Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics

The FDES was accompanied by two reports in 1988 and 1991 entitled Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics, one on human settlements and the other on the natural environment. These reports describe detailed sets of statistical variables within the FDES; they are to facilitate the identification and selection of statistical series for national and international data collection. Although the reports do not make recommendations for the implementation of a statistical programme, they provide a starting point for the identification of appropriate statistical series and have been used by many countries for organizing environmental and related socio-economic information. They have also been used for assessing data availability or gaps in statistical programmes and selecting high priority statistics and indicators.


Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics? A Technical Report

Series: F, No. 51
Sales number: 88.XVII.14

Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics--Statistics of the Natural Environment

Series: F, No. 57
Sales number: 91.XVII.18