming approach. The demand for gender statistics has increased over the years owing to international conventions and development goals at various levels. While the Sustainable Development Goals have a stand-alone goal to promote gender equality (Goal 5), gender has also been integrated across several of the other goals and targets to ensure effective outcomes for women and men in various aspects of development. Using data and statistics to adequately reflect differences and inequalities in the situation of women and men in all areas of life requires a strategy of mainstreaming gender in all stages of data planning, production, use and analysis. Agenda for this session Welcome remarks: Rachael Beaven, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP Mainstreaming gender in official statistics: from concepts to practical approaches: Sara Duerto Valero, Regional Advisor on Gender Statistics, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Mainstreaming gender in the Philippines Statistical System: Wilma A. Guillen, Assistant National Statistician, Head of the Social Sector Statistics Service, Sectoral Statistics Office of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Identifying and analyzing gender dimensions of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics using death registration data in Fiji: Meli Nadakuca, Statistician, Vital Statistics, Demography & GIS Unit, Fiji Bureau of Statistics Mainstreaming gender in statistical training: Sinovia Moonie, Statistician/ Lecturer, Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) Christophe Bontemps, Statistician/ Lecturer, Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) Moderator: Sharita Serrao, Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events in 2021 Concluded events in 2020
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 19 May 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Are you interested in labour market indicators, which are particularly relevant for measuring differences in the situation of women and men? Discover the latest data on the gender employment gap, that is considered to be a key social indicator for analytical purposes when studying developments in labour markets, and the gender pay gap, including the unadjusted gender pay gap used to monitor imbalances in earnings between men and women.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 13 Feb 2023 )
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Description: The online course on crime statistics from a gender perspective will highlight basic conceptsmethods and frameworks required to compile crime statistics in relation to gender and provide knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of working with different types of data sources (administrative datasample surveys).
Description: This warm-up session was organized by UN Women, UNFPA, and ESCAP. It took place online on 18 November 2021, from 8:45 to 09:30 hrs, Bangkok time, before starting Day 3 of the Conference. Overview: Vital statistics derived from civil registration data have the potential to transform people’s lives. This warm-up session examined the importance of registering vital events throughout people’s lives and provided an opportunity to further align efforts in strengthening civil registration systems with efforts to improve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls everywhere. Through interactive discussions, the session highlighted the strategic value of inclusive civil registration and vital statistics systems and the practical role of vital statistics in advancing gender equality and bodily autonomy. Specific country examples explored how vital statistics could and were being used to advance evidence and action to address important gender-related inequities such as gender-biased sex selection, adolescent fertility, preventable maternal deaths and gender equality within marital unions. The session also touched on the importance of promoting accurate civil registration and vital statistics in the context of responding to crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. The discussions taking place during this warm-up session would help frame those that followed during sessions 5 and 6 of the Ministerial Conference on: Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage: harnessing civil registration data for decision-making; and on: Implementing gender-sensitive civil registration and vital statistics systems through a life cycle approach.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Swiss Confederation, is organizing the 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics under the Global Gender Statistics Programme and the guidance of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS). The Forum will bring together producers, users and communicators of gender statistics from national and international statistical offices, other government agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society, private sector, media and the donor community. On this occasion, the Forum is taking place as countries come to face the consequences of the COVID-19 global pandemic and assess the effectiveness of their responses to this crisis and its long-lasting effects. The common thread during the two-day discussions will be an outlook of the aftermath of the pandemic. Beyond the impact of COVID-19, the Forum’s intention is to tease out those aspects of gender equality and the production of gender statistics that have changed -highlighting how and why. Panelists and audience will discuss ways to improve data and evidence for gender policies, reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all aspects of women’s and men’s lives, and what it means for keeping the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on track. The 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics will be the last event on the “Road to Bern” series, taking place right before the 3rd World Data Forum (UNWDF 2021) to be held in Bern and hosted by the Government of Switzerland.
