Demographic and Social Statistics
The EG-TUS meeting is convened to present the final version of the revised UN Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use and accompanying time-use data resources hub, which marks the conclusion of a phase of methodological development as expressed in the terms of reference of the EG-TUS and to strategize on ways to build national capacity and provide technical assistance to countries, particularly in developing regions in the area of time-use statistics as requested by the Statistical Commission. The EG-TUS meeting will also provide an opportunity for members to exchange the latest practices, lessons learned, and future projects.
Main documents
Recorded sessions
- Day 1, 30 January 2024 08:00-11:00am (NY time)
- Session 1: Opening remarks and objectives of the meeting
- Ms. Patricia Houle, Time Use Survey Manager, Statistics Canada
- Ms. Francesca Grum, Assistant Director, and Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division
- Session 2: Updates of EG-TUS members on time-use statistics
- The session presents innovative initiatives and plans to improve time-use data collection.
- A. Country experiences
- Ms. Tania Cappadozzi, Time Use and Measurement of Volunteer Work Survey Manager, Italian National Institute of Statistics
- Ms. Patricia Houle, Time Use Survey Manager, Statistics Canada
- Mr. Mauricio Rodriguez, General Director for Sociodemographic Statistics, INEGI Mexico
- Ms. Siham Zarrari, Head of Division in the Statistics Directorate, High Commission for Planning, Morocco
- B. Agencies and organizations projects
- Ms. Samantha Watson, Labour Statistician, International Labour Organization
- Ms. Lauren Pandolfelli, Statistics Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund
- Mr. Eniel Ninka, Statistical Officer, European Commission
- Day 2, 31 January 2024 14:00-17:00 (NY time)
- Session 3: Revised United Nations Guidelines for Producing Time-use Statistics and Time-use Resources Hub
- The session will provide an overview of the updated version of the UN Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use and provide an opportunity to show the time-use resources hub.
- Ms. Iliana Vaca Trigo, Statistician, United Nations Statistics Division
- Ms. Lisa Scanlon, Director in the Household Surveys Branch, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Session 4: Implementation of the Guide
- The session will present the opportunity for EG-TUS members to brainstorm on ways to promote the adaptation and adoption of the Guide recommendations by counties. The session will also serve to exchange plans for regional and global initiatives to strengthen national capacity in producing high-quality, frequent, timely, and granular time-use data.
- Day 3, 1 February 2024 08:00-11:00am (NY time)
- Session 5: Uses of time-use data: Time-use data and care
- The session will highlight members' initiatives to use time-use data to measure care work, including supervisory care.
- Ms. Patricia Houle, Time Use Survey Manager, Statistics Canada
- Ms. Samantha Watson, Labour Statistician, International Labour Organization
- Ms. Cecilia Tinonin, Statistician, the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
- Ms. Veronica Valdivia, Time Use Survey Senior Socio-economic analyst, INE Chile
- Session 6: Coordination with other Groups of the Statistical Commission
- The session informs members of the EG-TUS of synergies between their work and other initiatives involving time-use data undertaken by other groups working under the auspices of the Statistical Commission.
- ISWGNA Subgroup on Well-being and Sustainability
- Friends of the Chair on Social and Demographic Statistics
- Session 7: Way forward for the EG-TUS and conclusions of the EG-TUS Meeting
- Ms. Francesca Grum, Assistant Director, and Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division
- Ms. Patricia Houle, Time Use Survey Manager, Statistics Canada