Expert Group Meeting on the Synergies between Census, CRVS Systems and Administrative Records: Implications for the 4th revision to the UN Principles and Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses

11-12-2023  – 12-12-2023 --New York--

The Expert Group Meeting on the Synergies between Census, CRVS Systems and Administrative Records: Implications for the 4th revision to the UN Principles and Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses is co-organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The meeting is to be held in New York from 11 to 12 December 2023. The expert group meeting will bring together experts from National Statistics Offices, CRVS Systems, and international organizations to review insights, experiences and lessons from recent census rounds and ongoing efforts to strengthen CRVS systems. The objective of the expert group meeting is to synthesize lessons and insights from recent census and CRVS efforts to guide the updating of the UN Principles and Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses (Revision 4) in the following areas: i) the assessment of the completeness and quality of vital event registration data and identity management system data using census data; ii) the leveraging of administrative records from CRVS systems and related administrative registers for the production of census operations and census data; and, iii) the use of censuses to measure human mobility including international migration, internal displacement and refugee stocks and flows.

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Virtual seminars on the impact of COVID-19 on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in CARICOM countries

01-12-2020  – 04-12-2020 --Online event--

The webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on civil registration and vital statistics are organized to address:

  • (a) international standards for civil registration and statistics vital and its implementation in countries;
  • (b) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on operations and maintenance of civil registration and production of vital statistics;
  • (c) the short-term and long-term consequences in the recording of vital events due to the pandemic, and
  • (d) ensuring universal civil registration of all events beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Webinars on COVID-19 impact on civil registration and vital statistics, Latin America UN Legal Identity Agenda Task Force, Global CRVS Group, Organisation of American States, UNECLAC

    11-08-2020  – 01-09-2020 --Online event--

    These webinars are organized by DESA/SD, on behalf of the UN Legal Identity Agenda Task Force, in collaboration with the Global CRVS Group, the Organization of American States and UNECLAC, will target national statisticial officers and civil registrars in Latin America and address (a) international standards for civil registration and vital statistics and their implementation in countries/areas; (b) impact on the operations and maintenance of civil registration and production of vital statistics in the time of COVID-19 pandemic; (c) short- and long-term consequences on registration of vital events due to the pandemic, and (d) beyond COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring universal civil registration of all vital events and production of comprehensive, reliable and regular vital statistics.

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    Webinars on COVID-19 impact on civil registration and vital statistics, African countries

    16-06-2020  – 30-06-2020 --Online event--

    Webinar series Date: 16,18,23,25,30 June, 2020; Time: 7am -8am(EDT)

    Webinar No. 1 (Anglophone 16 June, Francophone 18 June)
    International standards, methodological framework for civil registration and vital statistics and the UN Legal Identity Agenda

    Webinar No. 2 (Anglophone 23 June, Francophone 25 June)
    Introducing UN LIA survey on the COVID-19 impact on civil registration operations, sharing country experiences on the impact of COVID 19 on CRVS system and planning for the future-Reports from Countries

    Webinar No. 3 (30 June)
    Experience sharing from other region: New Zealand and Malaysia CRVS Business Continuity Strategies During the COVID-19 Crisis

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    Webinars on COVID-19 impact on civil registration and vital statistics Global CRVS Group, UN Legal Identity Agenda Task Force,Pacific Community

    18-05-2020  – 20-05-2020 --Online event--

    Webinars on COVID-19 impact on civil registration and vital statistics are organized in order to address (a) international standards for civil registration and vital statistics and their implementation in countries/areas; (b) impact on the operations and maintenance of civil registration and production of vital statistics in the time of COVID-19 pandemic; (c) short- and long-term consequences on registration of vital events due to the pandemic, and (d) beyond COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring universal civil registration of all vital events and production of comprehensive, reliable and regular vital statistics. The format of the set of webinars: three 40-minute sessions, spread over a week, with participation of civil registrars and statisticians from ten countries/areas, for a total of twenty participants at sub-regional level. Sessions consist of initial presentation, not extending beyond twenty minutes, followed by discussion and question and answer time.

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    Capturing Who We Are: Civil Registration, Vital Statistics, and Identity to Leave No One Behind

    26-09-2019  – 26-09-2019 New York

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reflects a unique global consensus and commitment to address the world’s most acute and pressing challenges to leave no one behind. Four years after the SDGs were agreed, heads of state and government will return to the United Nations under the auspices of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for multilateral discussion of international issues and for the first time host the SDG summit to allow a detailed assessment of the progress towards achievement of the global goals

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    Expert Group Meeting on the Handbook on Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems: Communication for Development

    29-05-2019  – 31-05-2019 New York

    United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with the Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems, housed at the International Development Research Centre of Canada, is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on the Handbook on Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems: Communication for Development. The meeting will take place in New York, from 29 to 31 May 2019 and will be conducted in English.

