City Groups Paris Group
Paris Group on Labour and Compensation
To examine, assess and reconcile the various sources of information used to measure labor market conditions and compensation, particularly in the context of the deregulation of labor markets and structural unemployment, and to contribute to improving concepts and their implementation as well as construction of new indicators.
Active years:
1997 - 2003
Previous meetings
27-28 November 1997 in Paris , France
6-7 July 1998 in London , U.K.
18-19 November 1999 in Paris , France
20-21 September 2000 in Örebro , Sweden
4-5 September 2003 in London , U.K.
29 September - 1 st October 2004 in Lisbon, Portugal
15-17 May 2006 in Budapest, Hungary
Topics considered
a) Key labor market indicators, labor market dynamics, aging related topics, reconciliation of estimates of employment (and unemployment) from different sources,
typologies of patterns of activities
(b) Hours Worked : discussions upon the various approaches to the measurement of annual working time and the uses of these measures (for national accounts, for the evaluation of productivity...).
(c) Compensation :earnings distribution ; analysis of Employment-Related Income.
(d) Labor Market indicators on Ageing Labour Force
Points of contact
For other information contact:
Ms. Sylvie Lagarde
Timbre F201, INSEE
18, Bld. Adolphe Pinard
F - 75675 PARIS CEDEX 14
Ms. Vivienne Avery
Labour Market Division
Office for National Statistics,
B3 M05
1 Drummond Gate
London SW1V 2QQ
tel: 0207 533 5529
Ms. Catherine Martin
Administrator - Structural Economic Statistics Division
Statistics Directorate
2, rue André-Pascal
75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France
Tel. 33-1-4524-8858
Fax. 33-1-4430-6248
A draft revised resolution entitled 'Proposals by the PCG for ILO draft international standards on working time measurement' has been prepared by the ILO in consultation with the Group for consideration at the 18th International Conference of Labour Statisticians 2008.
Participants to previous meetings
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong China, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, ILO, OECD, Eurostat
Reports are available on the INSEE website (see below).
Since the end of 2002 up until 2007 activities of the Group were coordinated by a bureau. The bureau comprises representatives from three international organizations (Eurostat, ILO and OECD) and from five National Statistical Institutes (INSEE, ONS, Statistics Sweden, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Portuguese Department of Planning and Statistics of the Labour and Security Ministry). The secretary of this bureau is shared by INSEE (Sylvie Lagarde), OECD (Denis Ward) and ONS (Vivienne Avery).
More information
Additional information, including technical reports for the previous meetings can be found on the INSEE Website :
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