UNSD main methodological publications
International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES)
The International Recommendations for Energy Statistics provide data compilers with a complete set of recommendations covering all aspects of the statistical production process, from basic concepts, definitions and classifications to data sources, data compilation strategies, energy balances, data quality and statistical dissemination.The United Nations Statistical Commission, at its forty-second session held in New York, 22 to 25 February 2011, adopted the Recommendations. More information
English French Arabic Chinese Russian Spanish
Energy Statistics Compilers Manual (ESCM)
The Energy Statistics Compilers Manual will contain further and more detailed explanations of the recommendations and provide practical guidance for compilers of energy statistics, energy balances and energy accounts by describing country practices. More informationCountry Practice Database is available here.
Concepts and Methods in Energy Statistics, with Special Reference to Energy Accounts and Balances - A Technical Report (1982)
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