6th AMDN Webinar: Migration and Gender: Migration data for the protection of migrant women
30 Sep 2021 – 30 Sep 2021
Source: IOM GMDAC (Data extracted on: 29 Sep 2021 )
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Organizer(s): IOM GMDAC STATAFRIC Statistics Sweden
Description: Women account for approximately half of the estimated 270 million international migrants worldwide in 2019. Migrant women contribute massively to the overall outflow of remittances sent by immigrants from their destination countries to their countries of origin. At the same time, women earn less, have harsher working conditions and are much more vulnerable to trafficking for sexual exploitation. In spite of the needs, there are significant challenges concerning the collection, analysis and use of gender responsive data, reflecting differences and inequalities between women and men. Such data is necessary to promote a deepened understanding of migration trends, gaps, challenges and inequalities and to strengthen policies that are gender responsive. The webinar addresses the availability and use of disaggregated, gender responsive migration statistics and give examples of how data from national surveys have been utilized to highlight gender dimensions and the needs and vulnerability of female migrants. The session will include sharing of experiences from experts working in NSOs in Africa as well as the perspective from UN Women.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: he report Bridging the Gap: Mapping Gender Data Availability in Asia and the Pacific traces the availability and quality of data for 98 gender-relevant indicators across key domains such as health, education, economic empowerment, political participation, human security, and environment. The study, covering five countries in Asia and the Pacific, uses a combined set of 32 SDG indicators identified by UN Women as gender-relevant, 59 SDG indicators identified by Open Data Watch as being capable of sex-disaggregation or of other gender relevance, and 7 indicators suggested by the UN Women’s publication Turning Promises into Action (2018). This Stats Café aims to celebrate the launch of the report and raise awareness about progress in gender data availability, the data needed, gaps which may exist and how these gaps may be narrowed. , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Training of Trainers on Gender Statistics for Monitoring the SDGs
Virtual Training
10 May 2021 – 29 Jun 2021
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women ESCAP ESCAP SIAP
Description: The training will provide the opportunity for participants to review and understand key components of the Training Curriculum on Gender Statisticswhich is currently being finalized by the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Traininga subsidiary organ of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific.
Description: Within the framework of the subregional technical cooperation project: "Improvement of agricultural censuses and surveys for the calculation of the SDG indicators"
Organizer(s): FAO UN Habitat International Land Coalition Landesa
Description: Organised by FAO, International Land Coalition, Landesa and UN-Habitat, this event will present the experience of different countries, showing how they have adopted measures to secure women’s land rights.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 28 Mar 2021 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: Recognizing the high impact of COVID-19 in the Americas and Caribbean region, UN Women is conducting rapid gender assessments (RGAs) to better understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting people’s lives in terms of the socio-economic impacts, distribution of care work, and access to basic goods and services. To this end, UN Women partnered with the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity (MinMujeryEG) of Chile, the National Institute of Women (INMUJERES) of Mexico, and the Presidential Council for Women's Equity (CPEM) of Colombia, to carry out RGAs in each country in 2020. During the event, results from these surveys will be presented to unpack how women and girls are being impacted by the pandemic in each of country, followed by a panel discussion on the importance of such data as complementary to official statistics, as well as a comparative overview of the three RGAs.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 14 Feb 2021 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women Sightsavers
Description: UN Women is collaborating with Sightsavers and partners on a special event to share what we’ve learned about producing data that includes everyone. Gathering data on people with disabilities, older people, women and girls, and other marginalized groups is important, as this helps to ensure that these groups are not left behind by development programmes. UN Women, Sightsavers, Development Initiatives and HelpAge International have been collecting, using and calling for inclusive data for several years. As we enter 2021, this online event will provide a chance to take stock of the successes and challenges that we have faced along the way. It will offer useful learnings for other organizations on how to improve their own practices, and include a Q&A with participants. The event will feature: Alex Goldsworthy, Humanitarian Programme Officer, HelpAge International Claudia Wells, Director of Data Use, Development Initiatives, UK Papa Seck, Chief Statistician and Chief, Research and Data, UN Women Munazza Gillani, country director, Sightsavers, Pakistan. Dom Haslam, Sightsavers’ Director of Policy and Programme Strategy, will be acting as moderator for the event.
Description: Bringing together gender statisticians and experts from the international, regional and national institutions that are IAEG-GS members, the closed (/invitation-only) 14th IAEG-GS Meeting will: (a) review on-going national, regional and global initiatives to improve evidence for gender-relevant policies, including the development and implementation of international statistical methods in the context of COVID-19; (b) discuss and review on-going workstreams of the IAEG-GS Advisory Groups; (c) take stock of the latest assessments of progress towards gender equality at the sub-national, national, regional and global levels, as presented in The World’s Women 2020:Trends and Statistics report; and (d) cover other business, including the IAEG-GS annual work programme for 2020-2021 and the preparations for the 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics in 2021.
