Classification Detail

CPC, Version 2 - Code 91131


Explanatory note

This subclass includes: - public administrative services related to: * agricultural land management * agrarian reform and land settlement * stabilization of agrarian markets * veterinary affairs * pest control * forestry * fishing and hunting affairs * agricultural research and experimental development - administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning: * conservation of farmland * land reclamation * land improvement and expansion * supply of veterinary services to farms * eradication or control of pests, vermin, plant diseases or other destructive agents * crop inspection and grading - public administrative services related to: * regulations governing forest operations * issuing of tree-felling licences * rationalization of forest resources, exploitation * reforestation work * operation and support of game preserves and fish hatcheries * development and monitoring of regulations, including the licensing of fishing and hunting - support and information services for all the above-mentioned affairs


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