    The main objective of the meeting is to review the draft of the revised Handbook; to provide guidance on its content and structure with a view to ensuring that it provides countries with a reference document on the communication aspects of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems.

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    Expert Group Meeting on Legal Framework for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems

    17-12-2018  – 19-12-2018 New York

    The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with Vital Strategies is organizing an Expert Group Meeting to finalize the Guidelines for Legal Framework of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems. The Expert Group Meeting will take place in New York, United States, from 17 to 19 December 2018 and will be conducted in English.

    The purpose of the Expert Group Meeting is to carefully and meticulously review the draft Guidelines on Legal Framework for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems, primarily from the perspective of the implementation at national level. The meeting will go through the guidelines paragraph by paragraph, after first summoning general comments and suggestions.

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    Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems and the Production of Vital Statistics Reports for the Eastern Mediterranean Region Countries (Group2)

    26-03-2018  – 30-03-2018 Tunis

    United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO-EMRO) is organizing a Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems and the Production of Vital Statistics Reports for the Eastern Mediterranean Region Countries (Group2) . The workshop will take place in Tunis, Tunisia, from 26 to 30 March 2018 and will be conducted in English with Arabic interpretation.

    The workshop aims to increase the knowledge and skills of participating statisticians, civil registration officials, identity management officials and health officials in implementing the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3 and the revised Handbook on civil registration and vital statistics systems: management, operation and maintenance as well as to give participants hands-on technical support to produce vital statistics reports from civil registration records and improve their capacity to identify obstacles and challenges for achieving complete coverage of their systems.

    The workshop will also provide a forum for exchange of national experiences in evaluating vital statistics and discussing the capacity of participating countries to deliver quality national vital statistics for international compilation and dissemination. Current practices for setting up a holistic framework that encompasses Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems will be reviewed.

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    • Lin ZHUO, Tel.: Tel: +1 212 963 5183, E-mail:

    Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems and the Production of Vital Statistics Reports for the Eastern Mediterranean Region Countries (Group1)

    19-03-2018  – 23-03-2018 Casablanca

    United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO-EMRO) is organizing a Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems and the Production of Vital Statistics Reports for the Eastern Mediterranean Region Countries (Group1). The workshop will take place in Casablanca, Morocco, from 19 to 23 March 2018 and will be conducted in English with Arabic interpretation.

    The workshop aims to increase the knowledge and skills of participating statisticians, civil registration officials, identity management officials and health officials in implementing the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3 and the revised Handbook on civil registration and vital statistics systems: management, operation and maintenance as well as to give participants hands-on technical support to produce vital statistics reports from civil registration records and improve their capacity to identify obstacles and challenges for achieving complete coverage of their systems.

    The workshop will also provide a forum for exchange of national experiences in evaluating vital statistics and discussing the capacity of participating countries to deliver quality national vital statistics for international compilation and dissemination. Current practices for setting up a holistic framework that encompasses Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems will be reviewed.

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    Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems for East Asian Countries

    13-11-2017  – 17-11-2017 Hanoi

    The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organizing a Workshop on the Operation of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems for East Asian Countries. The workshop will be conducted from 13 to 17 November 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    This workshop is intended to go in depth into the issues of implementing the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3, promulgated in 2014. With the view of strengthening technical capacity, the workshop will increase the knowledge of statisticians, civil registration and/or identity management officials and health officials about the revised Handbook on civil registration and vital statistics systems: management, operation and maintenance; and improve their capability in identifying obstacles and challenges for achieving complete coverage of their systems.

    The workshop will also provide a forum for exchange of national experiences in evaluating vital statistics and discussing the capacity of participating countries to deliver quality national vital statistics for international compilation and dissemination. Current practices for setting up a holistic framework that encompasses Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems will be reviewed.

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    • María Isabel Cobos Hernandez, Tel.: 1-917-367-3072, E-mail:

    Technical Seminar on Legal Framework for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems

    17-07-2017  – 19-07-2017 Manila

    The Technical Seminar on Legal Framework for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems will be held on 17-19 July 2017 at the Multi-Function Hall 2 of the Asian Development Bank Headquarters (ADB HQ) located at 6 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

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    Expert Group Meeting on Management and Evaluation of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems

    20-02-2017  – 24-02-2017 New York

    The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is conducting an Expert Group Meeting on Management and Evaluation of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems. The main objective is to review the draft of the revised Handbook on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems: Management, Operation and Maintenance; to provide further guidance on its content and structure with a view to ensuring that it provides countries with a reference document on the management aspects of civil registration and vital statistics, including evaluation of completeness. The revised Handbook is expected to be submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission for adoption.

