Quality Assurance Meetings and Events
The Workshop will train participants from national statistical offices on quality assurance and its implementation throughout the national statistical system and support the development of additional guidelines on quality assurance. The Workshop will provide an overview of the contents of the Manual and the UN National Quality Assurance Framework, review and discuss the implementation of quality assurance in participating countries and discuss quality assurance in the case when new and administrative data sources are being used. The sharing of experiences will also support the development of further implementation guidance.
For details regarding the workshop, please contact NQAF Expert Group Secretariat (UNSD).
Meeting Report
Resources for Participants
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
- Session 1.1: Introduction to the UN NQAF Manual and its recommendations (see Manual, Chap. 1 and 2)
- Session 1.2: The African Charter of Statistics and UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
- Session 1.3: The United Nations National Quality Assurance Framework (see Manual, Chap. 3)
- Session 1.4: UN NQAF Principles, requirements and elements to be assured (see Manual, Chap. 3)
Session 1: International recommendations on quality assurance and the UN National Quality assurance Framework
- Session 2.1: Country case studies - national quality assurance frameworks ( Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia)
- Session 2.2: Self-assessment exercise (group exercise and discussion)
Session 2: National Quality Assurance Frameworks in practice
Wednesday, 7 December 2022
- Session 3.1: First results of the global survey
- Session 3.2:Introduction of tools and of the Roadmap for the implementation of NQAF (see Roadmap, Manual, Chap. 4, 5C and 6) and Introductory presentation GSBPM
- Session 3.3: Country case studies - Status and progress in implementation and use of tools — (Botswana, Ethiopia, and Niger)
- Session 3.4: Review of the roadmap (round-table discussion)
Session 3: Implementation of NQAF in the region and participating countries / Roadmap for NQAF implementation
Thursday, 8 December 2022
- Session 4.1: Introduction of topic and the session (see Manual, Chap. 7)
- Session 4.2: Country case studies ( Cameroon, South Africa, Namibia, and Nigeria)
- Session 4.3: Review of additional examples and practices
- Session 4.5: NQAF and quality assurance for specific outputs, data collections or data sources - additional country case studies ( Egypt, and Kenya)
- Session 4.4: Review of suggested additional quality dimensions and Session 4.6: Integrated use of NQAF and additional guidance on quality assurance of new and administrative data sources (round-table discussion)
Session 4: Quality assurance of new and administrative data sources
Friday, 9 December 2022
- Session 5.1: Additional checklists or guidance for the use of new and administrative data sources and for other producers of official statistics
- Session 5.2: Additional topics, such as Certification and Data stewardship