Malawi national seminar on census data analysis

19-07-2010  – 22-07-2010 Blantyre

The Malawi National Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 19 to 22 July in Malawi. The main objective of the national seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Malawi National Statistical Office in collaboration with the University of Malawi Population Studies Centre, to further collaborate on the analysis of data from the 2008 census of Malawi on selected topics. The national seminar will cover the following topics: (i) fertility and nuptiality from a gender perspective; (ii) fertility indices based on data from the 2008 census; (iii) measures of nuptiality based on data from the 2008 census: and (iv) and use of the CensusInfo software for data presentation and dissemination. After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

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Workshop on the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics in SADC region

01-12-2008  – 05-12-2008 Blantyre

Within the framework of the project “Strengthening statistical capacity-building in support of progress towards the Internationally Agreed Development Goals in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region”, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), is organizing a Workshop on the Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics. The workshop will be hosted by the National Statistical Office of Malawi in Blantyre, Malawi from 1 to 5 December, 2008. The purpose of the workshop is to: (a) provide training to SADC countries on the implementation of the United Nations guidelines and international standards on civil registration and vital statistics in terms of concepts, definitions, data collection methods and compilation; (b) assess the current status of the civil registration and vital statistics system in SADC countries and identify gaps to be filled; and (c) review national capacities to produce and provide national vital statistics to UNSD through the Demographic Yearbook questionnaire. The workshop places a special emphasis on assessing the functioning and efficiency of the exchange of information between data sources (civil registration) and producers (national statistical authorities) of vital statistics.

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