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    • María-Isabel Cobos, Tel.: +1 917 367 3072, E-mail:

    Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3, for Central American and Caribbean Countries

    30-08-2016  – 02-09-2016 Guatemala City

    The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Unicef Regional Office, the Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO) and the Organization of American States (OAS), is organizing a Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3, for Central American and Caribbean Countries. The workshop aims to increase the knowledge of government statisticians and civil registration officers about the revised international principles and recommendations for compiling, processing and disseminating vital statistics; and to improve their capability in identifying gaps and challenges in applying international standards to improve their vital statistics system. The workshop will contribute to the initiatives at the global and regional levels to accelerate improvement of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS). CRVS is essential for population data for development, statistics for health planning and evaluation, the protection of rights and access to services, and improved governance through identity data.

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    • María-Isabel Cobos, Tel.: +1 917 367 3072, E-mail:

    Seminar in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in the Pacific Islands: Standards, Best Practice and Lessons Learnt

    22-02-2016  – 25-02-2016 Noumea

    The United Nations Statistics Division, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community is conducting a seminar titled “Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in the Pacific Islands: Standards, Best Practice and Lessons Learnt”. Taking into consideration the particularity of the countries in the Pacific region, this event is combining the standard UNSD workshop curriculum for training in the revised Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System and the regional programmes and activities under the Brisbane Accord Group programme of work (for details see: The seminar will bring together civil registrars, vital statisticians and health officers from around twenty countries and territories in the Pacific region as well as contributions from UNICEF, WHO and ESCAP. The event will take place from 22-25 February in the headquarters of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, in Noumea, New Caledonia.

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    • Srdjan Mrkic, Tel.: +1 (212) 963 4940, E-mail:

    Workshop on the Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system, Revision 3, for Caribbean countries

    01-12-2015  – 04-12-2015 Port of Spain

    The United Nations Statistics Division is conducting the United Nations Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3, for Caribbean Countries, to be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 1 to 4 December 2015.

    This is the first opportunity for Caribbean national statistical authorities to learn about the latest version of these major methodological guidelines and standards, issued last year. In addition, the workshop will bring together civil registrars and statisticians, thus offering an opportunity for establishing a much closer cooperation at the national level. The workshop is conducted in collaboration with OAS, CARRICOM and Regional ECLAC Office. The previous workshop on the same topic was conducted in 2005, thus providing an opportunity to assess the progress made in improving civil registration and vital statistics along the line of international standards in the ten year period for the fifteen participating Caribbean countries.

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    Workshop on the Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system, Revision 3, for South American countries

    09-11-2015  – 12-11-2015 Santiago

    The United Nations Statistics Division, in coordination with ECLAC, is conducting the Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3, for South American Countries, from 9-12 November 2015, Santiago, Chile.

    This workshop contributes to the initiatives at the global and regional levels to accelerate improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems. With the view of strengthening technical capacity to contribute to the efforts in improving civil registration and vital statistics systems, the workshop aims to increase the knowledge of government statisticians and civil registration officers about the revised international principles and recommendations for compiling, processing and disseminating vital statistics; and to improve their capability in identifying gaps and challenges in applying international standards to improve their civil registration and vital statistics systems. The workshop will bring together civil registrars and vital statisticians from twelve South American Countries.

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    Subregional Workshop on Applying Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System for Implementing the Regional Action Framework for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia

    15-09-2015  – 18-09-2015 Istanbul

    The United Nations Statistics Division is conducting the Sub-regional Workshop on Applying Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System for Implementing the Regional Action Framework for Civil registration and Vital Statistics in Asia, from 15-18 September 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey targeting countries in Central Asian region This workshop is organised in cooperation with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and UNESCAP with the contribution from WHO.

    The purpose of the workshop is to present the revised international statistical standards for civil registration and vital statistics and put them in context of the regional initiatives for improving these systems in Asia and the Pacific; provide an opportunity for participating statisticians and civil registrars to exchange national practices and establish channels for exchanging experiences in the regional settings; and present good practical from countries in the sub-region.