Title in Spanish: Producción y uso de estadísticas e indicadores de género
Organizer(s): ECLAC UN Women
Description: La División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL, junto a ONU-Mujereres, y en colaboración con el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) de Colombia, dio inicio el día 3 de noviembre al curso Producción y uso de estadísticas e indicadores de género, orientado a profesionales pertenecientes a entidades productoras y organizaciones usuarias de estadísticas, que se realiza en el formato online entre la mencionada fecha y el 13 de diciembre. Esta edición contará con 50 participantes, en su mayoría del sector público. Se propone fortalecer conocimientos, capacidades y habilidades frente a la producción, el análisis y la utilización de las estadísticas de género en clave de la planificación, la implementación y la evaluación de políticas, así como del monitoreo de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will convent the Annual Meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs: "Gender-responsive policies to achieve SDG5 in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: critical and key emerging issues in the SPECA region", on Tuesday 27 October 2020 from 14:00 – 17:00 hours (Thailand Standard Time). The SPECA Working Group on Gender and Sustainable Development Goals (WG on Gender and SDGs) is a subsidiary body within the governing structure of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA). It works to raise awareness on the interdependency between gender and economy through sharing good practices in mainstreaming gender in economic policies, policy-oriented research and projects as well as developing cross-sectoral linkages and synergies with other relevant areas of the SPECA activities. The overall objective of the meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs is to serve as a platform for policy dialogue, capacity-building and networking for concerned government stakeholders from relevant key ministries and agencies in SPECA countries to discuss critical and key emerging issues related to gender equality, poverty reduction and economic growth in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. Participants share advances made and challenges encountered with respect to the implementation of SDG 5 on gender equality and will further discuss strategies to forge ahead on key issues to advance gender equality, including women’s full economic and political empowerment. The meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender Equality and SDGs will bring together government representatives working towards the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in SPECA countries. In addition to government representatives, participants may include representatives of relevant UN agencies, funds and programmes; representatives of civil society organizations; and other relevant stakeholders across Asia and the Pacific. The outcome of the meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs will inform the work of ESCAP and UNECE towards the Beijing+30 review process within the context of sub-regional collaboration with SPECA countries. It is expected that one or more joint initiatives will be identified for potential future sub-regional collaboration. The key recommendations are expected to identify, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, both opportunities and challenges to achieving the ambitions of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and Sustainable Development Goal 5. Click here for more information on the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+25 Review, 27-29 November 2019. Click here for more information on the North and Central Asian dialogue on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, 26 November 2019. UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women can be accessed from here. English version; Russian Version. An epub version of the Policy Brief can be accessed from the link.
Description: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) organized a Virtual Expert Group Meeting on “Implementing Beijing+25 Commitments in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic” on Tuesday 15 September 2020 from 09:30 –12:30 hours (Thailand Standard Time) and Wednesday 16 September 2020 from 09:00 –12:30 hours (Thailand Standard Time). The objectives of the virtual Expert Group Meeting (EGM) are two-fold: to (a) facilitate the exchange of knowledge, good practices and lessons learnt with respect to the progressive implementation of Beijing Platform for Action, including in the context of COVID-19 pandemic; and to (b) develop key recommendations for priority actions to advance the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Declaration on Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+25 Review, which was adopted by the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+25 Review in November 2019. The virtual EGM brought together about 30 experts and professionals working towards the realization of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 and other gender-related SDGs, and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Participants included government representatives and policy makers; representatives of civil society organizations and private sector, and representatives of relevant UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes; and other stakeholders across Asia and the Pacific. The virtual EGM facilitated the exchange of knowledge, good practices and lessons learnt by stakeholders in the progressive implementation of Beijing+25 commitments within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It discussed all three dimensions of inclusive and sustainable social development, namely the socio-economic, political and environmental dimensions. The recommendations for priority actions will be directed towards (a) ESCAP member states, cf. their commitments to the 2019 Asia-Pacific Declaration on Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+25 Review; (b) civil society organizations; (c) private sector actors and (d) UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, cf. their respective mandates to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. The recommendations will be grouped according to the substantive thematic focus areas outlined above. Watch the record of the meeting on 15 September 2020. Watch the record of the meeting on 16 September 2020.
Title in Spanish: XXI Encuentro Internacional de Estadísticas de Género (EIEG) “Los retos para la generación y uso de las estadísticas de género en contexto del COVID-19”
Organizer(s): ECLAC UN Women INEGI Mexico
Description: El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INMUJERES), la División de Asuntos de Género de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), y la Entidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (ONU Mujeres), llevarán a cabo en el mes de septiembre, el XXI Encuentro Internacional sobre Estadísticas de Género (EIEG) denominado “Los retos para la generación y uso de las estadísticas de género en contexto del COVID-19”. El XXI EIEG se realizará mediante una serie de cuatro seminarios web.
