Central Product Classification

Last updated : 15 November 2023

Global Consultation on the Draft Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 3.0

The revision of the Central Product Classification, Version 2.1 (CPC Ver. 2.1) was mandated by the United Nations Statistical Commission during its 52nd session in March 2021. The United Nations Committee of Experts on International Statistical Classifications (UNCEISC) created the Task Team on the Central Product Classification (TT-CPC) to carry out the revision and prepare a new version of CPC.

The draft structure of CPC Ver. 3.0 under consultation includes the codes and titles from the one-digit section level to the five-digit subclass level. It is the result of extensive discussions within the task team in consultation with experts in different areas such as classifications, national accounts, business statistics, financial statistics, environmental accounting and other domains of official statistics from countries and international and regional organizations. A global consultation on the initial list of issues was conducted in 2021-22. The draft structure of CPC Ver. 3.0 represents the decisions made by the TT-CPC with the support of its members.

There were many issues and proposals for the revision of CPC. Although not all proposals for change in the revised CPC are reflected in the final structure of the classification, they have been carefully discussed by the task team. Often more work was needed to fully assess the feasibility and conceptual consistency of certain structural changes. The task team recognized that these issues would have to be revisited in future revisions of the classification and thus they will be included in the research agenda for CPC.

This global consultation aims to collect feedback on the structure of the revised CPC and collect issues for future revision of CPC. The draft structure of CPC Ver. 3.0 and the accompanying note are available below.

Following this global consultation and based on its outcomes, the structure of CPC Ver 3.0 will be submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission for endorsement at its 55th session in March 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us at chl@un.org.