UNSD maintains the Energy Statistics Database, which provides annual statistics on production, trade, transformation and consumption (end-use) for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, electricity, and heat. The database contains data in their original units (e.g. metric tonnes, GWh) as well as calorific values to allow interfuel comparison in a common energy unit (terajoules).

The Energy Statistics Database contains basic statistics for more than 230 countries/territories from 1950 year onwards and is updated annually.

The main source of information for the Energy Statistics Database is the UNSD Annual Questionnaire on Energy Statistics. A document with more detailed notes on sources can be found here.

Energy Statistics Database

The Energy Statistics Database contains basic statistics for more than 230 countries/territories from year 1950 onwards

To order:

The database can be ordered through United Nations Shop.


Price for a single user: US$600

A 20% discount is available for academic and non-profit organizations. Requests from Government institutions are considered on a case by case basis and should be sent to: energy_stat@un.org

Format of the Energy Statistics Database

The Energy Statistics Database is available as a delimited text file (TXT).

  • The fields of the file contain the following:
    • country, area or region code             Country, area or region code (1-3 digits)
      product code Energy database product code (2 characters)
      flow code Energy database flow code (2-5 characters)
      transfer product code Empty
      export/import country code Empty or destination/origin country code (0-3 digits)
      year Year (4 digits)
      unit Energy database unit code (3 characters)
      estimate indicator Empty or "*" if value is estimated (0-1 character)
      value Number

  • When you order the Energy Statistics Database, you will also receive the following material:
      1. 1. A description of the database
      2. 2. Lists of the database codes
      3. 3. Standard and country-specific conversion factors (calorific values)

General disclaimer:

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this internet site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.
Where the designation "country or area" is used, it covers countries, territories or areas.

Terms of Use:

All data and metadata provided by UNSD may be copied freely, duplicated and further distributed provided that UNSD is cited as the reference and the use is not for profit. Otherwise please contact UNSD.

Energy statistics at UN Data

Annual energy data back to 1990 are available on-line through the UNdata portal. The Energy Statistics dataset at UN Data contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy.

For data prior to 1990, please refer to the Energy Statistics Database above.

Energy statistics dissemination API

UNSD Energy statistics API is available at https://data.un.org/WS and its contents can
be browsed at https://data.un.org/SdmxBrowser at the dataflow DF_UNDATA_ENERGY, maintenance agency UNSD.


  • UNSD Energy Statistics API Manual PDF
  • Energy DSD Matrix XLSM

Energy statistics dashboards

Energy statistics dashboards are excel based tools which present world and regional annual energy trends, displaying data up to 2021. Free download here:

  • Energy dashboards XLSX

Other resources

Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI)

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is cooperating with seven international/regional organizations - APEC, Eurostat, GECF, IEA, IEF, OLADE and OPEC - in the Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI), which consists of a decentralized but coordinated monthly data collection of selected oil and gas statistics through the JODI Oil and JODI Gas questionnaires.

The database can be accessed on the JODI website.

JODI Oil and JODI Gas Questionnaires are available here.

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (MBS)

Statistics on the production of hard coal, brown coal, crude oil, natural gas and electricity are available from the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online.

For more information please refer to the MBS website.