Registry Detail


Last updated:
30/06/2000 00:00:00
New ISIC categories for household production


Due to the changes in SNA ILO believed that ISIC was no longer in line with SNA. Certain activities were not very well represented in ISIC. SNA now recognized not only the traditional production boundaries, but also included household production of goods for own consumption. Additionally they had created the concept of the extended production boundary that also included household production of services for own consumption. . No division in ISIC, in its present form, include the production of goods or services by persons for their households' own use. However, as ISIC 95 did include such production by the households' hired staff ILO believed that either 95 should be enlarged, or ideally additional classes should be included in tabulation category P: * 96 Household production of goods for own use * 97 Household production of services for own use The TSG recognized, as did ILO, that the proposed 97 was outside the scope of ISIC since ISIC had traditionally been defined as encompassing all production as defined by SNA, but questioned whether 96 was methodological correct. Austria expressed opposition to creating additional categories in ISIC to accommodate goods produced by households. Its position is that they should be included with similar goods throughout ISIC. The TSG debated whether the inclusion of such extra classes was a question that might better be resolved by ILO in the implementation of survey recommendations. Another possibility that was discussed was to create sections 100 or higher to separate them from the classification but provide a holding place. After long debate the TSG accepted that the inclusion of such classes within the structure of ISIC was justified and would facilitate more complete analysis of the economy, especially of the shift between make or buy.



France and ILO to make operational proposal for discussion at the October meeting, including necessary inclusions in introduction and in explanatory notes Deadline end-September