United Nations regional workshop on CensusInfo for Arabic-speaking countries

03-12-2012  – 06-12-2012 Amman

United Nations regional workshop on CensusInfo for Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries

26-11-2012  – 30-11-2012 Oranjestad

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United Nations national workshop on CensusInfo for Cambodia

25-06-2012  – 29-06-2012 Phnom Penh

Organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the Cambodia National Institute of Statistics, the workshop is aimed at training staff at the national statistical office in the full potential of CensusInfo as a platform for disseminating census data at any geographical level. The workshop is intended to develop the national CensusInfo application, with accompanying databases and customized features; it will involve fifteen professionals from the NIS. The workshop is part of the series of national training workshops developed by UNSD aiming at developing and putting in place national CensuInfo applications for dissemination of population and housing census statistics using contemporary technology.

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  • Keiko Osaki Tomita, Tel.: +1 212 963 8338, E-mail: osaki@un.org

United Nations workshop for South Asian countries on collection and dissemination of socio-economic data from population and housing censuses

28-05-2012  – 31-05-2012 New Delhi

The United Nations Statistics Division is organizing a Workshop for South Asian countries on Collection and Dissemination of Socio-economic Data from Population and Housing Censuses. The workshop will take place in New Delhi, India from 28 to 31 May 2012. The purpose of the workshop is to present international standards and country practices for conducting population and housing censuses with a focus on recommended core topics and tabulations as identified in the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2. The workshop will also offer an opportunity to discuss the use of technological tools and of GIS web-based mapping and spatial analysis in the dissemination of census data as well as of the CensusInfo software as a tool for data dissemination. Lastly, the workshop will also provide a forum for sharing of national practices and experiences regarding determination of census topics and tabulations and also strategies for dissemination of census data.

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United Nations regional workshop on CensusInfo

15-05-2012  – 18-05-2012 Almaty

Organized by DESA’s Statistics Division in collaboration with the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Regional Workshop on CensusInfo is expected to gather representatives from nine Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region countries. The Regional Workshop will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from 15 to 18 May 2012. The purpose of the Regional Workshop is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination of census data as well as highlighting CensusInfo’s potential as a platform for disseminating census data at any geographical level. The workshop will demonstrate the various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo, including the preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The workshop sessions will also include hands-on training on using the CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications.

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National CensusInfo Training

14-05-2012  – 18-05-2012 Dushanbe

Organized by DESA’s Statistics Division in collaboration with the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Regional Workshop on CensusInfo is expected to gather representatives from nine Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region countries. The Regional Workshop will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from 15 to 18 May 2012. The purpose of the Regional Workshop is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination of census data as well as highlighting CensusInfo’s potential as a platform for disseminating census data at any geographical level. The workshop will demonstrate the various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo, including the preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The workshop sessions will also include hands-on training on using the CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications.

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Kenya national seminar on census data analysis

19-03-2012  – 22-03-2012 Nairobi

The Kenya Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 19 to 22 March 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya. The main objective of the national seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics to further analyze data from the 2009 population and housing census of Kenya on selected topics. The ultimate objective is to promote greater analysis and dissemination of the data collected from the Kenya 2009 census.

The national seminar will cover the following topics: (i) population projections at sub-national and sectoral level, (ii) analysis of data on international migration, and (iii) analysis of data on gender issues.

After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

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National workshop on CensusInfo

05-12-2011  – 09-12-2011 Kampala

Organized by UNSD in collaboration with Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), the workshop is designed to demonstrate through in-depth, hands-on experiences, the potential of CensusInfo as a platform for disseminating census data at any geographical level. The participants of UBOS will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The sessions will include hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications as well as an introduction in the process of web-enabling the CensusInfo database. The objective of the training is to create a first version of a Uganda CensusInfo application including maps and a subset of data/indicators based on data of the 2002 census and earlier censuses if available.

