International Recommendations for Energy Statistics
The United Nations Statistical Commission, at its forty-second session held in New York, 22 to 25 February 2011, adopted the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES).
The International Recommendations for Energy Statistics provide data compilers with a complete set of recommendations covering all aspects of the statistical production process, from basic concepts, definitions and classifications to data sources, data compilation strategies, energy balances, data quality and statistical dissemination.
IRES was prepared by UNSD in close cooperation with the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics and the Intersecretariat Working Group on Energy Statistics (InterEnerStat). Consultations with specific groups of experts took place during the preparation process, such as the Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting, the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications and the London Group on Environmental Accounting.
With the adoption of IRES by the United Nations Statistical Commission, UNSD started the preparation of the Energy Statistics Compilers Manual (ESCM), which will contain further and more detailed explanations of the recommendations and provide practical guidance for compilers of energy statistics, balances and accounts.
The Arabic translation has been provided by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), whereas the Spanish translation has been provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico (INEGI).The French, Russian, and Chinese translations have been provided by the International Energy Agency.
The preparation of the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES) was started in accordance with the decisions of the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 36th and 37th sessions which, inter alia, recognized the significance of energy statistics, recommended their development as part of official statistics and called for the revision and further development of the relevant international standards (see the Reports on the thirty-sixth session and on the thirty-seventh session of the Commission). These decisions followed a programme review of energy statistics conducted by Statistics Norway and the recommendations of an Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Energy Statistics (New York, 23-25 May 2005).
In 2006 the Statistical Commission approved the establishment of two complimentary working groups to carry out the work:
(a) the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics to contribute to the development of improved methods and international standards for national official energy statistics, and, in particular, to review and contribute to the updating of the United Nations handbooks and manuals on energy statistics; and
(b) the Intersecretariat Working Group on Energy Statistics to enhance international collaboration and coordination. IRES has been prepared in close cooperation with these two groups.
The International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES) were prepared according to the strategy presented and endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its fortieth session.
The key milestones during the preparation of IRES are described below in chronological order:
- Guiding Principles PDF
- First Stage of the World wide consultation (May-June 2008)
- Second Stage of the world wide consultation (July-August 2010)
- Second Meeting of the Expert Group on Energy Statistics (2-5 November 2010) HTML
- Draft Recommendations submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission (22-26 February 2011) PDF
- IRES (White cover version) PDF
The various drafts of IRES have been thoroughly discussed during the Oslo Group meetings. In addition, IRES has also benefitted from the consultations with various group of experts including, but not limited to consultation with the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications and consultations with the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA).
In order to ensure a wide consultations throughout the revision process for the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES), UNSD has set up a two-stage consultation process. The first stage (May-June 2008) was carried out to review the scope and content of the future recommendations, whereas the second stage (July-August 2010) reviewed the provisional draft of IRES.
1st stage of the worldwide consultation
The 1st stage of the worldwide consultation was launched on 14 May 2008. A letter was sent to countries and international/regional organizations to seek their views on the draft outline of IRES, which was prepared in close cooperation with the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics. In order to facilitate country responses, the letter and the draft outline of IRES were also made available in French, Spanish and Russian.
Letter to countries: English - PDF, French - PDF, Spanish - PDF, Russian - PDF
Consultation paper: English - PDF, French - PDF, Spanish - PDF, Russian - PDF
Summary report: English - PDF
2nd stage of the worldwide consultation
The 2nd stage of the worldwide consultation was launched on 2 July 2010. A letter was sent to countries and international/regional organizations to seek their views on the provisional draft of IRES. A questionnaire accompanied the provisional draft in order to facilitate country responses. The summary of the responses will be prepared in October 2010 and the comments will be discussed at the 2nd Meeting of the UN Expert Group on Energy Statistics, which will be held in New York, 2-5 November 2010.
Letter to countries: English - PDF
Questionnaire: English - PDF
Provisional draft of IRES for consultation: English - PDF
Summary report: English - PDF