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    Workshop on the Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system, Rev. 3

    02-12-2014  – 05-12-2014 Addis Ababa

    Within the framework of the International Programme for Accelerating the Improvement of Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Systems, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA), is organising a Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Rev. 3, for English-speaking African countries. The workshop will be hosted by UN-ECA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 2 to 5 December, 2014.

    The main purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance to countries on the implementation of the new revision of the United Nations recommendations for the collection and compilation of vital statistics at national level through civil registration and other sources such as population censuses, sample surveys, population registers, and health records, at the same time providing full overview of contemporary international statistical standards and requirements. At the same time, it will offer an opportunity to statisticians, on one side, and civil registrars, on the other, to directly interact and exchange experiences and practices using national civil registration and vital statistics systems as a framework.

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    Third regional workshop on production and use of vital statistics: Applying tools and materials available to improve vital statistics

    26-05-2014  – 30-05-2014 Daejeon

    The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), a regional institution of the UNESCAP, and Statistics Korea, the national statistical authority of the Republic of Korea is organizing the Third Regional Workshop on Production and Use of Vital Statistics: Applying Tools and Materials Available to Improve Vital Statistics. The regional workshop will be conducted from 26 to 30 May 2014 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

    With the view to strengthen technical capacity to contribute to the efforts in improving civil registration and vital statistics systems, the workshop aims to increase the knowledge of government statisticians and civil registration officials about the revised international principles and recommendations for compiling, processing and disseminating vital statistics; and improve their capability in identifying gaps and challenges in applying international standards to improve their vital statistics system. The participants of the workshop consist of one statistician and one civil registrar from 14 Asian countries.

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    Expert group meeting on international standards for civil registration and vital statistics

    27-06-2011  – 30-06-2011 New York

    The meeting will review the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Rev. 2, which was published in 2001 by the United Nations (UN publication, Sales No. E.01.XVII.10). The essential standard the above mentioned Principles and Recommendations promulgates - generating accurate, reliable and regular vital statistics from civil registration system - remains unchanged and valid. However, over the past 10 years several issues emerged that might require revisions and updates of the principles and recommendations, such as the increasing use of population registers as source of vital statistics, advances in modern technologies that have helped some countries in accelerating the improvement of their civil registration and vital statistics systems, and the development of statistical systems in countries.

    The Meeting will (1) review the Principles and Recommendationsfor updates and elaborations and (2) propose an outline for the next revision of the Recommendations.

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    Workshop on the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics in SADC region

    01-12-2008  – 05-12-2008 Blantyre

    Within the framework of the project “Strengthening statistical capacity-building in support of progress towards the Internationally Agreed Development Goals in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region”, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), is organizing a Workshop on the Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics. The workshop will be hosted by the National Statistical Office of Malawi in Blantyre, Malawi from 1 to 5 December, 2008. The purpose of the workshop is to: (a) provide training to SADC countries on the implementation of the United Nations guidelines and international standards on civil registration and vital statistics in terms of concepts, definitions, data collection methods and compilation; (b) assess the current status of the civil registration and vital statistics system in SADC countries and identify gaps to be filled; and (c) review national capacities to produce and provide national vital statistics to UNSD through the Demographic Yearbook questionnaire. The workshop places a special emphasis on assessing the functioning and efficiency of the exchange of information between data sources (civil registration) and producers (national statistical authorities) of vital statistics.

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    2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: Workshop on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in the UNESCWA Region

    03-12-2007  – 06-12-2007 Cairo

    United Nations regional workshop on improving statistics on fertility

    14-06-2004  – 18-06-2004 Accra

    The purpose of this workshop is to review procedures for obtaining fertility and mortality statistics by maximizing the use of multiple data sources and propose strategies for improving civil registration in the region. The workshop will also review national approaches to the collection of disability statistics. In addition, the meeting will explore ways of increasing the utilization of fertility, mortality and disability statistics at national and international levels. In this regard, the Demographic Yearbook system of collection and dissemination of these statistics will be considered.

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    Réunion d'Experts sur l'Amélioration des Statistiques de Fécondité et de Mortalité en Afrique Francophone

    22-09-2003  – 26-09-2003 Yaoundé

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    Training programme on civil registration and vital statistics systems

    06-11-2000  – 10-11-2000 Santiago

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    Workshop to Train Trainers on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems, (ESCAP)

    13-09-1999  – 24-09-1999 Bangkok

    African workshop on strategies for accelerating the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems

    04-12-1995  – 08-12-1995 Rabat

    African workshop on strategies for accelerating the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems

    05-12-1994  – 09-12-1994 Addis Ababa

    The African Workshop on Strategies for Accelerating 'the Implementation of Civil Registration and vi tal statistics Systems is the fourth of the series. It is jointly organized by UNSTAT and the Economic Commission for Africa. The main purposes of the Workshop were: (a) to discuss ways and means of promoting the awareness of national vital statistics and civil registration systems in each participating country; (b) to assess the adequacy of national registration and vi tal statistics processes, coverage and reliability: and (cl to, suggest strategies for the, improvement of vital statistics and civil registration systems in the participating countries.