Description: This is a side-event of Nineteenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC. Organized by Division for Gender Affairs of ECLAC.
Description: The objective of these workshops is to promote the use of gender statistics for policymaking to ensure that no women and girls are left behind, in keeping with the commitments set out in the Regional Gender Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus of these workshops will be on mapping existing data and identifying gaps in the production of gender statistics, and providing recommendations regarding the production, development, systematisation and dissemination of statistical information and gender-sensitive indicators.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 06 Aug 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: The global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening fast, leaving researchers and policymakers scrambling to collect and analyse data to grasp its impact on affected countries and territories. COVID-19 is an urgent health crisis, but one which will have massive global social and economic impacts that will reverberate for years to come. In addition to the immediate threat of the virus itself, the pandemic and its response have increased women’s share of unpaid care work, heightened the risk of violence against women, and led to job losses (particularly among women in the informal sector) and rising poverty rates. The immediate need for gender data cannot be overemphasized. Tracking and responding to the effects of COVID-19 for women and girls requires a robust supply of gender statistics and disaggregated data that are relevant, granular and timely. Demand for gender data is accelerating, even as options to expand supply have become more limited as overburdened and under-capacitated national statistical systems become overstretched. Join the conversation with UN Women, representatives from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and State Department for Gender, Maldives Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Gender, and PARIS21 to discuss how we can close gender data gaps within the COVID-19 crisis. Findings from UN Women COVID-19 rapid gender assessments as well as PARIS21 piloting of gender projects will be presented, to shed light on the challenges and opportunities for strengthening gender statistics systems amid the crisis.
Description: Counted and Visible: The global conference on the measurement of gender and intersecting inequalities will create a common understanding among data users and producers on how to measure intersecting inequalities from a gender perspective in order to 'leave no one behind.' It will contribute to current work on data disaggregation to better inform policies and advocacy on gender equality and women's empowerment. The conference will also be a space for dialogue on gender and intersectionality, to have a better understanding on the needs of the most marginalized groups. This event is co-organized by UN Statistics Division and UN Women.
Description: (Newsletter: CRVS Insight February (2) 2020) The Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems, the United Nations Population Fund, and Open Data Watch are co-organizing a global conference on Connecting Vital Events Registration and Gender Equality (ConVERGE). Bringing together policy and technical experts, government representatives, academics, youth, and donor organizations, this two day event aims to move beyond discussions on the importance of CRVS systems for women and children, and towards securing commitment to find solutions and take action. The objective is to foster the link between two agendas critical for the achievement of the SDGs, namely Vital Events Registration and Gender Equality. The event will take place on the 25th and 26th of February at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa, Canada. It will also be webcasted live in English and French, allowing online participants to engage directly in the conference in Q&A sessions. You can go to the events page for more detail and an up-to-date program.
Description: The recent wave of gender responsive trade agreements marks a global shift in trade policy whereby governments are actively seeking ways to develop and implement inclusive trade agreements. Despite global good intentions – questions remain. How do we measure the success of trade agreements from a gender perspective? How do we understand the impact of trade agreements on women’s economic empowerment? Are women really benefiting from the free trade agreements? This webinar explores ways to measure the success of trade agreements on women’s economic empowerment by looking at the opportunities for women exporters and women in the labour market economy. This webinar refers to the recent Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) as a case example and proposes a model for measuring and capturing inclusive gender-sensitive data to assess the impact of trade agreements and better inform inclusive trade agreements. The model is based on the UNCTAD conceptual framework for measuring gender-in-trade.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: At the third meeting of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training in Tokyo, from December 4 to 6, the subgroup members finalized the training materials that will form the Asia-Pacific curriculum, and discussed next steps for implementation of statistical training across the region.The members of the subgroup will meet one last time in February 2020 to pilot-test the materials and receive a Training of Trainers prior to the full-fledged roll-out of the trainings across the region.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing an Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on Gender Statistics. This closed meeting will take place in New York, from 7 to 8 November 2019. Bringing together gender statisticians and experts from the international, regional and national institutions that are IAEG-GS members, the 13th IAEG-GS Meeting has the following objectives: (a) take stock and provide feedback, from a gender perspective, on the methodological work being undertaken by UNSD and the Expert Group on Innovative and Effective Ways to Collect Time-Use Statistics, in line with international standards; (b) discuss and review the on-going work of the IAEG-GS Advisory Group on Strengthening Administrative Systems to Close Gender Data Gaps; (c) review on-going national, regional and global initiatives to improve evidence for gender-relevant policies, including the development and implementation of international methods and standards; (d) discuss progress towards gender equality at the national, regional and global levels, in particular in the context of Beijing+25 and for the preparation of The World’s Women 2020; and (e) cover other business, including the IAEG-GS members’ work in the field of gender statistics and the preparation of the 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics in 2020. #genderstat
