United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   49th Session (2018)   Side Events

Update of the Handbook of Statistical Organization - A collective endeavour

  • Thursday, 8 MAR 2018
  • 1:15 – 2:30 pm
  • Conference Room 11

Meeting organized by United Nations Statistics Division
Department of Economic and Social Affairs

The side‐event on the update of the Handbook of Statistical Organization follows the decision of the UN Statistical Commission last Tuesday to endorse the proposed structure, priorities and content of the updated Handbook and to support the suggested coordination and consultation mechanisms, including the establishment of an Advisory Group. The aim of the side‐event isto comment and discuss in a more informal setting the structure and content of the upcoming Handbook, and eventually to collect interest in participating in the work of the Advisory Group and/or in contributing to the drafting of one chapter or the other of the document. The side‐event will also illustrate how the Handbook may link with country good practices and international initiatives with the following contributions:


  1. Moderator:
  2. Handbook of Statistical Organization
    Mr. Gabriel Gamez, UNSD
  3. Panelists:
  4. Statistical Products & Clients - Case of Saudi Arabia to transform the statistical sector
    Mr. Majed Al Fhaid, Saudi Arabia
  5. StaTact, a problem-solving tool to strengthen governance of data ecosystems for the SDGs
    Ms. Elena Proden, UNITAR
  6. Comments and Recommendations to the structure and content of the Handbook (via remote connection)
    Mr. Rafik Mahjoubi, PARIS21
  7. Q&A

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