UNSD, in cooperation with UN-ESCWA, carried out a technical assistance mission to Lebanon on request from the General Directorate of Oil of the Ministry of Energy and Water. The objective was to facilitate discussion between stakeholders in the Lebanese Government and produce an action plan to improve energy statistics and develop energy balances for the country. A well-compiled energy balance following the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics is fundamental for calculating SDG indicators 7.2.1 on renewable energy and 7.3.1 on energy efficiency, as well as CO2 emissions according to the IPCC methodology.

The meetings had participation of about 30 representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Water, Central Administration of Statistics, Electricité du Liban, Ministry of Environment, Council of Ministers (representing the Prime Minister), UNDP, UNSD and ESCWA, as well as independent experts. An expert from the International Energy Agency made a presentation via teleconference.

The meetings were very productive, including a thorough analysis of users and uses of energy statistics in Lebanon, the compilation of an inventory of data sources, data needs and data gaps, a discussion of new data sources to fill such gaps, and a discussion of possible institutional arrangements for improving data flows towards the compilation of energy balances. The mission included a visit of the two UNSD staff, along with ESCWA's Director of Statistics and Chief of Economic Statistics, to the Minister of Energy and Water HE Nada Boustani.