Description: The Expert Meeting brought together national statisticians, officials from Ministries of Environment, representatives from disaster management authorities, civil society organizations and academic institutions to: Identify key priority thematic areas that are of high relevance to assess the connections between environmental and gender issues in countries of Asia and the Pacific. Building on UNEP’s “Unlocking information for action and measuring the SDGs” report and other existing work on the connections between gender and environment statistics, refine the set of gender-related indicators that could be best suited to measure these connections in Asia and the Pacific, noting that these indicators should be in line (to the extent possible) with internationally agreed indicators and frameworks. Discuss preparation and dissemination of documents, brochures or other information products on gender and environment statistics, with the expectation that these materials could be used to inform future production of related statistics, including to monitor the SDGs. Advocate for the importance of producing environment statistics from a gender perspective and enhancing financing of this endeavor. Identify needs and possible areas of future work in this field (including to improve indicators, data sources, reporting mechanisms and advocacy efforts, among others) in view of proposing the establishment of an expert group or other suitable mechanisms to enhance the production of environmental statistics from a gender perspective in the region. In the event that participants express interest to take this work forward, discuss the specificities associated with further country engagement, management/coordination of the work and any required funding to take it forward. Agenda Download group photo
Description: SESRIC participated in the Second Meeting of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training (SGGST) organised by the UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia on 15-17 July 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: On 11-13 June, about 30 participants from across the Asia-Pacific region came together for a workshop on 'Communicating gender data promoting better use and delivering impactful messages'. They included data producers from national statistical offices (NSOs) and data users from civil society, line ministries and the media. The workshop was a unique opportunity for building dialogue between users and producers of data so they can better understand each others needs and challenges, and together advocate for more and better gender data. Data users learned the basics of statistical literacy, and how to use gender data in advocacy but also to advocate for better gender data. In turn, data producers learned from their stakeholders how to better communicate their data products, learned about gender data visualization techniques, received training on media messaging and techniques to make gender statistics appealing to the general public. One of the key outcomes of this workshop will be the development of a set of guidelines for communicating gender data, which will also set up standards for replicating this workshop in other regions.
Description: The national technical meeting was organized by UNESCAP and UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. Viet Nam is entering the closing stretch of the adoption of the second list of national statistical indicators on gender development, planned in June 2019. In this context, this meeting was an opportunity for national stakeholders involved to benefit from the UNESCAP Gender Policy-Data Integration Initiative and UN Women’s flagship programme initiative on statistics “Making Every Woman and Girl Count”, aiming to strengthen data and statistics for evidence-based policies and programmes on gender equality and women’s empowerment and to support the monitoring and implementation of the SDGs through better production and use of gender statistics. The meeting provided a platform for effective user-producer dialogue in the context of gender statistics and indicators in Viet Nam to identify: national gender indicators responsive to national gender policy demands as well as the 2030 Agenda related data sources and production cycles, and ways forward on related data production, dissemination and use. The meeting resulted in recommendations for the improvement of the latest draft of Viet Nam’s National Statistical Indicators on Gender Development and in the development of strategies for systematic gender data production and dissemination in line with needs of various users at the national level. Key national stakeholders from a range of national agencies and departments who are users or producers of gender-data participated, as well as representatives of civil society organizations and academicians. Meeting summary List of participants Concept note Programme EPIC: a generic tool for policy-data integration Download group photo
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women ESCAP SIAP
Description: Data producers and users in Asia and the Pacific are working together to develop a curriculum for training on gender statistics, the first of its kind. The work on the curriculum, which begun in 2018 and has been guided by the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training, is expected to be completed before the end of 2019. The curriculum will consist of three different training modules, each of which will include a number of chapters with recommendations on key thematic areas that training on Gender Statistics should include. In addition, chapters will be accompanied by a relevant syllabus, exercises, power point presentations and other useful materials. Once finalized and tested, the curriculum will be made available by UN Women for all countries to use. The second meeting of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training (SGGST), a subsidiary organ within the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific, took place on 15-17 January 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was organized by UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in coordination with UN-SIAP.