City Groups Wye Group
Wye Group on Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income
To promote the refinement and adoption of international standards in statistics for rural areas and agriculture household incomes. Within this broad remit, more specific objectives are to consider challenges to consistency of adoption of comparable methods of data collection across countries, give special focus to the application and value of the data standards in developing countries, especially as it may support the construction of indicators for the Millennium Development Goals, assess and explore the potential for the use of improved statistics as policy-relevant indicators and in empirical analysis of policies for farm and rural households, natural resources, and regional economic development, and determine the need for any changes or updating to the handbook 'Rural Households' Livelihood and Well-being: Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income' and, if indicated, organise and execute the revision.
Point of contact
Edoardo Pizzoli
Naman Keita
Active years:
2007 - 2011
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Kingdom, United States of America, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Poland, World Bank, academic researchers
First meeting held in York, United Kingdom, April, 2008. Second meeting to be held in Rome, Italy, June 2009.
Topics considered: The first meeting brought together the members of the Wye City Group for the first time, and the Terms of Reference, including objectives, aims and planned outputs, were made more focused and concise. The first meeting covered three main subject areas: agricultural household income; developments in rural statistics; and the contribution of agriculture to the rural economy. There was also be a focus on improving statistics and indicators on these topics in developing nations.
The second meeting will focus on the changing rural paradigm - emerging issues and data needs; innovation, new tools and results in rural statistics; and issues in rural development and household income statistics for countries at different levels of development, in view of up-dating the handbook.
An update to the Handbook including more case studies , suggested standard typologies and classifications, and a new chapter focusing on developing nations.
Planned activities:
The Group met annually until summer 2011.