The Workshop aims at training participants from national statistical offices of the Africa region on quality assurance and the development of a national quality assurance framework and its implementation throughout the national statistical system, with special focus on quality assurance of data from new sources, new providers and SDG indicator data and statistics. The Workshop will first provide an overview of the contents of the new United Nations National Quality Assurance Frameworks Manual for Official Statistics (UN NQAF Manual) and will subsequently focus on specific topics and tools geared towards the needs of participating countries.

For details regarding the workshop, please contact NQAF Expert Group Secretariat (UNSD).

Meeting Report

Resources for Participants



    Session 8: Quality assurance in the case of different data sources - Dealing with different new data sources and data providers – continued (see Manual, Chap. 7)
  • Session 8.1: Certification of statistical outputs and providers ‐ country example (South Africa) and discussion
  • Session 8.2: Certification of statistical outputs and providers - group discussion and presentations