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  • Jan Beise Tel. , Tel.: +1 212 963 4966, E-mail: beise@un.org

Regional workshop on CensusInfo

28-11-2011  – 30-11-2011 New Delhi

Organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, the Regional Workshop on CensusInfo will take place in New Delhi, India from 28 to 30 November 2011. Representatives of about 20 countries from the Asian region are expected to participate in the workshop. The workshop is intended to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination of census data as well as highlight CensusInfo’s potential as a platform for disseminating census data at any geographical level. The workshop will demonstrate the various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo, including the preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The workshop sessions will also include hands-on training on using the CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications.

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Cameroon national CensusInfo training

03-10-2011  – 07-10-2011 Yaoundé

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with Central Bureau of the Census and Population Studies (BUCREP). This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo, to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software The sessions also includes hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

Kenya national CensusInfo training

26-09-2011  – 30-09-2011 Nairobi

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo, to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software The sessions also includes hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

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Workshop on national adaption of CensusInfo

19-09-2011  – 23-09-2011 Colombo

The workshop is intended to develop the capacity of the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka to adapt CensusInfo to its full potential as a platform for disseminating census data. The training participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo, including the preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The sessions will include hands-on training on using the CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications as well as an introduction to the process of web-enabling the CensusInfo database.

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Mexico national CensusInfo training

18-07-2011  – 22-07-2011 Aguascalientes

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with INEGI Mexico. This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo, to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software The sessions also includes hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

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Indonesia national CensusInfo training

14-03-2011  – 18-03-2011 Jakarta

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with BPS Indonesia. This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software. The sessions also include hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

Malawi national CensusInfo training

29-11-2010  – 03-12-2010 Zomba

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with the National Statistical Office, Malawi. This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software. The sessions also include hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

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CensusInfo user application training workshop

11-10-2010  – 13-10-2010 Cairo

CensusInfo User Application Training Workshop was conducted at the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in Cairo, Egypt, from 11 to 13 September 2010. The purpose of the three-day workshop was to develop participants’ capacities to use CensusInfo in their work and research. The training was aimed at researchers, census experts and other staff of related sections of the CAPMAS. Twenty-eight participants attended.

The workshop comprised the following sessions: (1) Searching data, (2) Presenting data: Tables, Graphs and Maps, (3) Using Gallery, (4) Presenting data using Reports, (5) Compute indicators using CensusInfo database, (6) Using advance presentation objects, (7) Group work. Each session included a demonstration on CensusInfo feature and hands-on exercise for specific research subject.

United Nations national advanced training Workshop on CensusInfo

20-09-2010  – 23-09-2010 Cairo

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is organizing a national advanced training on CensusInfo in Egypt from 20 to 23 September 2010.

The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the capacity of CAPMAS staff to use CensusInfo software as a tool for disseminating population and housing census results. The workshop has been designed using an outcome-based training methodology consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises based on the 2008 census results of Egypt. Participants will learn how to customise CensusInfo software according to national requirements in order to finalise the national application of CensusInfo which was drafted during the basic training held in Cairo from 2-6 May 2010.

More information about the CensusInfo software is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/sources/census/2010_PHC/CensusInfo/index.htm

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United Nations regional seminar on census data dissemination and spatial analysis

14-09-2010  – 17-09-2010 Nairobi

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in cooperation with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, is organizing the Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Seminar is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination and use of census data. The Seminar will review emerging trends, innovative approaches and technological tools employed in the dissemination of census data. The Seminar is expected to provide a basis for assessing existing national dissemination strategies as well as technologies used by National Statistical Offices. It will also aid in taking stock of national capacities and challenges for meeting the increasing requirements of census data users. Furthermore, the Seminar is expected to help in identifying good practices and lessons learned in the dissemination and analysis of census data. The ideas generated by the discussion and the recommendations made by participants will contribute towards the drafting of an international guideline for effective dissemination and utilization of census data.