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    East and Sourth Asian workshop on gtrategies for accelerating the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics system

    29-11-1993  – 03-12-1993 Beijing

    The objective of the workshop was to improve and speed up the registration of vital events, primarily births and deaths, in order to enhance quality and security and minimize double registrations, delayed registrations, omissions, counterfeiting or alteration without legal consent, all of which have serious effects on the reliability of the registration records.

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    West Asia workshop on strategies for accelerating the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems

    20-06-1993  – 24-06-1993 Damascus

    In order to encourage and assist countries to carry out improvements in their civil registration and vital statistics systems, an International Programme for Accelerating the Improvement of vital statistics and civil Registration Systems was developed jointly by the united Nations statistical Division, the United Nations Population Fund, the World Health Organization and the International Institute for Vital Registration and statistics. The Programme was endorsed by the united Nations statistical Commission at its Twenty-sixth session held in New York in February 1991.

    The Western Asia Workshop on strategies for Accelerating the Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems is the second of a series and was carried out in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 20 to 24 June 1993. It was organized by the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSTAT) in close cooperation and collaboration with the united Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). The United Nations Population Fund provided financial support for the workshop which was supplemented by funds from ESCWA. The workshop was hosted by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic under the auspices of the Prime Minister's Office. The Central Bureau of statistics and the Ministry of Interior of Syria have assumed the responsibility jointly with UNSTAT and ESCWA for the implementation of the workshop.

    The main objectives of the western Asia Workshop were: (a) To assess the adequacy of national civil registration and vital statistics processes coverage and reliability ; (b) To suggest strategies for the improvement of civil registration and vital statist.ics in the participating countries; (c) To discuss ways and means of promoting the awareness of national civil registration and vital statistics systems in each participating country.

    To that end, the workshop discussed the following: (a) Current status of the national civil registration and vital statistics systems in each participating country, including the existing technical facilities, resources and the problems encountered to operate these systems on a daily basis. (b) The role of vital statistics and civil registration systems in participating countries for various uses and applications; (c) strategies for solving the problems of the systems on a one by one approach in order to promote their development and improvement, bearing in mind the availability of modern technology; (d) The elements required for a national programme of activities, in the short and medium term, for subnational improvement of the system, with the priority objective of increasing the coverage in the registration of vital events. (e) The forms of technical cooperation between international, regional and non governmental agencies in support of the national plan of action to improve the systems.

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    Latin American workshop on strategies for accelerating the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics system

    02-12-1991  – 06-12-1991 Buenos Aires

    The United Narions Statistical Commission, at its twenty-sixth session (4-13 February 1991), welcomed and gave its full support to the International Programme for Acceleating the Improvement of Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Systems, prepared jointly by the United Nations Statistical Office, the World Health Organization, the United Nations population Fund and the International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics.

    Among other activities proposed in the Programme, the Statistical Commission approved the suggestion that specialized workshops should be conducted in Latin America, Africa and other regions, under its auspices, and urged the United Nations Statistical Office and the other agencies sponsoring the Programme to implement those workshops as soon as possible.

    The main objectives of the Workshop were: (i) to discuss ways and means for promoting the knowledge of vital-statistics and civil-registration systems in the invited countries; (ii) to evaluate the present situation of the systems i n each country, including the adaptation of registration procedures and ~he stages of processing of the statistics obtained; and (iii) to suggest the maln components of the national plans of action for the improvement of the systems ln the participating countries.

    To that end, the Workshop discussed the following: (a) Diagnosis of the national vital-statistics and civil-registration systems in each country, including technical facilities, resources and the problems encountered in actions designed to improve the systems; (b) The role of the vital-statistics and civil-registrations systems in each country for various uses and application; (c) strategies for solving the problems of the systems in order to promote their development , bearing in mind the availability of modern technology; (d) The elements required for a national programme of activities, in the short and medium term, for substantial improvement of the system, with the priority objective of increasing the coverage in the registration of vital facts; (e) The forms of technical cooperation between international, regional and non-governmental agencies in support of the national plans of action for improving the systems.

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