Registry Detail


Last updated:
10/03/2000 18:28:00
COFOG code for government finance statistics


According to COFOG, where should the "classification of government expenditure a ccording to the GFS" be classified? The function is delivered by the central statistical agency. Is it statistics of fiscal affairs? In which case the function should be 01.1.2 Financial and fiscal affairs. Or is it general statistics? In which case in should fall under 01.3 General ser vices.



The compilation of government finance statistics by the central statistical office is classified in COFOG 01.3.2. (Overall planning and statistical services). The explanatory note of 01.3 (General services) states that it covers services connected with a particular function that are undertaken by central offices. As examples, it lists the compilation of industry, environment, health or education statistics by a central statistical agency. Therefore, financial statistics compiled by the central statistical office should also be included in COFOG 01.3.2. In many countries, however, financial statistics are compiled by the Central Bank or Ministry of Finance. The exclusion under 01.3.2. refers to such cases when it states that statistical services connected with a specific function are classified according to function. Production and dissemination of statistics on financial and fiscal affairs not undertaken by the central statistical agency would thus be classified in COFOG 01.1.2 (Financial and fiscal affairs).