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Malawi national seminar on census data analysis

19-07-2010  – 22-07-2010 Blantyre

The Malawi National Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 19 to 22 July in Malawi. The main objective of the national seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Malawi National Statistical Office in collaboration with the University of Malawi Population Studies Centre, to further collaborate on the analysis of data from the 2008 census of Malawi on selected topics. The national seminar will cover the following topics: (i) fertility and nuptiality from a gender perspective; (ii) fertility indices based on data from the 2008 census; (iii) measures of nuptiality based on data from the 2008 census: and (iv) and use of the CensusInfo software for data presentation and dissemination. After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

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Egypt national seminar on census data analysis

17-05-2010  – 19-05-2010 Cairo

Egypt National Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 17 to 19 May in Cairo, Egypt. The main objective of the seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in collaboration with the Cairo Demographic Center and Cairo University, to further collaborate on the analysis of data from the 2006 census Egypt on selected topics. The seminar will cover an overview of calculation of the wealth index; gender analysis; and use of the CensusInfo software for data presentation and dissemination. After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

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  • Keiko Osaki Tomita, Tel.: +1 212 963 8338, E-mail: osaki@un.org

Egypt National CensusInfo Training

02-05-2010  – 06-05-2010 Cairo

A national CensusInfo training was conducted at the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in Cairo, Egypt, from 2 to 6 May 2010. This national training was intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo, to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. The participating CAPMAS staff learnt various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, importing data, language translation and customization of the software package. The sessions also included hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications as well as in introduction in the process of web-enabling the CensusInfo database. The participants created a first version of an Egypt CensusInfo application including maps and a subset of data/indicators based on the 2006 Census in Egypt.

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United Nations CensusInfo regional workshop

30-11-2009  – 04-12-2009 Bamako

The United Nations Statistics Division, in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, has developed a free software package, CensusInfo, to help countries disseminate census data on CD-ROM and on the web. CensusInfo was officially launched at the 40th session of the Statistical Commission in February 2009 and is available on-line. The overall purpose of the UNSD Workshop, to be held in Bamako (Mali), is to develop participants’ capacities to use CensusInfo to its full potential as a platform for disseminating census data. The workshop has been designed using an outcome-based training methodology consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises. The sessions include designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including data exchange to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes. The workshop will be conducted in French in AFRISTAT facilities in Bamako, Mali, from 30 November to 4 December 2009, and attended by French-speaking countries from Africa.

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United Nations CensusInfo regional workshop

10-11-2009  – 13-11-2009 Maputo

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Estatística of Mozambique, is organizing a Regional Workshop on CensusInfo in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses. The Workshop will take place from 10-13 November 2009 in Maputo, Mozambique.

The United Nations Statistics Division, in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, has developed a free software package, CensusInfo to help countries disseminate census data on CD-ROM and on the web. CensusInfo offers specific functionalities to enhance census data dissemination, including a user-friendly interface, template reports for presentation of data at any geographical level, as well as graphing and mapping facilities. CensusInfo can be customized, in terms of the graphical layout, the list of statistics/indicators and geographical levels for data presentation. CensusInfo was officially launched at the 40th session of the Statistical Commission in February 2009 and is available on-line.

The overall purpose of the Workshop is to develop participants’ capacities to use CensusInfo to its full potential as a platform for disseminating census data. The workshop has been designed using an outcome-based training methodology consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises. The sessions include designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including data exchange to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

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Regional Workshop on CensusInfo

12-10-2009  – 15-10-2009 Georgetown

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, is organizing a Regional Workshop on CensusInfo in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses. The Workshop will take place from 12-15 October 2009 in Georgetown, Guyana.

The United Nations Statistics Division, in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, has developed a free software package, CensusInfo to help countries disseminate census data on CD-ROM and on the web. CensusInfo offers specific functionalities to enhance census data dissemination, including a user-friendly interface, template reports for presentation of data at any geographical level, as well as graphing and mapping facilities. CensusInfo can be customized, in terms of the graphical layout, the list of statistics/indicators and geographical levels for data presentation. CensusInfo was officially launched at the 40th session of the Statistical Commission in February 2009 and is available on-line.

The overall purpose of the Workshop is to develop participants’ capacities to use CensusInfo to its full potential as a platform for disseminating census data. The workshop has been designed using an outcome-based training methodology consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises. The sessions include designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including data exchange to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

More details:


  • Jean-Michel Durr, Tel.: +1 917 367 9165, E-mail: durr@un.org

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