Classification Detail

CPC, Provisional - Code 88


88 - Agricultural, mining and manufacturing services



Explanatory note

Services rendered on a fee or contract basis by units mainly engaged in the production of transportable goods, and services typically related to the production of such goods. A great number and a wide variety of services are classified here which may be classified according to broad industry categories into: Services incidental to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing: services rendered on a fee or contract basis, mostly performed at the site where the agricultural production is done, e.g. services providing agricultural machinery with drivers and crew; harvesting and related services; services of farm labour contractors; animal boarding, care and breeding services; services to promote propagation, growth and output of animals; services to promote commercial hunting and trapping; timber evaluation, firefighting, forest management including forest damage assessment services; logging related services; services related to fishery and operational services of fish hatcheries or fish farms. Services incidental to mining: services rendered on a fee or contract basis at oil and gas fields, e.g. drilling services, derrick building, repair and dismantling services, oil and gas well casings cementing services. Exclusion: Mineral prospecting services, oil and gas field exploration and geophysical (e.g. seismic) and geological surveying services are classified in class 8675 (Engineering related scientific and technical consulting services). Services incidental to manufacturing: these include manufacturing on a fee or contract basis, i.e. manufacturing services rendered to others where the raw materials processed, treated or finished are not owned by the manufacturer. Assembly, installation other than construction work, fitting of articles, maintenance and repair services are also classified here. The following are examples of manufacturing services: - services rendered on a fee or contract basis related to processing and preserving of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, dairy products and bakery products; - services rendered on a fee or contract basis related to finishing of textiles and manufacture of made-up textile articles (incl. services concerning some entrepreneurial functions, e.g. designing and preparing samples); services related to tanning and dressing of leather and to manufacture of leather and footwear; - printing on a fee or contract basis and services related to printing, e.g. bookbinding services; - casting and forging services of metals treatment and coating services of metals; general mechanical engineering services on a fee or contract basis; repair services incidental to metal products, machinery and equipment. Exclusions: Installation work for constructions is classified in group 516. Repair services of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and household appliances, equipment, furnishings and other consumer goods are classified in subclasses/61120 and 61220 and in group 633 (Repair services of personal and household goods). Services consisting in merely bottling and labelling liquors, wines and waters are classified in subclass 62226 (Wholesale trade services of beverages), if performed as part of buying and selling at wholesale, and in subclass 87600 (Packaging services), if performed on a fee or contract basis. Maintenance and repair services of office and computing machinery are classified in subclass 84500. Services incidental to energy distribution: transmission and distribution services on a fee or contract basis of electricity, gaseous fuels and steam and hot water to household, industrial, commercial and other users. Exclusion: Transport services via pipeline on a fee or contract basis of petroleum and natural gas are classified in subclass 71310.


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