Classification Detail

CPC, Provisional - Code 91134


Explanatory note

Public administrative services for road and water transport, railway and air transport, and communications affairs. Administrative services by offices, bureaux and programme units concerning: planning, design, construction, maintenance, and improvement of roads and highways and associated structures; roadbeds and associated structures; water transport facilities; railway; airports, runways, terminals, hangars, air navigation aids and other fixed structures and equipment associated with transport by air; and pipelines and other transport facilities; supervision and regulation of such work and development and administration of operation regulations for all the above-mentioned transport media and related equipment. Administrative services for communications affairs, i.e. postal, telephone, telegraph, cable and wireless communications systems, and communications satellites. Included are services concerning design, construction, operation, and improvement of communications systems and services concerning the development and administration of regulations for these systems. Also included are support services and information dissemination services for all the above-mentioned affairs. Exclusions: Street cleaning and street lighting services are classified in subclass 91123 (Administrative housing and community amenity services). Public administrative services related to the regulation and monitoring of pollution arising from motor vehicle operation are also classified in subclass 91123. Traffic control services are classified in subclass 91260 (Police and fire protection services). Control services of water traffic are also classified in subclass 91260.


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