Quality Assurance Where we stand
UN NQAF (of 2019)
In March 2019, at its 50th session, the Statistical Commission in its decision 50/106 welcomed and adopted the United Nations National Quality Assurance Frameworks Manual for Official Statistics (UN NQAF Manual) and its recommendations contained therein and requested the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks to finalize the implementation guidance taking into consideration the need for countries to conduct self-assessment. The Manual builds on and replaces the generic United Nations National Quality Assurance Framework template and guidelines (UN NQAF template and guidelines) adopted in 2012. Specifically, the United Nations National Quality Assurance Framework (UN NQAF) contained in Chapter 3 and Annex A of the Manual fully corresponds to and replaces the UN NQAF template and guidelines of 2012. Please find enclosed the new United Nations National Quality Assurance Frameworks Manual for Official Statistics issued in October 2019
UN NQAF (of 2012)
The development of the Template for a Generic National Quality Assurance Framework and the Guidelines to accompany the Template (UN NQAF) was undertaken by the Expert Group on NQAF in response to a request by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its forty-first session in 2010. The Template was intended to be used as a tool to provide the general structure within which countries that choose to do so can formulate and operationalize national quality frameworks of their own or further enhance existing ones.
At its forty-third session in 2012, the Statistical Commission fully endorsed the generic national quality assurance framework template and encouraged countries to use it. For the complete text of the decisions on national quality assurance frameworks, see decision 43/110 in the Report on the forty-third session (E/CN.3/2012/34).
- TEMPLATE for a Generic National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) -
Arabic - Chinese - English - French - Russian - Spanish - NQAF Checklist for the review of NQAF lines 1-19
- GUIDELINES for the Template for a Generic National Quality Assurance Framework (comprehensive background document, in English only, containing all NQAF-associated material except the online glossary and the online inventory of data quality references shown below).