United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   49th Session (2018)   Side Events

Side-event to the 49th United Nations Statistical Commission

Measuring Violence Against Women in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Tuesday, 6 MAR 2018
  • 1:15 – 2:30 pm

  • Conference Room 11, General Assembly Building, UNHQ, New York

Meeting organized by United Nations Statistics Division

Concept Note

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Organization on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is organizing a side-event during the 49th UN Statistical Commission to provide an opportunity for statisticians to take note of ongoing methodological refinements on measuring violence against women, to respond to new monitoring requirements in the Sustainable Development Goals global indicators framework. The side event will also be an opportunity for national statisticians to share lessons learnt and discuss challenges faced in using different data sources, including in implementing violence against women surveys.


The side event "Measuring Violence Against Women in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals" will be a discussion forum for statisticians to address the question of measuring violence against women.

In particular, a panel of experts from national and international statistical offices will: (a) provide an update on methodological work to improve data and measurement of violence against women for indicators 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, including work to operationalize a definition of psychological violence and improve understanding of patterns and dynamics of violence against older women; (b) provide an update on measurement of femicide (related to indicator 16.1.1); and (c) share challenges in implementing national violence against women surveys and in using other data sources, as well as measurement issues from the perspective of national statistics offices.


  1. Chaired by Ms. Francesca Grum, UNSD
  2. Ongoing methodological work to improve data and measurement of violence against women for indicators 5.2.1 and 5.2.2  15 minutes
    Ms. Claudia García-Moreno, WHO
  3. Contribution of other SDG indicators in measuring and monitoring forms of violence against women: measuring femicides from indicator 16.1.1 on intentional homicides  15 minutes
    Mr. Enrico Bisogno, UNODC
  4. Challenges in measuring violence against women and femicides: the experience of Mexico  15 minutes
    Ms. Eva Gicela Ramírez Rodríguez, INEGI
  5. General discussion 30 minutes

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