ISIC, Rev. 4 - Code 0113
0113 - Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
Explanatory note
This class includes:
- growing of leafy or stem vegetables such as:
* artichokes
* asparagus
* cabbages
* cauliflower and broccoli
* lettuce and chicory
* spinach
* other leafy or stem vegetables
- growing of fruit bearing vegetables such as:
* cucumbers and gherkins
* eggplants (aubergines)
* tomatoes
* watermelons
* cantaloupes
* other melons and fruit-bearing vegetables
- growing of root, bulb or tuberous vegetables such as:
* carrots
* turnips
* garlic
* onions (incl. shallots)
* leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
* other root, bulb or tuberous vegetables
- growing of mushrooms and truffles
- growing of vegetable seeds, except beet seeds
- growing of sugar beet
- growing of other vegetables
- growing of roots and tubers such as:
* potatoes
* sweet potatoes
* cassava
* yams
* other roots and tubers
This class excludes:
- growing of mushroom spawn, see 0130
- growing of chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.) and other spices and aromatic crops, see 0128
This code corresponds to the following:
To obtain the full list of correspondences please visit this link